Sweet Love Quotes for Your Girlfriend in 2022

Quotes have been used over time to inspire and motivate people and, in some cases, to impress people. You should try out one on your girlfriend too. The quotes we prepared are for your use.

You want to make her smile, remind her of your love for her, make her fall in love with you again or just text her and don’t know what to type. All you have to do is scroll through this post, copy the quote you like and forward to her.

Trust me, you’ll have a lot to thank us for after you try one of these quotes on your girlfriend.

Best of Sweet Love Quotes for Her – Sweet Love Quotes to Send to Your Girlfriend and make her feel loved.

1. “Love is a canopy the shield and gives to those blessed enough to find it. Love is like a house the saves and favours all who are lucky enough to be in it at any point. I love you so much, Darling.”

2. “Love may come uninvited but leaves good behind. It may come harsh and incomprehensible, but it leaves bliss where it will be. I love you forever, my Darling.”

3. “In love, truth thrives and peace is not lost in numerous differences and wars. In love, there’s true life and joy is not affected by the sad results of mistakes. I love you so much, my sweetheart.”

4. “Love does request that I will be your all, that I am the only one you can talk to, but that I am one of those who touches you most positively and one who cares about you much. I love you, my sweetheart.”

5. “I realised that love is of more value than money, of more importance than strength. I realised that love making mistakes is better than perfection without it. I love you forever, my sweetheart.”

6. “Love sees no reason to bless but it does. Love sees no criteria to give, but it goes ahead to. Love favours all, and everyone deserves it. I love you forever, my love.”

7. “It doesn’t matter the road you take or the decision you make or the items you stake, as long as love is the force behind it, you’re not making a mistake. I love you so much, my darling.”

8. “Love is enough motivation to help others and to be awesome. Love is enough to push you to the greatest height of excellence. I think love makes us perfect. I love you, my sweetheart.”

9. “Love doesn’t need other factors to complete its awesomeness and it doesn’t need a compliment to do things that will leave you awestruck. I love you so much, my dear.”

10. “You should love. Love is a saviour and a preserver. Love is beautiful. Love is faithful and unbreakable. I love you forever, my heart.”

11. “There’s a place where giving good gifts is regular, where sharing beautiful things is normal and where every result is incredibly awesome. That place is love. I love you so much, my darling.”

12. “I may not be where you are, but with love, I can follow you wherever you go. No matter the distance between us, love will find a way to connect us. I love you forever, my baby.”

13. “Love commits and demands no payback. Love blesses and asks for nothing in return. Ignorance is not bliss, love is. I love you so much, sweetheart.”

14. “One beautiful thing about love is that it makes one superhuman, such that he can sacrifice without much pain and give up a lot without much thought. I love you so much, my Darling.”

15. “Love may be hard to walk in and may put you through hard and sad times, but one day you’ll realise that love is true bliss and you’ll enjoy loving. I love you, my heart.”

16. “If I know someone loves me, then I could put the power over my life in his hands, because faithfulness and trust lie deep inside love. I love you forever, my sweetheart.”

17. “Love is an instrument that produces every good sound, a factory that produces only sound goods and a hand that offers only good services. I love you so much, my darling.”

18. “Beauty is a part of love, bliss is a part of love and so is every other good thing. Love should replace the word “good” in some cases. I love you so much, my baby.”

19. “Love adds colour to days beautifully, adds beauty to moments colourfully. It adds spice to every period of time you find it in. Love should be everywhere compulsorily. I love you, my sweetheart.”

20. “Love is a rebel against what’s injurious and defiant to trouble. Love is resistant to unfairness and a fighter against what’s detrimental. I love you forever, Darling.”

21. “Faith may shake, peace may seize, joy may decrease, but love always remains. Love’s strong cords never break, it’s armed never weakens. I love you forever, my sweetheart.”

22. “Love is what makes you never lose focus on a person or thing, even though the earth is filled with more of them with different unique specifications. I love you so much, my heart.”

