Teaching Abroad Salary 2022 by Each Country Internationally

– Teaching Abroad Salary-

Teaching Abroad Salary: Teaching abroad is an anticipated experience, but it remains a big decision to make which entails you leaving your home country to teach abroad as an international teacher.

Having thought this through, you will discover a full list of countries you would love to enroll abroad as an international teacher in their rankings and the amount paid as salary per month.

Good luck with your choice of country and experience.

Teaching Abroad Salary by Each Country Internationally

1. The United Arab Emirates

Average salary: $3,500-$5,500 per Month

They found the highest teaching jobs in the United Arab Emirates. Its average salary ranges from $3,500-$5,500 per month. This salary depends on the applicants’ prior experience as a teacher or in teaching.

In the United Arab Emirates, the requirements are stagnant and they expect aspiring teachers to be well experienced in teaching and possess a teaching certificate from their home country.

The United Arab Emirates with its multicultural, warm climate, and high tax-free salaries that come with good benefits, obviously it is an excellent place for experienced teachers to try out.

The United Arab Emirates as a country has many international, high standard schools, especially in Dubai and Abu Dhabi.

Additional Information

A minimum of two years’ experience is normally required for jobs in the UAE. They do not limit teaching in the United Arab Emirates to just the English language but cuts across a lot of subjects and courses.

In the United Arab Emirates country, different schools exist and these different schools entail a different level of experience as an aspiring teacher.

Schools such as the private international schools which require experienced and licensed teachers and this type of school follows the curriculum of the foreign educational system.

There is also the public school, a job as a teacher at this type tends to be the best paying of all the types and comes with its incentives. The Vocational college, elementary schools, foreign language schools, and private tutoring.

2. Japan

Average salary per month: $2,200-$5,000.

Teaching and teacher’s salary in Japan is a wide appeal as teaching in Japan is based on certification and experience and job aspects of its teaching offer appealing incentives.

English teachers are in high demand in Japan. They are also different schools in Japan, some of these school recruit teachers from certain organizations, and some companies also desire certain special teachers with multi-language ability.

This school is Private Language Academies/ Schools, Public schools and Private Lessons. A bachelor’s degree is essential for a formal teaching job in Japan.

Some private recruiters prefer candidates with a CELTA/TEFL qualification.

3. Saudi Arabia

Average salary per month: $3,000-$4,000 per month.

Teaching and teachers in Saudi Arabia are expected to be experienced and possess a TEFL certificate.

4. Kuwait

Average salary per month $2,600-$4,000.

Teachers are required to possess a bachelors degree, a TEFL certificate, masters degree which gives you an edge and enough experience according to the employers.

Kuwait is a small country with its capital Kuwait City. Kuwait is one of the richest countries in the middle east. Aspiring teachers are to apply to teach during the spring and summer.

They are as well different school in Kuwait which include the preschool, most preschools are bilingual and most of theses preschool require a bachelor’s degree and a year of prior experience.

5. Oman

Average salary per month: $2,000-$3,500.

Oman is one of the most developed countries in Arab and it has experienced rapid development in its educational sector and system.

An opportunity to teach in this part of the world is rather limited. Application to teach in Oman just like most Middle East where you need minimum experience of a year, a bachelor’s degree is required as well and TEFL certificate.

There are different schools that exist in Oman which also require different qualifications.

These schools are Early childhood teaching, Elementary and secondary school, teaching English as a second language, and the university. One of the best locations to teach in Oman is Muscat.

6. Taiwan

Average salary per month: $2,000-$2,400.

The most teaching job in Taiwan does not require or demand a TEFL certificate rather a university degree is enough to gain a teaching position.

As a teacher in Taiwan, there are a lot of advantages to it as the cost of living in this part in low and affordable to enable you to save as much money as you can.

All teachers in Taiwan start at a standard cram school known as buxiban locally. This buxiban has its highest types. The curriculum for this buxiban is prepared aforehand foe, new teachers.

There are standard requirements for aspiring teacher criteria such as a native English speaker, a bachelor’s degree in any discipline, a criminal background check, physical and mental fitness.

7. South Korea

Average salary per month 1,600-$2,000.

As neighbors to Japan, they seem to have a similar salary and incentive benefits, as an aspiring teacher in South Korea, the cost of living is very comfortable and low enough.

A minimum of a TEFL certificate, a bachelor’s degree is usually accepted to teach especially English. Certain recruitments companies recruit teachers for schools some of these recruitment companies are Reach To Teach, Adventure Teaching, and Footprints Recruiting.

The schools there include a private school, private lessons, and universities.

8. China

Average salary per month $1,500-$2,000

China is one of the largest employers of teachers in the world, China features a competitive teaching environment at its international school level.

Recruitments agencies like Reach To Teach can be of great help to aspiring teachers as going and searching through school’s website could be very complicated.

International schools in China pay higher salaries to their teachers. You need a bachelor’s degree and a TEFL certificate to legally work in China.

Salary allocation in China depends solely on teachers’ experience and qualifications.

They are various schools and aspect of which an aspiring teacher could venture in as a teacher in Chine areas.

The private schools pay more than the public schools. The public schools pay less and the private lesson which as a teacher you can tutor wealthy families.

9. Vietnam

Average salary per month 1,000-$2,000.

For teachers without previous experience and certificate by having the desire to teach, Vietnam has got you covered. The cost of living is equally cheap and affordable.

Officially as an aspiring teacher you would need to be native speakers of Vietnam, with a bachelor’s degree and a criminal background check conducted.

Several schools exist for aspiring and intending teachers, schools such as the language school, international schools, private lessons, teaching as a private teacher is more flexible than.

10. Kazakhstan

Average salary per month $4,000 – 5,000.

Teaching in Kazakhstan sounds appealing and enticing as teachers save more and maintain a high standard of living, the curriculum is that of the western countries.

And as an aspiring teacher, the position is opened to well licensed and experienced teachers. Besides the salary allocated to a teacher, they included certain incentives alongside the salary.

FAQs on Teaching Abroad Salary

Below are the frequently asked questions on Teaching Abroad Salary

1. Which country pay teachers the most?


2. How much can you earn teaching abroad?

The pay to teach English abroad varies, but you can expect to earn a decent salary. In top-paying countries.

3. Is teaching abroad worth it?

If you seek to get paid to live overseas in a foreign country while making a difference in the lives of others, then teaching English abroad is definitely worth it.

4. Do international schools pay well?

International school salaries vary widely – from 500 US dollars a month to in excess of 5000 dollars a month.

5. Which country pays teachers least?


6. How much do teachers earn in Dubai?

The average teacher salary in U.A.E. international schools is 9,000-15,000 AED per month.

7. How much is a teacher paid in Germany?

The starting salary for a primary school teacher is USD 46,456 per annum.

8. Is teaching abroad hard?

While teaching is definitely not the easiest job on the planet, managing a class and creating lesson plans isn’t as hard as you might think. 

9. Is teaching English abroad stressful?

Teaching abroad is probably one of the most intense things you’ll ever do.

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