Taken for Granted Quotes for Relationship

Sometimes, the most trivial things can be very meaningful and even shape your personality. One of these trivial things is something as small and insignificant as being taken for granted.

Being taken for granted in a relationship is something that can be very upsetting and is likely to happen if you are not aware of the things which might trigger this.

When you feel taken for granted in a relationship, it can be hard to keep your cool. You’ve been acting like the partner you want to have, and yet your significant other doesn’t seem to notice that you’re making their life better. They don’t say thank you or acknowledge that you’re doing anything out of the ordinary.

Being taken for granted is a common issue in relationships, but there’s no reason why it needs to continue. You can feel empowered by speaking up about how you feel. You can use these taken for granted quotes for relationship below to express how you feel.

To be taken for granted means to be so familiar with something that it is treated unkindly. When this happens in a relationship, people begin to feel more like objects than the loved ones they are. They begin to wonder what has happened to their partner’s affection and attention.

1. To be taken for granted is to be given the cold shoulder. To be taken for granted is to be given a voice which is never heard no matter how loudly you shout.

2. Being taken for granted is the saddest thing that could ever happen to you, but the one who takes you for granted will make you feel so low for it is the greatest kind of hurt that could ever befall you.

3. Being taken for granted is the worst. This is what we should all look out for if we want to avoid this kind of situation in love.

4. If you’re being taken for granted, chances are it’s because someone has treated you like a hero and you’ve forgotten to act like one.

5. Don’t let anyone take you for granted. Appreciate the ones who appreciate you.

6. No one ever wants to be taken for granted when they are in a relationship, everyone wants their partner to give their all to them as they also want to do likewise too.

7. You don’t know how stressful and upsetting it is to feel taken for granted in a relationship. It’s hurtful. Don’t take your partner for granted, always make them feel loved and special.

8. When you are taken for granted in a relationship, don’t forget that you deserve better.

9. You don’t deserve to be taken for granted. And if you are, then it’s time to walk away and find someone who deserves you.

10. Sometimes you feel that you are being taken for granted and you wish you could see the other person’s true feelings but the other person won’t let them show.

11. If they don’t appreciate your presence, perhaps you should just not be there. If they don’t appreciate your love, you may as well not give it at all. Don’t let anyone take you for granted.

12. You’re not being loyal by staying with someone who doesn’t appreciate you.

13. You are not in this world to live up to the expectations of a person that never regards you.

14. You’re not taken for granted when people love you. It’s when they stop showing it that you should start worrying.

15. Never take anyone, or anything for granted, because one day you’ll wake up and realize you are all by yourself.

16. Someone who loves you will never take you for granted, they’ll never forget how much you mean to them, and they’ll never stop loving you.

17. When you’re taken for granted in a relationship, you feel worn out and exhausted.

18. If you feel like you’re being taken for granted in a relationship, it can be heartbreaking and exhausting.

19. Being taken for granted in a relationship can leave you feeling empty and unloved.

20. Being taken for granted leaves us feeling unappreciated and like we’re not worth the effort.

21. If you’ve been taken for granted, it can make you feel exhausted, worn out, or even confused. It’s natural to want to know why your partner stopped appreciating all the things you do for them.

22. It’s not easy being taken for granted by your partner. Never take the people in your life for granted, because you never know when you’ll lose them.

23. Being taken for granted by your partner is the worst feeling ever. Take a moment to reflect on your relationship and how you can show your gratitude.

24. Being taken for granted in a relationship only makes one unhappy and felt cheated. No one ever deserves such!

25. It’s hard when you feel taken for granted by your partner. It can leave you feeling hurt and exhausted, and it’s a common problem we’ve all faced.

26. Sometimes, it’s not that you’re being taken for granted and your partner isn’t appreciating you — it’s that, too often, you’re not appreciating yourself.

27. When you feel taken for granted by your partner, you need to stop and ask yourself what you’ve done to keep the relationship strong.

28. Being taken for granted in a relationship sucks. Plain and simple. The first step is recognizing it, the second is figuring out what to do about it!

29. Being taken for granted in a relationship sucks. Plain and simple. I’ve been there, and it’s worse than you think. The first step is recognizing it, the second is figuring out what to do about it!

30. Being taken for granted in a relationship sucks. You feel like you’re being taken advantage of and your partner doesn’t recognize or appreciate all the love you put into the relationship.

