This research work entitled “Television Advertising and product adoption in Enugu metropolis (A case study of Innoson plastic industry)” underscore the influence of television advertising in enhancing consumers’ adoption of a product. It x-rays those unique attributes of an effective television advertising that makes it more viable, and result-oriented than other advertising media. The researcher employs survey research design. The researcher carried out a survey of the television advertising of Innoson plastic industry and how it has contributed to consumers adoption of their product, helped them out-weigh their competitors and its profitability. In doing this, the researcher observed that, why the television advertising of some plastic industry has not being effective, profitable and result-oriented is because, most of them are not really informative, inducing and reflective of the uses and benefits of the products being advertised. Most of them also lack the criteria of effective advertising by the national advertising agencies and they are not inconsonance with the ethical and moral standards of the society. Hence, the researcher recommends that, for there to be an effective television advertising that will be profitable, inducing and contribute to the growth of an industry, such television advertising must be informative, it must conform to public morality, must be reflective of the quality, uses and benefits of the products being advertised. Thus, any industry that employs all these criteria can adequately compete with their competitors and also make profits.


Title                                                                                                                i

Approval                                                                                                       ii

Certification                                                                                                  iii

Dedication                                                                                                     iv

Acknowledgement                                                                                       v

Abstract                                                                                                         vii

Table of contents                                                                                         viii


1.1       Background of the Study                                                                1

1.2       Statement of the Problem                                                                4

1.3       Objectives of the Study                                                                   5

1.4       Significant of the Study                                                                  6

1.5       Research Question                                                                           7

1.6       Research Hypothesis                                                                       8

1.7       Scope of the Study                                                                           9

1.8       Limitations of the Study                                                                 10

1.9       Definition of Terms                                                                         10


2.0       Introduction                                                                                      12

2.1       Production Adoption in the plastic market                                  12

2.2       Impact of television advertising on product adoption               15

2.3       Employing Advertising in a competitive industry                      18

2.4       Criteria for effective television advertising                                21


3.0       Introduction                                                                                      24

3.1       The research design                                                                         24

3.2       The research population                                                                 24

3.3       Sample sizes determination                                                                        25

3.4       Sampling techniques                                                                       28

3.5       Sources of Data                       

3.6       Research instrument                                                                                    29

3.7       Questionnaire design                                                                       29

3.8    Reliability and validity of the instrument                                      30

3.9       Questionnaire Administration                                                       30

3.10    Method of data presentation and Analysis                                  32



4.0       Introduction                                                                                      33

4.1       Return of distributed questionnaires                                            33

4.2       Analyses of data from Questionnaire                                           35

4.3       Testing the Hypothesis                                                                    42

4.3.1   Hypothesis 1                                                                                     42

4.3.2   Hypothesis 2                                                                                     45

4.3.3   Hypothesis 3                                                                                     48


5.0     Introductions                                                                                      51

5.1    Summary of the findings                                                                   51

5.2    Conclusion                                                                                          52

5.3    Recommendations                                                                              53

Reference                                                                                                     55

Appendix I

Appendix II


1.1   Background of the Study

            Television advertising is very important because, without complete knowledge and public awareness of the existence of a product, sales and adoption of a product cannot take place.

Thus, the aim of all advertising processes and media is to enhance public awareness of new and existing products in other that adoption will take place and sales promoted.

            Ebue (2000) states that, advertising is a non-personal form of communication, representation of goods, services or ideas through a paid media with the sole intent of promoting a company’s sales.

            Though there are different advertising media, television advertising tends to be the most effective medium of advertising. It has both audio and visual impact, as the consumers are made to see and as well hear about the product being advertised. That is to say, television advertising avails the consumers of the opportunity to have adequate knowledge of how to use the product, its benefits and quality make-up of the product, which influences consumer purchase behaviour, and among other things, persuades the consumers to adopt a product. This is because, by constant advertising a product via television networks, the consumers could be persuaded to give the product a trial even though they had not wanted to buy the product. For instance, if the product being advertised is an edible product, with as well packaged television advertising, the consumer may start salivating on viewing the products on television. Also, if the product is such that provides services, with a well packaged television advertising showcasing the benefits, features and uses of the product, the consumer may be attracted to adopt the product.

            Television advertising is an effective and efficient media of advertising in that; it visualizes the attributes of a product in such a way that, the consumers are motivated to adopt the product. It is often very captivating, enticing, realistic and persuasive thereby influencing positively the consumers purchase behaviour. This will make the companies not only record high volume of sales but also their profit margin also increase as applied to Innoson plastic industry.

            Thus, according to Onyeka (1999), television advertising presents a new life impression with its colour and movement combined. According to him, it has large screen size that approximate the full live size of human beings. This feature makes the television effective for advertising world.

            Innoson plastic industry is a subsidiary of Innoson automobile and chemical industry. The innoson plastic industry was incorporated in the year 2002 and has a site at Plot W/L Industrial layout Emene, in Enugu state. Given that Innoson Nigeria Limited was not initially established as a plastic industry, the company faced lots of competition with other renowned plastic companies that had been in the market before. There was high competitive war between Innoson plastic and other plastic companies like Leo-plast, KGM, Lion-king etc. Given that these companies had been in the market for long and that consumers are already acquainted with the products, Innoson was only known for automobiles like motorcycle, as a result, initially, there was low volume of sales in Innoson plastic company. But with the application and sponsoring of well packaged, enticing, informative and attractive t
elevision advertising, Innoson plastic has today dominated the market in terms of plastic products.

