Taking Time Out for Yourself Quotes

At times, the world and its demands may seem insurmountable. We go through phases and seasons in our lives — some of which are more stressful or challenging than others. Self-care is essential to navigating this tricky terrain; to stay alive, healthy, engaged and connected with what matters in the midst of stress, overwhelm, and a long to-do list is vital.

We all need time to relax, unwind and get away from the stressors that cannot be avoided. Taking a break is not only necessary for your own sanity, but your family will enjoy having a more upbeat and positive person around.

It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life. Our work, hobbies, and family all need time from us, and it can be difficult to find time for ourselves. But we must make time for ourselves, or we’ll get burned by the relentless pressures that constantly come our way. That is why I have compiled this amazing list of taking time out for yourself quotes to motivate you always to create time to care for yourself.

The time that you take for yourself and for meditation is a very important part of your life. This is because it helps your mind relax and revive its energy. Taking time out for yourself gives you an opportunity to reflect on your goals and dreams and assists in helping you to come up with new ideas.

1. It’s so easy to get lost in everything else that is going on in your life. Take some time for yourself. You are worth it.

2. Taking time out for yourself is a really important thing. It’s not selfish, it’s just a necessity!

3. You deserve to be happy, and you deserve it now. It’s time to take a break from all the stress of life and treat yourself for once!

4. Don’t let the world stop spinning. Take some time out for yourself.

5. You have to take time for yourself. You don’t have to feel bad about it. It’s a necessity!

6. Go and have a rest; take a time out. It will make you feel better in the end; put your feet up and relax.

7. You deserve time to yourself. Learn not to worry about others. It’s only by looking after yourself that you’ll be able to look after others!

8. Treat yourself right ultimately. You’ll need to know that time will fly and leave you in the dust trying to find time to take care of yourself.

9. Take time to be yourself. Be your own favourite company, best friend and cheerleader.

10. Make time to explore your interests & passions. Treat yourself. You deserve it.

11. Taking time out for yourself is crucial, so you don’t burn out or hit the wall. Set aside a little time to rejuvenate and refuel.

12. Sometimes, you just need to have some time to yourself. Set aside a little time to rejuvenate and refuel.

13. You need to take time out for yourself, or you’ll run out of energy to do the things you love.

14. Create time to take care of yourself. You don’t want to burn out or hit a wall. Find time to relax and recharge.

15. You must take time out for yourself so you can have the energy to take time out for others.

16. Create time to take care of yourself, even if it is just a little more than you’ve done in the past. Start with a smile that is more genuine than a frown and a walk that is more vigorous than a stroll.

17. You are your number one asset. Don’t forget to take time out of your busy schedule to reflect and refuel your body, mind, and spirit.

18. When you feel yourself losing steam, don’t push through it. Take a break and come back refreshed.

19. Be sure to add some self-care time to your day. Recharge, and you’ll be more productive and happier!

20. Taking time out for yourself is something we all need to do more of. Don’t wait until you are being rushed into the hospital because you haven’t taken a real vacation in ages.

21. Take some time to rejuvenate and find yourself. After all, you deserve it!

22. Time out for yourself so you can be a better version of yourself for everyone.

23. Take time to clear your mind and take time for yourself to nourish your body, mind and soul

24. Taking time out for yourself is an investment in your future happiness.

25. Taking time out for yourself is an act of self-love. Create a sanctuary in your own kitchen, so you can let go and enjoy the peacefulness of being able to be present at the moment.

26. I take time out for myself and treat myself right. My self-esteem isn’t as low, the way it’s been for most of my life.

27. Find some time to take yourself out to a nice dinner, do something fun on your own or do something adventurous with someone else.

28. Taking time to care for yourself isn’t selfish. It’s self-love. And you deserve it

29. Take a little time out for yourself its an all too rare thing, and it’s never a wrong thing, so I suggest you do it.

30. Self-love is a good indicator of overall health, and self-care is crucial to thriving. Be kind to yourself, you deserve it!

31. Live in the moment, embrace nature’s wonders, and feel an inner calmness. It’s a breath of fresh air.

32. We’ve become so busy that we forget to take time for ourselves! Take a few minutes for yourself, relax, and rejuvenate.

