Take Me Back to Those Good Old Days Again Quotes

The good old days are gone already, but it’s hard to let go of those memorable moments. Whether they happened an ice age ago, a century ago, or a minute ago, they happened in the past. They say that the past is history, and it is true. If you are accused of “living in the past,” it means that you live clinging to what a certain situation was. If you’re told that a person or rare item in an antique store “has a long past,” be prepared to hear an interesting story.

Suddenly you realize it’s all over. There is no turning back, you feel it, and just when you try to remember when it all started, you discover that it started earlier than you thought, much earlier. It is right there at that moment when you realize that things happen once, and no matter how hard you try, you may never feel the same again. You will never have the feeling of being three meters above the sky.

Your old days have become interesting stories that you will one day tell to your grandchildren just like you enjoyed your grandfather’s stories. Telling them will remind you of how lucky you were to have those stubborn friends, how your mother keeps telling you to keep away from them, and how you reluctantly go out with them to the movies. And it will be a great inspiration to look back at those days and realize how much you miss them.

Even if you are one of those who live in the present, I recommend that you read this collection of, quotes about the good old days. And it is there, right at that moment, when you realize that things only happen once and that no matter how hard you try, you will never feel the same again. You will never have the feeling of being three meters above heaven.

Reading these take me back to those good old days again quotes will remind you of the lovely feelings of the past that you have missed.

You do not need a time machine to take you back to the old days. To catch second feelings of that moment of love and laughter that you shared with your special friends, you need to hold on to those lovely memories that can sail you back to those old days of comfort and freedom in daydreams.

1. Please take me back to the days when a hamburger cost 15 cents and a gallon of gas cost 25 cents.

2. Sometimes it’s the nostalgia of those good old days that keeps you going.

3. The good old days. When time passed more slowly, people communicated more meaningfully, and relationships were a lot deeper.

4. I love those good old days when I painted my toenails blue and listened to the countryside musicals.

5. These words remind us of the good old days and the memories that we have experienced with our friends. It’s a friendly way of getting nostalgic about the past.

6. It’s not that I want to take you back, it’s just that I never want to lose you again because you remind me of the good old days.

7. At the turn of a century, I relive in this marvellous place that is very special. Please take me back to the good old days.

8 Take me back to those good old days again when we would sit on the roof, daydream and talk about boys.

9. Take me back to those good old days again. Days of my youth, take me back to those good old days again.

10. Good old days are now. Taking an instant vacation to that time when the air was warm, the days were long and infinitely lazy.

11. Do you want to go back to the ape evolution? As for me, I want to go back to the good old days.

12. I miss the good old days I spent with you. We had so much fun together. I miss those days when everything was simple.

13. I wish life had a scrolling option to take me back to those good old days again.

14. You’re old enough to know better and young enough not to care. Until the sweat drips and drains until the sun shines and burns out we’re goin’ in and we’re goin’ out. We can take it back to those good old days again, don’t you know?

15. Come home to the good old days again. Good old days with good old friends.

16. The best days of my life were when I was a child. When everything is new and so much fun.

17. The good old days. When your biggest worry was finding a quarter to feed the meter. Raise a glass to the good old days.

18. Life was better back in the day: remember that? Good morning and take me back to those good old days again

19. Back in the day, there was no such thing as a blended drink… just frozen drinks. Today is your chance to relive those good old days.

20. Let’s go back to those good old days again! I may not be the same guy I was 5 years ago, but I’m still here. So are you. Let’s go on an adventure and revisit the good old days!

21. Remember that time your dad wore a skirt and you still loved him? Oh, maybe you don’t have one of those. We’re just nostalgic for this kinda thing—fondly remembering the things from our childhoods and the good old days (and also the 90s) that we dearly miss.

22. Good times never end. They just move on. Every good memory is stacked like firewood in a warm, cosy place in the mind . . .keep memories alive by finding old photos of those days and sharing stories with your friends.

23. We all love those good old days quotes don’t we? Remembering the good old days, either of us would bring a smile.

24. Been a long day? Good. Now sit down, and grab a beer. Take a look back on days like these and remember that’s where you’re headed again. Cheers to the good old days!