            The volume of sales recorded by innoson plastic products among other plastic industries today, depend to a very large extent on the effectiveness and efficiency of the television advertisement of Innoson plastic which presents Innoson products as very durable, beautiful, attractive and decorative. For example, in the advert, the sight of a beautiful garden decorated with Innoson plastic chairs could make a prospective consumer to adopt Innoson product than going for Leo-plast, Lion king or KGM plastics. Also, the sight of a heavy weight lifter standing on the plastic chair without the chair breaking shows and gives the consumer the impression that Innoson plastic chairs and other of its plastic products are very durable. This shows that the screen performances are capable of inducing the consumers to patronise a product.

            Hence, the aim of this research is to find out the extent to which television advertising leads to the adoption of a product using Innoson plastic industry as a case study.

1.2       Statement of the Problem

            Some television advertisers fail to realize their intended benefits after their advertising campaigns which includes among other things, influencing consumer purchase behaviour and also increasing in their sales and profit margin.

            Though television advertising is an effective medium of advertising, its effectiveness however depends on the extent to which the television station packaged the advertising performances and also the ability and willingness of the company to sponsor an effective, efficient and well packaged television advertising that will meet the companies sole target.

            Some television station lacks the colourfulness and the attractiveness of dramatic performance that can excite consumers and induce them to adopt a product. In the same way, most companies choose to advertise their products in local television stations that do not have the basic components of effective television advertisement, thereby investing wastefully on television advertisements that does not make the consumer adopt more of their product which will make them to sale more and increase in their profit margin.

            Hence, the aim of this research work is to find the extent to which television advertising leads to the adoption a product by the help of an improved effective television advertising and how it enhances the increase of companies profit margin though sales.

1.3           Objectives of the Study

1.         To determine the extent to which television advertising influences adoption of Innoson plastic products by consumer.

2.         To find out the extent to which Innoson plastic products have been able to beat their competitions through television advertising.

3.         To find out ways through which Innoson plastic industry can improve on their television advertising.

1.4              Significant of the Study

            This research will be significant in the following ways:

i.          It will serve as a source of reference for further studies and research especially for undergraduate students in the field of marketing and other related disciple.

ii.         It will contribute to what scholars have written on the role of television advertising in promoting product adoption and the increment of company sales and profit maximization.

iii.       It helps to recommend effective strategies for television advertising which will help to boost a company’s sales among her competitors.

iv.        It will help to enhance continuous patronage of Innoson plastic products as it will be a source of advice to the management of Innoson plastic industry on the best way to carry out their television advertising.

v.         It will x-ray some of the short comings in most television advertising that have made them not to be much productive and yielding and as such identify the ideal solution to these short comings.

vi.        Above all, the research study will serve as both educating and entertaining materials to members of the general public especially those in the academic world.

1.5            Research Question:

            The following are some of the research questions that will be used in the formulation of the hypothesis of this research.

i.          To what extent has television advertising influenced consumer adoption of Innoson plastic products?

ii.         To what extent does Innoson plastic industry spends in television advertising?

iii.       Does the television advertising influence the adoption of Innoson plastic products?

iv.        To which extent has television advertising out weighed other medium of advertising?

v.         To what extent has the television advertising of Innoson plastic products helped the company to beat their competitors in the plastic world.

vi.        To what extent has television advertising of Innoson plastic helped the company to maximize profit?

vii.      Are there ways in which the television advertising of Innoson plastic products perform better than those of other plastic industries?

1.6       Researches Hypothesis   

            The following are the research hypothesis of this research study:-

Hypothesis 1

H0 –    Television advertising of Innoson plastic products has not influenced consumers’ adoption of the products.

H1 –    Television advertising of Innoson plastic products has influenced consumers’ adoption of the products.

 Hypothesis 2

H0 –    Television advertising of Innoson plastic products has not

helped the company to beat their competitors in the plastic world.

H1 –    Television advertising of Innoson plastic products has helped the company to beat their competitors in the plastic world.

Hypothesis 3

H0 –    Television advertising of Innoson Plastic products has not helped the company to maximize profit.

H1 –    Television advertising of Innoson Plastic products has helped the company to maximize profit.

1.7       Scope of the Study:-

            This research is focused on television advertising as well as its influence on the purchase behaviour of consumers living in Abakpa and Emene in Enugu metropolis. In doing this, the television advertising strategies of Innoson plastic Industry of Enugu metropolis will be used as a case study.

                        This research will also critically examine the extent to which the television advertising of Innoson plastic has helped to promote sales of their product and profit maximization of the company.

1.8       Limitations of the Study

                 Lots of factors constituted challenges to this work.

i.          Un-availability of enough required materials needed for the research.

ii.         Financial constraints which limits the researcher’s running around for materials and other things needed for the compilation of the work.

iii.       The low level of knowledge and understanding of most respondents constitute a problem to the filling of the questionnaire.

iv.        Time constraints.

1.9       Definition of Terms

                        It is necessary to define some of the terms that are used in this research. They include the following;

i.          Television Advertising:- This is the process through which the producers of products or services uses television media to bring to the awareness of the consumers the existence of their product, be it goods or services.

ii.         Consumers:- This is generally referred to as the final consumers. They are those individuals for who goods and services are produced for. They are referred to as those individuals who need a product, be it good or services for their use or satisfaction.

iii.       Product Adoption:- This refers to as consumes patronage of a product. It is the act of choosing a product against other product either because of the goodness of the product or the kind of advertising process employed by the producer of that product.

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