23. “Walking in love daily results in daily blessings. Walking in love is the most interesting and exciting journey one can ever take. I love you forever, my sweetheart.”

24. “God gave all the ability to love because he meant for the world to be blissful. When love is shared, a step toward Bliss is being taken. I love you so much, my sweetheart.”

25. “Living without love is worse than death. Death is passive, but life without love is active negatively — it destroys. Love builds and heals. I love you, my sweetheart.”

26. “The presence of love in a person should be what determines his importance. Money and power cannot do what love can. I love you forever, my baby.”

27. “Life without love must be the hell we heard of. Love is all the beauty and awesomeness put together and is blissful — I think that’s what makes heaven what it is. I love you forever, dearie.”

28. “Love tells us that heaven can be on earth. Love says that, even where evil thrives, good can take over, that the joy we wish for is achievable. I love you so much, my heart.”

29. “Our love burns really hot I fear anyone that comes between us will be burnt. I think we have ten fingers, each one representing a hundred years we’ll spend together in love. I love you, my Darling.”

30. “Love is more than anything else, greener than vegetation, brighter than the sun and more. Love is big but also found in the smallest of hearts that choose to spread it. I love you so much, Darling.”

31. “When love takes over you, that’s the beginning of the solution to your problems. When love takes over you, you’re in for a life of perfect bliss. I love you forever, my sweetheart.”

32. “When love touches a person, it tries to save him. Accepting love is optional but the benefits, no word is powerful enough to describe. I love you so much, my sweetheart.”

33. “Love is a fire. A refining one that creates pure and golden hearts, a consuming one that eliminates pain and an uncontrollable one. I love you, Darling.”

34. “Love is a puppet to good intentions and the source of good results. Love speaks and acts and the results are life-enriching. I love you forever, my baby.”

35. “Obstacles may block your way and troubles may surround it, but love won’t give up until it gives the generous gift it offers to who is in need of it. I love you so much, my Darling.”

36. “Love stays through pain and pleasure, through war and peace, joy and sorrow. Love endures and enjoys all. We need love more than anything. I love you so much, my sweetheart.”

37. “The light of love shines, no matter how little. Its force pushes on, even if it’s trivial. Love keeps moving, no matter how slow. I love you in ways I can’t describe, my heart.”

38. “Love needs no reward to motivate it, needs no situation to push it and needs no thanks for encouraging it. Also, love needs only itself, is enough for itself. I love you forever, my Darling.”

39. “Love nurses it’s wound after a good fight, washes itself up, takes a well-deserved rest and gets back to fight. Love is unbreakable and is bent on good things. I love you beyond measure, my sweetheart.”

40. “If we all look to love, we’ll be better people. If we all have love, we will, by our little actions and normal activities, create a blissful earth for all. I love you without boundaries, Darling.”

41. “Love is the reason I stick to you. It directed me to you and will keep me forever. Rest assured, nothing will go wrong because love is involved. I love you, my heart.”

42. “The earlier love finds you, the better for you. Love makes everything and everyone better, no matter their state when found by it. Love hurts but doesn’t kill. It hurts those it’ll save. I love you dearly, my sweetheart.”

43. “Love is intoxicating and produces bliss. Love is strong and rigid but is pleasant. Love may be mysterious, but I understand that it ends with perfect joy. I love you so much, baby.”

44. “In good times, trust love to bring better ones. Love has no limits to how better it can make something. Love doesn’t stop adding more good to even what’s very good. I love you, darling.”

45. “Love is a true story of bliss, a real description of perfection, an awesome tale of happiness. Love reaches for the best and gives to others. I love you, my sweetheart.”

46. “If love seizes you, you’ll be like God. If you’re lost in love, you’ll answer to a lot of prayers. A day you don’t show love is a wasted one. I love you so much, baby.”

47. “Love is the perfection of humanity. You want to be excellent, then let love lead you. Let love guide you and you’ll experience great heights of peace. I love you forever, my sweetheart.”

48. “Love is the cord that holds us together. We’re together for life because love never dies. Love is all shades of beauty and preserves us in its beauty. I love you so much, my heart.”

