Thank God for Journey Mercies Quotes

There are a number of reasons why you’ll want to thank God for all He’s done for you. First of all, you can’t be successful without Him. Even if you achieve your goals through the efforts of others and your own effort, it’s still God’s hand that made it happen.

Second, even when there’s a threatening storm on the horizon, it’s important to pause and say thank you so that God can continue to work on your behalf.

Third, things like good health, a job and security are blessings from God that we should be grateful for every day. However, something that seems little like a safe journey should not be excluded. You should also appreciate God for that.

Sometimes it can be hard to fully appreciate the trip when you are caught up in all the hustle and bustle of modern-day living. So don’t forget to take a step back, put away your phone and stop worrying about anything else. Instead, take a second to think about how grateful you are for journey mercies.

Let’s face it. Anything can happen in life. You could end up in an accident, or simply lose your way and not know where to go next. When you’re all alone, no one will be there to help you. Imagine if there is no one around to give you hope, and comfort and assure you that everything will be all right. Hence the need to keep appreciating God.

If you are here for the best quotes to appreciate God for journey mercies, then you have to carefully go through the collection of thank God for journey mercies here. See it below.

Thanks to God for getting me through the journey. I know it hasn’t been easy, but I couldn’t have made it without you. I know you were there for me every step of the way with my mother this weekend. I am glad we are back home safe. Thank God for his presence in all my journeys.

1. Thank you God for the journey. I see it as a book of mercies. You make a new page every day and I find that very impressive! Thank you for the way you love me so well. Thank you for your faithfulness.

2. Dear God, I want to thank you for all your journey mercy. You have given me grace and mercy throughout my life, and I have loved you greatly in return. For this, I am deeply grateful.

3. Thank you God for guiding our paths, thank you for our journey mercies and I pray that our love grows even deeper as the years pass by.

4. My dear sweet Lord, thank you for the journey mercies you have given me. The good times and the hard times, the successes and the challenges.

5. Thank you Lord for your journey mercies, I thank you for what you have brought me through to help me gain a stronger trust in you and to accomplish the many things that are to come.

6. Thank you Lord for your journey mercies. Thank you for keeping me safe each day. I love you Lord with all of my heart.

7. Dear God, thank you every day for your journey mercies, bringing my husband home to me. I don’t think I have told you that enough. Every morning when I wake up, and he is lying next to me, it fills my heart with joy and love.

8. I thank you, God, for giving me your journey mercies, the greatest gift I could ever ask for. Thank you, lord.

9. Thank you, Lord, for protecting me on my trip. The flights and driving back felt safe and smooth. I had a great time and it was nice to be back home.

10. Thank you God for this wonderful life and your journey mercies and all the people you have led into my life’s paths. Thank you, God.

11. Thank you God for all the blessings you laid upon my life, thank you for all I have and most importantly thank you for your journey mercies.

12. Words can’t express the gratitude I feel in my heart for all you have done for me. Thank you, Lord, for your journey mercies.

13. So thankful for this journey. So thankful for you in my life. So thankful for all the lessons you have taught me and all the love you continue to give to me.

14. Thank you for the journey and each part of my life. Even the hard parts have made me who I am today. I am thankful for both the good and the bad. They have formed and strengthened my character and broadened my horizons. Thank God for safe journeys.

15. Thank you, Lord, for keeping me safe. I made it all the way to my destination and back, with no trouble and minimal stress. Here is my thank you for all of the other little things I asked for that I didn’t have time to mention.

16. I have been thinking a lot about what I am grateful for lately because I think that’s important. I’ve decided that one of my biggest thankfulnesses has to be God’s journey mercies.

17. I would like to thank God Almighty for being with me and my family members on this long journey. He made sure that we arrive safely. May God bless be praised forever.

18. Thank you God for always being there for me. I don’t know what I would have done without your support. I am very lucky to have you by my side. Thank you for journey mercies.

19. Thank God for not letting anything bad happen to my loved ones as they travelled. I’m very grateful and thankful that you let me have another day with my family. Thank you very much!