33. If you are not taking time for yourself, you’re doing it wrong. Stop the madness and take some me-time because you deserve it!

34. Take time out of your fast-paced life to appreciate your own company.

35. There’s no better way to show your love for yourself than meeting up with friends for a little while and taking time out.

36. You deserve a little me time, so go ahead and give yourself the gift of some me time!

37. You deserve a little me time, so go ahead and give yourself the gift of some me time!

38. Don’t wait for the weekend. Take out time for yourself today!

39. Treat yourself to some rest, relaxation and pampering. You deserve it!

40. It’s not selfish to take time for yourself. It’s an important part of taking care of yourself.

41. Be a star, not a follower. Take time out for yourself to recharge and revitalize your senses.

42. Be the next big thing, not a robot. Take time out for yourself to recharge and revitalize your senses.

43. Take time out for yourself to recharge and revitalize your senses. Now is the time to break free from your routine and try something new.

44. Be a role model, not a sidekick. Take time out to unwind and revitalize your body and mind.

45. Make dinner for yourself. Watch a movie for yourself. Take a bath for yourself. Take it easy and do something just for you today.

46. Take a break and take time out for yourself. Have a relaxing day with no plans, and do what you like to do best.

47. Take time regularly to reconnect with the things you enjoy and love doing.

48. Take time out. It’s time well spent.

49. There’s something within you that just wants to break free, just for a bit.

50. Time takes time. And let’s face it, some days it just takes a little longer than others.

51. Take time out for yourself. Look at the stars, breathe in the air and relish in all there is to appreciate.

52. It’s the best time of the year, and I know how you feel, but it’s not what you think there’s only one thing missing, and that’s you.

53. Today is your day. You’re off to great places! You’re off and away!

54. Don’t let the day-to-day get you down. Take time out for yourself and remind yourself that you’re awesome.

55. Let your personal style shine, even when you’re not on the clock. Dress to impress yourself.

56. I got to take care of myself. I have to be there for myself. I have to give myself time to think about myself and let myself be. I have to take time for myself.

57. Happy hour is a time to reflect on your achievements and what’s ahead.

58. Today is the day to take your care and wellness into your own hands. Schedule a massage, sip a herbal tea, and say no to that extra glass of wine. You got this!

59. Take a few minutes to treat yourself. You deserve it.

60. If it’s been a while since you’ve done something for yourself, can we suggest treating yourself to dinner at your favourite restaurant or seeing a show?

61. When I see my reflection on the ground, I look to the sky, and I say, “it’s okay – I didn’t ask to be born.”

62. I love taking a break from the busy day, so I can enjoy the quiet and hear the sound of the water running, the birds singing, and the lonesome sound of my heartbeat.

63. For when you feel you can’t take it anymore when you don’t feel like you deserve it, when you think that someone else should do it for you, when you wish you could, wish you didn’t play this game.

64. Taking time out for yourself is not selfish, it’s necessary.

65. Coffee or tea? You decide. And then put the kettle on because you deserve it—you’ve earned it.

66. Giving yourself time is a good thing; time is a special gift of love. I sing to the moon and the stars above to give myself a little more time.

67. Make time for your mental health. It’s just as important as making time for your workout schedule.

68. Give everyone in your life a break. Especially yourself.

69. Take time to recharge, reconnect with yourself, and take enjoyment in the simple things.

70. Life is something to be lived, not a contest. Remember to take time for yourself and all the things you’re grateful for.

71. Set time for something special for yourself today—you deserve it.

72. If you can take some time out for yourself, if you can treat yourself like gold, then you’ll be alright.

73. Taking time out for yourself, taking time out for yourself, I’ll be the one to get my way, I’ll be the one to get my way.

74. No one will ever uncover my secret, and you will never read my name, for I need to be my own person. I need to be selfish to find myself.

75. Take time out for yourself, take time out for me, take time out for us, to be happy and to be who we are

76. It’s time to release and renew—take out time for yourself to do something special.

77. Give in to the urge to do absolutely nothing. Take care of yourself.

78. Taking time out for yourself, selfish self – please be kind to yourself. You must remember that you’re the first one who’s to blame if you’re not feeling well.

