Ten Examples of Good First Dating Messages

Once you have registered an account with a dating platform and set up your profile, it’s time to contact a potential partner to start a conversation. Sending the right message is crucial for your success in meeting a compatible partner. According to this site, some of the most efficient first messages when meeting people are collected here.

Table of Contents

Writing a Great First Message

Before you even think about sending that first message, make sure you have created an attractive profile. This is what your potential date will look at after reading your text, and help them to decide whether to respond or not. When writing your initial message, make sure it’s short and captivating.

Essentially, keep it between 3 and 4 sentences, as this is enough to establish your interest and initiate a conversation. Begin with a greeting, and mention her name because girls love to hear people call them by their name.

Alternatively, you can come up with a catchy nickname related to her name or her interests. By doing so, you’ll show them that you recognize them and think they are special. Also, tell the girl your name if it’s not displayed on your profile.

The message should not be about you. Instead, you should talk about them. You can tell them what made you like their dating profile. Ask them a question related to their interests, pictures, or profession. Don’t mention their looks; however, you can complete what they are wearing in the photo.

Lastly, make sure your message is grammatically correct. You can use spell check software to ensure the message is error-free. Bad grammar and spelling mistakes show that you are lazy and careless.

  1. Write a Personalized Message

Hello Kathy, my name is Andrew. I noticed that we have numerous f similarities. I saw you’re into sci-fi movies; my favorite science fiction film is Guardians of the Galaxy. What is your favorite sci-fi movie? Enjoy your day. Gary

  1. Check Which Outdoor Activities They Enjoy

Hey Daiane, I saw your photos, and it looks like you like hiking. I’m also an outdoor enthusiast and have explored numerous hiking trails. Which hiking trail would you like to try next? Jordan

  1. Show Appreciation in What they Do

Hello Rae, I’m Simeon. You are doing a great job of helping animals. So which animal shelter do you help to provide care to animals?

  1. Show Them that You Have Been to the Same Place

Hey Cole, I checked your profile and noticed that you’ve been to London. I always visit the British Capital every year. Did you get a chance to see the Sea Life London Aquarium while you were in London? Bryant

  1. Write About Things You Have in Common

Hello Olivia, I was looking at your profile and noticed that you love going to concerts. I always get an extra boost to my spirit when I attend concerts. What was their last concert you attended? Mark

  1. Complement Their Clothing

Hey Christy. You look good in that blue dress. Have a great weekend. Adrian

  1. Women Always Like Topics Related to Food

So Jess, what makes a delicious breakfast? Pumpernickel waffles or light, fluffy baked apple pancake? Gary

  1. Tell the Girl That You Would Like to Learn Something from Her

Hello there Ellen, did you add candied fruit or coconut to that date bar? I also love baking. Ryan

  1. Girls Love Men Who Like Comedy

Hi Brianna, my name is Antony. I see that you also love going to comedy shows. Which stand-up comedian makes you laugh your head off?  Have a beautiful night. Dave

  1. Tell Them Why You Think You Are a Perfect Match

Hey KP, I viewed your profile and thought we would be right for each other. We both love basketball and come from the same neighbourhood. Taylor

Advantages and Disadvantages

These messages show your potential partner that you have mutual interests. They also show them that you took your time and went through their dating profile.

Additionally, they give your potential date the idea that you are seeking a meaningful relationship. However, for these messages to work, what you say must match with what you wrote in your profile.

Your first message should always include reasons why you decided to contact your potential date. Expressing your interests in a girl’s dating profile is the best way to attract her attention.

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