49. “After all the activities and promises, love is what keeps people together. Beyond all the kisses and smiles and texts, there’s the real thing holding people together — love. I love you, my Darling.”

50. “Everyone deserves love and everyone that breaths should give out love. But people like you reciprocate it, while still being so loveable. I love you, my Darling.”

51. “Love guarantees a future of Bliss. Love gives all it has to get what it wants. And what it wants is joy and peace for all. Love is beautiful and unique. I love you, Darling.”

52. “Love is the best answer to every question, the best solution to every problem. One who walks in love will be a saviour to many as well as himself. I love you, my sweetheart.”

53. “Love remains what it is, not changing meanings no matter where it is. Love may come in different forms, but love yesterday is love today and will be love tomorrow. I love you, my Darling.”

54. “The worth of anyone’s life rests in love one way or another. Love is the difference between good and bad. Its importance cannot be overemphasized. I love you, my Darling.”

55. “Without love, one has nothing to be proud of. Love is the only thing one should be proud of. Love can do more and better than any other thing. I love you, my sweetheart.”


56. “Love will light up a city more than electricity can. Love will burn up thrash more severely than any furnace. Love will cause more change than wars can. I love you for life, my heart.”

57. “Isn’t it weird that all answers are found in love, that finding love is as good as feeling all the joy and peace you’ll get when you get all answers to life questions? I love you, my sweetheart.”

58. “I’ll give up all my money if that’s what I need to do to preserve the love I’ve found. No price is too much to pay for love. Love is the most precious thing. I love you, my Darling.”

59. “Love is a corrector as it fixes faults. People think love is blind, but what happens is love does not let the faults distract it from giving it’s best to others. I love you so much, sweetheart.”

60. “Love leads to joy. Love may go through sad and hard times, confusing moments, rough and thorny paths and dark roads, but it brings joy finally. I love you so much, my Darling.”

61. “Let everything fade away, but not love. For love has the power to restore every good thing back. Love is where every good thing comes from, so it’s a source of true bliss. I love you, my baby.”

62. “Life is only truly enjoyable with love in it. Without love, the length of joy is uncertain. Without love, a lot will go badly wrong and nothing will be able to save anything. I love you forever, my heart.”

63. “There’s no glory that compares to that of love. You can downplay the role of love in the human society, but you can’t change the fact that it brings the best gifts to us. I love you forever, my sweetheart.”

64. “The song of every good thing is love. Love is, in a way, a collection of every good thing. Love is the only strongest force and it lasts forever, so we are safe in its hands. I love you for life, my heart

65. “Every passing second will be a countdown to destruction if love ceases. The only grounds on which we stand to hope for better times ahead is love. I love you without borders, my heart.”

66. “On every stand, in every place, love tries to find a way to bless others, through every means it can. Love never get tired of doing good. I love you, baby.”

67. “I’m convinced that love brought out the best in me, that every good in me is a result of love and that, without love, I’ll be worse than I am. I love you, darling.”

68. “Nothing can take love’s place. If there’s a replacement for love, it will not be on this earth. Love is unique and has no substitute. I love you forever, my heart.”

69. “The call of love is to keep making people better, never stopping. The mission of love, if achieved — when achieved — will leave all humans on a path of steady progress. I love you so much, my sweetheart.”

70. “Love says only one thing. It speaks of growth and betterment, of bliss and excellence, of beauty and perfection. Love speaks positivity. I love you, my sweetheart.”

71. “Love cries for more and more good. Love is never satisfied, no matter how much good is done. So you see? Love is perfectly good. I love you, my Darling.”

72. “Love places an assignment on those it dwell in, an assignment to beautify people, to make them more joyful. All love wants to see is for things to be good. I love you so much, Darling.”

73. “Love may be a whip and chain, but smiles will proceed from its results. Love may be sting like scorpions, but it only does that to heal. I love you, my darling.”