31. Being taken for granted in a relationship is not great. It sucks for both people, actually (though it can be harder to see that when you’re being taken for granted).

32. When you feel taken for granted in a relationship, it can be hard to know what to do. Your partner may not even be aware that they’re treating you like this, but it’s important to speak up and set boundaries before things get out of hand.

33. Being taken for granted is never fun. It’s an uncomfortable feeling that you cannot shake, no matter how hard you try.

34. Being taken for granted hurts. It leaves you feeling underappreciated and alone. It’s a painful experience that you wish never happened.

35. Getting taken advantage of is never fun. When you’ve given your all to someone and they don’t treat you with the same respect, it’s a painful experience that you never want to repeat.

36. No one ever wants to be taken for granted, and yet you are being taken for granted – so I guess, it’s because they treat you like they don’t care, you take it and they take it, so I guess, you caused it. Do not ever lower your standard because of someone.

37. We all have to start somewhere, and we all have a choice, you don’t want to leave that place but you deserve someone much better.

38. For the one who loves you truly, there is no such thing as taking you for granted. So, hold on to those who love you and never let them go because they are the greatest gifts you can get.

39. Love is like a beautiful rose, but just like a rose, it’s not you; You can always find another rose, but there will never be another you.

40. It is a man’s attitude to a woman’s love that matters more than her love for him.

41. What you have is something that someone else once had and then misused the opportunity, so, be thankful to have what you have, and do not ever take any for granted.

42. Pay attention to your friends and the people who show you love.

43. If you love someone and the person never regards you, let it go. You deserve only the best!

44. There’s more to life than staying in a relationship where you are being taken for granted.

45. Human beings are gifts for which we must be grateful, a gift we must not take for granted.

46. If anyone takes you for granted, it’s their loss, not yours, so don’t be taken for a ride. If you have a dream remember it.

47. How do you know if they don’t value you? If they don’t love you, and if they don’t love you, they don’t want you.

48. Someone who loves you will never take you for granted, as long as you are in their heart, and will always look out for you, and will be there when you need them.

49. If you want to be loved, look at how you treat others, you’re not worth it if you can’t be content!

50. You only have one life, and it is so short, so, make it worth something, try to be a good person.

51. To take for granted is to deprive a person of the opportunity to receive your love, care, and attention.

52. It’s the special person that comes to your life in a simple way that we sometimes take for granted, that special person that gives you the greatest happiness.

53. If a person that you trust says they love you, trust them. If they say they don’t, they don’t. Just because you’re happy with them, doesn’t mean they have to be happy with you.

54. When we’re happy, when we’re sad, we all have our own way of dealing with things, but the one thing that I know is that even the most gentle and caring person will never want to be taken for granted.

55. A man is given a gift, he is given a lot, he is given a chance, for that to be true, he must be able to give and take. And not take the gift for granted.

56. Feeling like you are underappreciated is a feeling many people are familiar with, and for you, this feeling maybe a bit of a surprise, because most people prefer your presence, but if you find yourself in that situation, offer them your absence if they never regard your presence.

57. You deserve a friend that cares, you deserve a friend who is there, who understands you, who will hold you when you cry, and not someone that doesn’t regard you.

58. When you’re taken for granted, it is a second chance, a chance to go out there and show the world that you deserve better, when you want something – you’re sure to get it.

59. Trust is not a word someone can give, it’s a word someone has to earn, someone who truly loves you will prove it to you, and will never take you for granted.

60. There are no words to describe the love you feel. It is the biggest feeling in the world and there is nothing that can be compared to it. When someone who you claim to love always takes you for granted, it can be so heartbreaking but still, it’s advisable to leave such a relationship.

61. A lady deserves a man who will never take her for granted… She deserves a man who will love her forever, she deserves a man who will be there all the time, and she deserves a man who will always treat her like the queen that she is.

62. Life is full of great opportunities, the simple ones that we sometimes take for granted, the great ones we don’t even think of, this simple one is worth living for.

63. You never know what you have until you lose it. So, tell the world that you love them and never take a woman for granted.