25. If time-travelling were possible, everyone would visit the good old days again. Whether it’s the great life of your past or a place of your dreams, what period would you visit?

26. Bask in pictures of your pleasant past and trip down memory lane of the good old days of fun and peace.

27. I’m still not sure how I ended up in this post-millennial hellscape, but I can’t wait to get back to a point when people were happy just to be able to sit down and stare at a cow for 45 minutes like those days.

28. I haven’t been back to the old days in a while, but they’re still inside me.

29. I don’t know what they made sweaters out of back in the good old days, but I don’t want to risk finding out.

30. Let’s take a trip down memory lane when we were all carefree and happy.

31. Take a stroll down memory lane with these classic pictures. Remembering the good times, even when they didn’t happen that long ago.

32. The best kind of days, are the ones filled with good friends and good times. Back to the good old days.

33. Back to the good old days when I wasn’t so overrated and pictures weren’t quite so selfie.

34. I remember the good old days, when our jeans were dirty from the farm, our music was pure, and our faces were sore from laughter.

35. Good old days – Good old friends – Good old times. I like how things were in the good old days.

36. The good old days didn’t happen because they were good. They happened because we made them good.

37. Take me back to those good old days again. Good old days, I enjoyed them more when they were new.

38. If only we could go back to the good old days when our biggest concern was where to be dropped off and picked up from.

39. Remember the good old days when you would have a debate on a Facebook post, and change someone’s mind?

40. Take me back to those good old days again, when you were mine and I was yours and our dreams were new.

41. Go back to those good old days of yesteryears with our all-time favourite pasta recipes, just like granny used to make.

42. Let’s take a walk down memory lane and relive those good old days all over again.

43. Cheers to the good old days, friends! Fans of nostalgia rejoice because those good old days are back.

44. Relive the good ol’ days with these old-school recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

45. Hey, remember that time we used to read out loud by candlelight and be mesmerized? Good times back then.

46. Exploring the world of the good old days and making your path is the best way to discover who you are.

47. Happiness is like a butterfly. The more you chase it, the more it will elude you. But if you turn your attention to other things in the good old days, it will come back to you and sit softly on your shoulder.

48. Don’t kiss the past goodbye. Let it be a stepping stone to the future.

49. Remember when life was simpler, sweeter? When simple pleasures were more meaningful. Take me back to those good old days again.

50. The good old days when life was simple and all we had to worry about was who won the football game. Thanks, mom.

Please take me back to the good old days. It is all that I have left. Thanks to the wind for always bringing them back in its wings. So if you think nostalgia is an illness, I am ready to be its patient for a lifetime because I cannot live without remembering that I once was a happy child.

51. It’s time to bring back the sweet memories of childhood. Lifelong memories made us who we are today.

52. It’s funny how we can’t go back in time, but we can capture moments and hold onto them forever. What is your memory of 100 days?

53. Taking me back to those good old days again. If only I could go back again to those good old days once more

54. You are just a grown-up version of your childhood days, so I think we all can relate to the Good old days indeed.

55. Life was way simpler and easier back then, huh? Cue up old family home movies and you’ll see the same thing—laughing and smiling with the ones you love.

56. Back in the day, things were different. People’s speech was simpler, communication was easier and much more straightforward. But people miss it. And you feel like throwing a party when your old friends come over. Or even when they call you to say hi. Because you know things will be simpler, faster, and awesome.

57. That was the summer when I met you in the good old days, I wish it could last forever.

58. I wouldn’t trade this life I have now for five minutes of those good old days again.

59. Hey, you know what would be fun? Getting trapped in a time warp and coming back to the good old days with me. Let’s do this.

60. Let’s relive the good old days with these throwback pics of your favourite treats. Those days are priceless.

61. There’s just something about days like this that bring everyone together. Reminds us of simple goals like helping grandma in the garden & eating a quick dinner at Grandma’s house before heading outside to play cowboys or pirates with our friends.