74. “No matter how wise, rich, beautiful, awesome, strong and influential, there’s something better love can do for you. Love remains greater than all. I love you, my heart.”

75. “Love carries in it every good thing and gives them to all, no matter how much they have already. Also, love is like a bag of good gifts that never gets empty. I love you so much, my sweetheart.”

76. “Love is not a slave to people with money or a servant to those with influence. Love gives all the good as love, without being asked to and without receiving any reward. I love you dearly, my sweetheart.”

77. “Just like Jesus gave his life for us, love is still taking risks, still giving much, still going all out to save, to help, to offer good. I love you so much, baby.”

78. “When I see things going awesomely and excellently, I think of love. The first thing that pops up on my mind at the sight of bliss is love. I love you without restrictions, my honey.”

79. “Love checks on us all to see how great we’re doing and do all it can to heal us if we’re broken and to give us more if we’re alright. With love, there’s always a higher step. I love you, my sweetheart.”

80. “Love is no mediocre. Its ability to transform humanity into a beautiful thing in a way nothing else can is just one thing that makes it peculiar. I love you so much, dearie.”

81. “No rose is as beautiful as love and no natural scene is as breathtaking as love. Love is the most pleasant thing we’ll ever know. I love you, my Darling.”

82. “Love is strong to do help, to save, to do good, but incapable of doing any harm. Love is the only thing that leaves all happy in the end. I love you, my sweetheart.”

83. “We may be unconscious of it, but love shows in the little favours we do, the little assistance we offer, the little light we shine. I love you so much, darling.”

84. “Fruitful is anywhere that love resides and blissful is the experience of any heart that love dwells in. Love does more good than we can ever find. I love you madly, my Darling.”

85. “Love offers beauty without a speck of ugliness, joy without a threat of sorrow and life without the fear of death. I love you forever, my baby.”

86. “Only love can bring to reality every good conceivable and every bliss imaginable. Only love guarantees us of things being alright. I love you, my darling.”

87. “Love is limitless, going all out with an endless drive for bliss, never stopping even when good is done. There is no end to what love offers.”

88. “Love fights to save the many lives depending on it. It struggles to heal and to give good gifts. A world without love will never see true Bliss. I love you, my heart.”

89. “I see the love we share and know that I’m, of all men, most lucky. Your love is unique. The love I find in you is blissful and can’t be found elsewhere. I love you, my heart.”

90. “Love is wild and mad. Love, being unrestrained, saves without being asked to. No broken heart comes from love because love only heals. I love you, sweetie.”

91. “If it gives up, if it is evil, if it’s not excellent, then it’s not love, for love is strong in principle. Love is a beautiful seed that brings forth bliss. I love you, my darling.”

92. “Love is a bug that never tires, a good that never retires. Love is the beginning, the process and the end —if it ever ends — of every good thing. I love you forever, my heart.”

93. “Funny enough, love is a chain breaker, a wound healer, a heart mender. Love is that force that brings us to true compassion. I love you forever, my heart.”

94. “Love is perfect — it takes away all doubt, it leaves no hurt behind, it seizes all fear. Love is perfect all by itself. I love you without restrictions, my sweetheart.”

95. “Love, the perfection of the mind, the excellence of the heart. Love, the greatest asset. Love, excellent for attack, perfect for defence. I love you so much, my sweetheart.”

96. “One could get lost or confused on the way, but as long as love supports the walk, he’ll surely get back on the right track. Love is the light and will never leave one lost. I love you.”

97. “Walk in love and see how positively you’ll affect your world. Walk in love and, whether it’s recognized or not, you’ll have contributed in beautifying the world. I love you forever, my sweetheart.”

98. “There’s one way that always ends in pure laughter, the only tunnel you can be sure has light at the end. It’s love. There’s no better way. I love you for life, my darling.”

99. “For life, love stands as the surest pillar, the most solid assurance. For eternity, love doesn’t become any less of what it is. I love you so much, my baby.”

100. “The presence of Love — which may be unlike beauty — is not determined by the receiver of it. It’s not subjective. And it’s beautiful. I Love you forever, honey.”