64. Love doesn’t hate, love can’t take you for granted love will always be there, a person who loves you unconditionally can’t take you for granted

65. You are not a slave in that relationship and you don’t have to keep a relationship where you are being taken for granted. You are a royalty

66. We are all only here for a short time, and when our time is done, our impact is eternal. Never look down on anyone.

67. If they don’t value you, they don’t love you, and if they don’t love you, they don’t want you.

68. I was taken for granted I was cheated on, I was dumped, and I was made to feel cheap. But one thing stood out for me, I knew I don’t deserve such. So, I leave that relationship because I deserve better! No one ever deserves such.

69. For the person who takes you for granted is the person who doesn’t know you. For if the person really understands your vision and purpose in life, he/She wouldn’t have taken you for granted.

70. Sometimes, people take you for granted, but you won’t ever take them for granted. Such is life!

71. Do not ever take your partner for granted because the greatest gift you can give someone is you.

72. Not being able to walk away from a relationship with someone who mistreats you isn’t loyalty, it’s cowardice.

73. Loved ones never take us for granted, a father’s love, is not to be despised, and a mother’s blessing, is something to hold dear, and when you’re in a relationship, where you are always be taken for granted and the love is not reciprocated back to you, it’s best to stay away from such!

74. Love is like oxygen; If you never had it before, you’ll never know how much it means… The way a human being can never survive without oxygen, that’s the way someone who loves you will find it hard to survive without you in their world. If you are in a relationship where your opinion, presence and words never matter, you deserve the best and not that kind of relationship.

75. No one deserves to ever be taken for granted. Everyone should have a chance to be loved and cherished.

76. Let someone be so thankful that they have you, that you love them so much more than you can say, let them also be lucky to have a friend like you, that you will never take them for granted.

77. Sometimes people are a blessing, sometimes people are a curse, so, when you see those who genuinely love you and care for you, never take their love for you for granted.

78. There’s always another man out there who will never take you for granted, another man that will be there for you when you don’t know what to do, another man that will love you without making you feel like you’re not worth loving

79. If you can dream, dream now, if you can think, think about how he’s a gift, a gift from above and one you must not take for granted.

80. One person’s trash is another person’s treasure, if you don’t love her, you don’t have to take her for granted. Leave her to be so that she can get the person that will treasure her.

81. They don’t appreciate you, they can’t even see that you are here, they don’t even realise the value of you, they just see a pretty face.

82. Suffering mistreatment from someone who does not appreciate your worth is a sure sign of ignorance, not loyalty.

83. You don’t deserve being taken for granted, you don’t deserve being treated like an object. And you don’t deserve to be treated like a problem.

84. If someone doesn’t appreciate you, why would you stay in a relationship with them when you could be with someone who does?

85. When you take someone’s love and time that they have for you for granted, you only cause their sorrow. Desist from such!

86. We never know what we have until we lose it. The greatest wealth is to be content with less.

87. It’s important to recognize when you are being mistreated.

88. Never underestimate the power of love it makes the impossible possible it will heal your broken heart and bring you the peace of mind you need. A person who now decides to always take his partner for granted will cause more harm than good to himself/Herself.

89. You often wonder if you should be happy or sad, should you be upset or just make the best of things, I mean you do love your partner, but everywhere you go, you are always taken for granted by your partner whom you sincerely love.

90. There’s absolutely nothing in this world that should be taken for granted, talkless of a human being.

91. It’s hard to believe there are people, who will take advantage of your kindness, change their thoughts and everything they do, and never give you a second of your life.

92. If you can’t appreciate what you have, you will never find what you’re looking for elsewhere.

93. When two people truly understand, how important they are to each other, they know what it’s like to be taken for granted, it’s a sad feeling, when you find out, that you are not as important to someone as they are to you.

94. A lady deserves a man who will never take her for granted. She deserves a gentleman who will never ignore her needs.

95. The one who truly cares for you will never take you for granted. You are the greatest thing that they ever had, and they will always be fighting to keep you for the rest of their natural lives.

96. You deserve better, love, no one deserves to ever be taken for granted.

97. If you have a dream and they don’t, your dream will never be fulfilled being with that kind of person.

98. You deserve someone that will appreciate you and respect your values.

99. Anything precious taken for granted, only ends in regret.

100. You don’t have to go searching for something new, just look for what’s already been given.

Life is better with loved ones. it’s imperative to never settle for less. We sometimes take our partners for granted, and then at some point, when you’re least expecting it, you suddenly realize you have lost the most precious thing in your life.

I hope you found these taken for granted quotes for relationship helpful. Please share with your friends and family. Thank you.

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