79. For all your aspiring entrepreneurs out there, don’t forget to take yourself out for once.

80. Time heals all wounds, even if only a little, and a better time is yet to come. Don’t punish yourself. Instead, treat yourself right.

81. Heading out of town this weekend? Treat yourself to a little indulgence.

82. I’m taking a break from talking and doing to just be for a minute. I’d like to hear how you take time out for yourself.

83. You don’t need to be big to make a difference—but you do need to start somewhere. Take care of yourself.

84. Treat yourself to something special today?

85. Life is full of puzzles and riddles; we must figure out that we can’t ever keep up, even though we may want to.

86. Distract yourself from the mundane with a spa day.

87. Make every meal an experience. Here are my top breakfasts + lunches to clean up my diet as I prepare for my next work adventure.

88. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Give yourself a break, take some time to breathe and smile, take a break and take care of yourself.

89. Please, take time and sit down and have a coffee. You’ll feel better just relax – take time to tend to your health and smile – you deserve it too!

90. Take a break and take care of yourself … Beat back the tears and keep going for one more day it’s time to take a break and take care of yourself. When you work so hard, you should wear yourself out.

91. A little break is needed to prove that you still have the strength and power to keep on going on and on and go back to your dream again.

92. Take out time for yourself, and then take some time to take a break. And every day that you do, you‘ll feel better and better, and every day that you do, you’ll be more and more involved.

93. If we all took time for ourselves, my life would be a lot more fun, we’d all be happier and feel so much better, and those who are a bit sad would be our friends.

94. When you find yourself in trouble, and everyone around has their hands out, you can find me. I’ll be singing along to the end of the song, trying to take out time for myself.

95. I believe that we should all take time out for ourselves to do things that we love to do. It just takes time, don’t worry; you’ll see the results soon.

96. Take a little time out to care for yourself, get into bed and rest a while, eat cheese and drink wine and read a book, and play a game of chess.

97. A walk in the park is so much fun, especially if you wear a hat. I feel great when I look in the mirror, and it makes me so happy to know that I can look my best.

98. Take time out to be you, and so don’t live life as an imitation of someone else you see on the screen they’re boring, they’re boring, and you don’t want to end up like them I hope you don’t

99. Take time out for yourself, rest up and listen to music, that makes you feel good, don’t be so hard on yourself.

100. Take a break and take care of yourself and do that! Never waste your time, don’t take abuse from others, don’t let someone make you give up, don’t let the attitude of others make you feel worse,

101. Taking time to rest, sitting back and being still, and getting away from the hustle and bustle is a significant part of taking care of one’s self.

102. Take time out for your self take time for yourself. If you can do it and still make it, you’re on the right track, and if you can’t do that, then you’re not on the right track at

103. Take time out for yourself; it’s important to realize that we are only human, so it’s up to us to realize that this world is not a place to live in; its a place to live in, and

104. It’s not enough to be strong, it’s not enough to be tough, it’s not enough to be self-confident. You’ve got to enjoy the game.

105. Take a break and take care of yourself. Schedules are the enemy of the human mind. Take time to do things special for yourself.

106. If you have time to dream, if you have time to plan, you have time to daydream, but you never have time for yourself.

107. Take time out for yourself, listen to the music in your head, and do things you enjoy doing, and you’ll be alright. Just take time out for yourself.

108. You can’t be on a diet forever, and you can’t be on a diet at all. You can’t force yourself to sit still. So take a little break.

109. Being a mother and wife is a job. I do it daily, but I need a break. I need to give myself time every now and then to reflect and relax so I can be myself again.

110. Take a break, take care of yourself; then, to me, it means that you are alive, And in your eyes, I see the magic of you, And your life is magic too.

Taking the time to do something special for yourself will make you feel good, and that’s a really important thing to remember in life. The road is long, there are plenty of bumps along the way, and it can be hard to stay motivated sometimes. So take some time for yourself and treat yourself well.

I hope you liked this collection of taking time out for yourself quotes. Kindly share this post with your friends and loved ones. Thank you.

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