101. “I love beauty and excellence and I find them in you. I love Bliss and I enjoy it with you. If I lose you, I’ll probably lose my mind too. I love you so much, my darling.”

102. “A day with one to love is the true definition of a beautiful day. Nothing, apart from love, can create a beautiful day. Love is the source of true beauty. I love you heavily, my heart.”

103. “With you, I feel so loved that bliss becomes a normal thing. With you, I feel so loved that I forget about every bad experience and sad moments. I love you pricelessly, my baby.”

104. “Every picture of sadness and troubles fade away anytime I come in contact with your love. I believe your love for me is real because you readily bring it to me. I love you madly, my sweetheart.”

105. “Surely, love is the only true resting place from the evils on earth and the only potent weapon to fight and destroy them. I love you forever, my baby.”

106. “Once I saw true love, it was too beautiful and its goodwill was pure. I was so awesome that I cried in pleasure. Once I saw true love and it was you. I love you, my sweetheart.”

107. “When love steps in, peace becomes stronger. When love is in control, joy becomes surer and good is sure to be set in motion. I love you forever, my sweetheart.”

108. “There’s no love without Bliss. There’s no love that’s lacking in good things. Love is beautiful, and if there’s no good in a thing, its not a thing of love. I love you, my sweety.”

109. “The mystery about love is how it pulls people together for their own good, how it changes lives for the best, how it makes humans become gods. I love you for life, my baby.”

110. “Love is something that has everything that’s good in it, like a set of great things, or a bunch of all awesomeness. Love is a great gift to any man. I love you so much, baby.”

111. “Love is like an immortal lone soldier, without mates, that have suffered lots of injuries and refused to stop fighting knowing it would never die. I love you forever, my sweetheart.”

112. “Love is the brightest colour, the most beautiful work, the most pleasant experience and the best thing. I love you so much, my Darling.”

113. “When love selects, it selects all. If it’s partial, it favours humanity. Love is the best judge of actions and standard of life. I love you so much, my darling.”

114. “Love, as beautiful as it is, is no wish or dream or fantasy. It’s real. It’s no mirage or daydream. Love is real. I love you forever, my baby.”

115. “Living in love is the only way one can live freely. Love is liberating and releases you into a life of true Bliss. If only all could have love. I love you forever, my Darling.”

116. “Believe in love and follow it’s leading and watch how lives around you become more beautiful. Watch how your own life becomes sweet too. I love you so much, my Darling.”

117. “Love brings all together. The rich and the poor. The kings and the vagabonds. Love is a unifying tool, bringing people together for their own good. I love you forever, my darling.”

118. “All the plans of love are designed with many benefits for us. One “easy” way — and the only way — to enjoy true bliss is to follow the path of love. I love you so much, my sweetheart.”

119. “The greatest deeds men can ever do are acts of love. They may not go down in history and may not be popular, but they’d have played a role in making life beautiful, at least for someone. I love you forever, my sweetheart.”

120. “Days of love are days of brightness. Love kills as much evil as it can till it makes all things good, no matter how long it takes. Love is positive and diehard about it. I love you forever, my baby.”

121. “A house of love has more than it needs. Its a house of joy. Love in a house sets it up for great blessings. I love you so much, my heart.”

122. “Love is a bringer of more joy than you need, a giver of more peace than you can imagine. One with love deserves great things and love gives them to him. I love you, my baby.”

123. “Like Titanic took a lot of lives in its doom, love takes a lot to its bliss. Just like humans fight to feed and cloth themselves, love fights to sweeten lives. I love you for life, my Darling.”

124. “At it’s lowest, love takes actions that are for our good. At it’s worst, love is still a saver. Love should be shown no matter the circumstances. I love you forever, my sweetheart.”

125. “Love is a patriot to good and is devoted to bringing the best to us. Love is loyal to bringing us to a life of full bliss. I love you and I’m not ashamed of it, my sweetheart.”