62. Days after days, weeks after weeks, good ole sayings make us smile.

63. Take me back to those good old days again. Just let me feel that feeling when it comes and goes.

64. Take me back to the good old days. Good old days, summer, take me back

65. I know the world has gone through some changes, but I still miss those good old days again.

66. Missing those good old days we used to live in. The good new days are even better.

67. Take me back to the beginning. The older I get the more I appreciate the old days.

68. Life rolls on, you get older and you forget what it was like when you were a kid.

69. Life is short, but the good old days’ memories are always within you!

70. The feelings that you would remember in your life with your old friends are unforgettable. You may be able to make new friends, but you can never replace the old ones. So, you should treasure all your friends and never take them for granted.

71. When I was a child I caught a fleeting glimpse, out of the corner of my eye. I turned to look but it was gone, I cannot put my finger on it now, the child is grown, the dream is gone.

72. Take me back to the good old days when a parent signed you in at school and out of school; when you left to go home as you had all day.

73. Take me back to the good old days for some wings and a beer. Take me back to the good old days

74. Did you know that one day we’ll be looking back on these joyful days like they were the good old days?

75. I miss being a kid. I didn’t have to worry about anything. I miss the good old days.

76. If I could save time in a bottle the first thing that I’d like to do is to save the good old days till eternity passes away.

77. Someday you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again like the good old days your grandma read them to you.

78. I think everyone has a different kind of love for their hometown. For me, it’s that feeling of comfort and nostalgia. I grew up here and my life is inextricably linked to this place. Take me back to the good old days again.

79. Sometimes I wish we could go back to the good old days again to have all the comfort and fun.

80. These good old days are the good old days. The days when we would gladly dance away our sorrows in the rain.

81. Back to the good old days, but are they that good? Yes, they are because you had fewer worries and bills to pay.

82. All those times you laughed with friends, family, or your favourite co-worker? You were doing simple stuff, having a super fun time. Those were the “good old days.” We miss those moments, but we can create them again and again.

83. If it feels good, do it. And if it feels good to be back to simpler times like the good old days, well then, you’re right where you should be!

84. Let’s travel back to the good old days with our classic flavors. We’re sure you won’t be disappointed!

85. Don’t blink, the good ol’ days are just ahead. Stay calm, you will have a bit of such fun again.

86. I miss grocery shopping with my mom. I miss the days when everything was wrapped in cellophane and got to have candy. Now people are so snobby and busy. I miss the good old days.

87. I just love an old-time feeling grocery store, price scanners that make a beep, and those bags they have with handles that you pull like a wagon. Something is charming about the good old days and shopping.

88. Bring back the good old days with this box of retro candy that will make you feel just like a kid again.

89. The good old days were so good because we wear denim nearly every day.

90. You’re only as young as the good old days — unless you’re running a popular Instagram account.

91. Remember when you used to buy a full album for $10 and hold on to it for weeks or months before playing it? Those are the good old days.

92. Awww the good old days, balmy summer evenings playing outside with your friends until the streetlights came on

93. How I wish things were like how they were back then in the good old days, with our friends and family.

94. Take me back to the good old days again, where a long bike ride was just what the doctor ordered on a warm summer night.

95. Take me back to the good old days when all I had was two bucks and my bike.

96. A time before phones and technology when there were just water bottles, skateboards, and great one-liners in movies. A time that was so good that it belonged to the past.

97. Hey, I miss the good old days. Bring back those good ol’ days. Let’s go back to the way things were before. Please and Thank You!

98. It’s the little things, like fighting with my siblings and eating Mom’s cooking that makes me miss those good old days.

99. I miss the good old days when we can all stroll without distractions. Nowadays, you can’t leave your house without someone pointing a camera at you.

100. Good things come to those who wait—but the best things come to those who go out and get them!

Good old days as we call them do not only leave a mark on our lives but also create a sharp effect on our attitudes towards life. That’s why we tend to miss those days. I am sure you love our take me back to the good old days quotes and you will keep them close to your heart always.

Thank you for reading.

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