126. “When love leads, worrying about what people say is childish. Letting people’s judgement to determine your response to love is sad. I love you so much, my baby.”

127. “Love makes us look out for ourselves and turns us into one family. Love brings the lowly to sit with the high and brings about the best of changes. I love you forever, my heart.”

128. “From the night to the day, love is on duty, creating beautiful plans for us. From the day to the night, love still stays awake, bringing its plans to life through us. I love you forever, my sweetheart.”

129. “Love is a transformer, leaving you better than it meets you; an enricher, and also a saviour; a builder, and it’s proven itself over time. I love you for life, my baby.”

130. “When love whispers, it speaks of beauty and of dearness, it speaks against destruction. Love speaks of kindness and of the reality of bliss. I love you forever, my heart.”

131. “Love is perfect. Anyone walking in love is walking above mistakes. Love is beautiful. Without love, there’s no hope of genuine Bliss. Love is excellent. I love you for life, my darling.”

132. “Just like you, love is real. You become a superhuman when you walk in love. Love is out to beautify your life and that of others through you. I love you with all my heart, my sweetheart.”

133. “Love is always in line with good things. The benefits of love are more than we can list. For sure, I know love is of God. I love you madly, my heart.”

134. “Walking in love will prove you wrong if you think attaining perfection is impossible. You want to live above the mistake and fears of life? Then walk the path of love. I love you dearly, my heart.*

135. “No matter how bright a thing is, love can make it brighter. Love is limitless. It offers good, good and more good and never stops. I really love you, my baby.”

136. “Love increases our chances of survival. When shared, no matter how unnoticed it is, a wave of bliss is released. Love is magical and it is good. I love you forever, my heart.”

137. “Love makes us fight without giving up. Love makes us fight, even when the odds don’t favour us. Love never gives up and strengthens us magically. I love you so much, my Darling.”

138. “Until I pass out, I’ll live for love. Because it will bring all the good I want to see because it’s all the earth needs. Life without love will be a disaster. I love you for life, my heart.”

139. “Love is a great asset. It sets things right and brings the best results. It builds better people and creates the best of unions. I love you forever, honey.”

140. “True light is only found in love. The great and beautiful things will all come and go, but none will outdo the good love does. Love may not trend, but it never dies. I love you with all I have, my baby.”

141. “Love’s always there for us. Love is never content no matter how much it gives us. We may not recognize it, but it’s behind every good we have enjoyed. I love you madly, my heart.”

142. “Let love lead and you’ll see fear bend, failure disappear and doubts run. Let love lead and you’ll see true peace reign in you, you’ll see joy being expressed. I love you forever, my heart.”

143. “Being in love is the best place to be. The only way to live a life filled with good, filled with the best of blessings, is by living a life of love. I love you for the rest of my life, my Darling.”

144. “We may be human, but when we embrace and walk in the path of love, we do extraordinary things and create awesome results, we become perfect, superhuman, and we enjoy Bliss. I love you so much, my baby.”

145. “With love, humanity will be better. Love is strong and interesting. It has transformed hearts and the good it brings cannot be exaggerated. I love you madly, my sweetheart.”

146. “I have experienced love. I can tell it always ends well. I can tell the results are more pleasant than the sacrifices and I can testify of it’s Bliss. I love you madly, my heart.”

147. “You may think you’ve found a sweet life, but when love steps in, it brings a lot of good and never stops bringing more, it puts you on a course of progressive Bliss. I love you sweetly, my sweetheart.”

148. “Love says “prettify every life”. Not being selective, it affects all positively. Love has room for all. I love you for life, my Darling.”

149. “Love sets us on a path of true living. Nothing is as awesome and powerful as love. Love gives us a reason to give our best to others. I love you for the rest of my life, my sweetheart.”

150. “Without apology, love transforms us into better people. Without permission, it makes our lives pleasant. Without restrictions, it leads us to greater levels of Bliss. I love you, my heart.”

151. “When you feel loved, you become braver. Love has magical properties and can bring out the best in us. Love is a strengthener. I love you, my sweetheart.”

152. “We bring grace down when we love. When we love, we open windows in heaven for blessings to fall from and we create better times ahead for humanity. I love you madly, my heart.”

153. “Love builds true families and makes all happy. The only people that are sad in the face of love are wicked and ignorant. Love is a builder of good relationships and communities. I love you heavily, my baby.”

154. “The heart should understand love better than the eyes because love lives for others too, despite hurt and pain. Love is happy when others are. I love you for life, my darling.”

155. “Constantly falling in love with you is something you deserve and an ability I thank God for. There’s an awesomeness you have that makes me want to cling you. Love is beautiful and so are you. I love you very much, my baby.*

156. “You love for a thing can make you run mad for it. Love is a bond that can’t be broken and a thing that holds humans together in a beautiful way. Love is an awesome thing. I love you, my Darling.”

157. “The walls love build cannot be ripped down. When love hold, it holds dear. When it gives, it gives cheerfully. Love is a sure way of spreading blessings. I love you for life, my darling.”

158. “Be it in times of trouble or times of celebration, our love reflects. In good and bad times, our love shows. No matter how things go, our love remains strong and enviable. I love you heavily, my baby.”

159. “Love involves loyalty and understanding and, importantly, a drive to bless, a stimulation to prettify, and a push to give of yourself. I love you forever, my sweetheart.”

160. “As humans, we can’t tell the future, but we can design a beautiful one when we share love. We can erase, to a large extent the effects of our evil pasts. I love you dearly, my baby.”

161. “Love is the greatest gift. Love is awesome, beautiful, powerful and has all good gifts in it. Give love out and you’ll be giving out something as precious as life. I love you dearly, babe.”

162. “Love is continuous, progressive, never-ending. Love blesses and blesses, gives and gives. And I better understand love now that I love you. I love you heavily, my baby.”

163. “Love reveals to you a new level of Bliss. Love liberates. It brings you to a beautiful world, a heaven on earth. And all my love is just for you. I love you for life, my Darling.”

164. “One act of true love for someone, and you’ve truly blessed him. Love is God on earth and there’s nothing you can do for someone that’s better than loving them. I love you heavily, my darling.”

165. “Love infuses good into whatever it contacts and sets it up for frequent blessings. Love is great. Until love brings out the best in you, it stays. I love you madly, baby.”

166. “Love given out, may not come back, but it never fades or loses its strength. It still floats around, subtly and explicitly beautifying lives. I love you forever, my Darling.”

167. “No matter how much you love, you have nothing to lose. Things you see as losses suffered while loving are actually gains. Love and love and love and see how your life becomes sweeter and sweeter. I love you madly, my heart.”

168. “Let love be your guide and you’ll be a bringer of Bliss. Let love be your guide and you’ll be a sharer of good gifts. Let it lead you and you’ll be a destroyer of evil. I love you, my baby.”

169. “No good revealed to me equates to that which comes from love. Love benefits all. Love makes our duty to others more meaningful and interesting. I love you, my darling.”

170. “To make people better, love them. Loving them, you — sometimes even unconsciously — give them great gifts that will build them into awesome people. I love you without a doubt, my sweetheart.”

171. “Love is a platform for us to get the best gifts. Love also gives us the gift of “community,” making us perfect for each other, creating sweet coexistence. I love you very much, my Darling.”

172. “Deep thought and, thorough study led me to conclude that love is the most beautiful thing. Careful observation and detailed analysis told me my conclusion was correct. I love you for life, Darling.”

173. “Loving is a ride of fun, a journey to remember, for in that journey are only gains and the ride leads only to blessings. Love is the only factor that can really make a thing perfect. I love you forever, my heart.”

174. “I strongly believe that greater knowledge will lead you into loving more and that intelligence drags people to the paths of love. I love you madly, my sweetheart.”

175. “If I see a man of love, I see in his strength. I consider him to be perfect and I am ready to give up a lot to let him fulfil his dreams. I love you so much, my heart.”

176. “When love moves, both the giver and the receiver enjoy the good. When love moves, all parties involved are blessed, and even parties not involved are touched in a positive way. I love you heavily, my heart.”

177. “In love, we are sure to be the best version of ourselves. Take love away and you’ll successfully kill the lights in our lives, the beauty and colours of our beings. I love you very much, sweety.”

178. “Loving can be seen as doing good to all men or as raining all the blessings in heaven on earth or as setting everyone on an adventure of Bliss or as all of these. I love you dearly, my sweetheart.”

179. “We don’t say love is risky because we are sure of a good ending — which is why we don’t cry over the pains and let the sacrifices break us down when we walk in love. I love you forever, my sweetheart.”

180. “Love is a basic blessing we can give to all. We can love without having to trust anyone. Just love and watch the earth become our dream home. I love you, my heart.”

181. “I swear, every human need love more than organizations need leaders. Call me a liar, but a farmer needs love more than he needs seeds. I love you madly, my baby.”

182. “A wedding without a couple looks bad, but that’s nothing compared to the earth without love. Life, with no love towards it or from it, is not worth living. I love you forever, my heart.”

183. “Imagine a paradise and maybe you can imagine the outcome of love, for love builds so much beauty that even if it creates a heaven, it won’t stop building. I love you so much, my sweetheart.”

184. “Life has only one way to bliss and this way is a path of love. The road may not be attractive and may be a lonely one, but guaranteed, the end is free from regrets. I love you for life, my darling.”

185. “All over, love is present, desperately trying to heal a soul, to lift a spirit. Everywhere, love resides, doing all it can to bless a life. I love you madly, my one and only.”

186. “The future’s brightness depends on how much love is shown. Our doom is just what will be waiting to greet us after we stop loving. I love you heavily, my heart.”

187. “The world will be aglow when love rules it. There’s no problem love can’t fix. Leave the world to love and you can go to sleep and be sure of an awesome time ahead. I love you very much, sweetheart.”

188. “We should only raise our shoulders when we walk in love. We should not take a break from showing love and shame is ours when we put love away. I love you dearly, my heart.”

189. “Listen to a story of true love and you’ll see that it can’t be tragedy. Do a practical, walk in love and join us to sweeten earth. I love you all the way, my sweetheart.”

190. “Love deserves thanks for all the good we’ve enjoyed. Nothing is beautiful if it doesn’t come from love. Loving is blessing. I love you forever, my heart.”

191. “I had a dream of Bliss and loving brought it’s reality to me. All my life’s beauty began when I began to love you and love has given me the best gifts. I love you dearly, my love.”

192. “All the good one can crave for is embedded in love. Show me one with love and I’ll tell you that I’ve seen a man with all blessings waiting on him. I love you madly, my heart.”

193. “Everyone that loves is as good as one with supernatural abilities. Love will not leave you empty-handed. Give love a chance and your testimonies will be positive. I love you heavily, Darling.”

194. “Ever noticed how the passion built by love is not unquenchable? With love, you’ll fully experience how it feels to fight for what’s good without giving up. I love you heavily, my baby.”

195. “Love is the path that leads to true greatness. I know that there’s nothing better than love and that only love is capable of giving real Bliss. I love you dearly, baby.”

196. “Nothing gotten outside of love can be good. Love — and only love — has good things. The day you begin to love, you’re set for a beautiful life. I love you so much, my baby.”

197. “Love doesn’t kill. True life is found in love. Misinterpret love to your disadvantage. I rather die loving than live without love. I love you, my sweetheart.”

198. “I hardly weep, but I’ll weep if love is lost from earth. I’ll weep because the loss will be too grave to bear. Love is our only hope and, good enough, it’s reliable. I love you madly, my heart.”

199. “It’s just a matter of time and you’ll see how much good love offers. Closer study will reveal that every act of love is powerful and beautiful. I love you with all my heart, sweetheart.”

200. “Trust me when I tell you that Love is God. We are gods when we love because love beautifies us and makes us stronger than the average human. I love you dearly, my darling.”

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