20. Thank you God for guiding us to our destination safely. I know that you will always protect us from harm and help us through difficult times. Thank you for allowing us to travel safely without any trouble.

21. Thank you God for journey mercies and all the blessings in my life. I want to give you thanks for all your love, mercy and grace. I ask that you would continue to bless me in every area of my life.

22. I want to start off by thanking God for journey mercies, I can’t imagine my life without God and I am so thankful that God has loved me so much.

23. I am thankful that I can spend the rest of my life with my family, all thanks to God for his journey mercies.

24. Thank you God for saving me and giving me a second chance in life. This year has been a huge blessing to me with my wonderful family, amazing friends and beautiful girlfriend. I am truly blessed and grateful for your journey mercies.

25. Thank you for the journey mercies in my life. Thank you for opening my eyes to Christ’s love and mercy. Thank you for granting me the opportunity to enjoy and experience it with those I care about.

26. I am thankful to God for the journey He allows me. I’m grateful that he granted me a peaceful and stress-free trip.

27. Thank you for a safe journey and the blessings you sent me on my way. I was so worried when I was driving, but you always take care of me and help me reach my destination unharmed.

28. By the grace of God, we made it here safely. Thank you for all of the prayers you said before and during our trip. They must have worked! We are so thankful to be here.

29. Thank you for bringing me to my destination safely despite the bad weather. I was so scared about driving in that storm; however, I know that there is a higher power watching over you and me.

30. Thank you for this amazing journey. I am so thankful for your journey mercies and things that have come my way. Being alive right now is all an amazing act of God.

31. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to travel to Africa. I became more understanding of the people and the continent’s natural beauty. Thank you, Lord, for your journey mercies.

32. Thank you for always being there for me. Thank you for the many trials and tribulations I have endured that I have found my way through them. Thank you for your journey mercies and blessings in my life.

33. Thank you for everything you have done for me. I was impressed with how much talent you gave me, thank you for your journey mercies, the gift of a lifetime is that I am able to find love and friendship in this world so amazing you created.

34. Thank you for always guiding me and when I am lost, helping me find the right way. You know what I am capable of and you always give me the strength to do things on my own. Thank you for your journey mercies.

35. Thank you for the journey mercies and everything you gave me. I am grateful that this is only my second day on the planet and I have already received so many mercies. Thanks for family, friends, food, water, clothing and shelter. I can’t believe how lucky I am.

36. Thank you God for the many opportunities and help I have received. Thank you for your journey mercies and all of my loved ones are always there for me thank you, lord.

37. Thank you, God, for all your journey mercies, I am amazed by the way you provide for me each day. Knowing that this can’t be done without you, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

38. Thank you for the journey mercies. You have been so good to me. I’m back on my feet, using the gifts you gave me and pursuing dreams. I thought were out of reach. Thank you, God, for all of your mercy.

39. Thank you God for being a guiding light. It has made a world of difference in carrying on my journey, thank you for your journey mercies.

40. Dear God, thank you for your journey mercies, It has been amazingly wonderful and despite everything. Please keep me in your arms and watch over me.

41. Thank you for your journey mercies and for giving me a great life of good friends, loved ones and even a wonderful job.

42. Thank you for being there for me when I need you. Thank you for your journey mercies and the people in my life. I couldn’t have done it without you.

43. Thank you, God, for giving me the best family a person can have. Thank you for sending this love my way. Thank you for your journey mercies.

44. Thank you, Lord, for all of the many things in my life that I take for granted. Thank you for the journey mercies.

45. Thank you for putting me on this journey. Being on my own is not easy and there are so many times I wanted to quit, but you kept guiding me back toward my goal. Thank you for your journey mercies.

46. Thank you for bringing me this far and for protecting me in my times of need. Without you, I would have been lost long ago. Thank you for your journey mercies.

47. You always seem to have a plan for me, and when I don’t see it or understand it, you tell me to keep my trust in you. Thank you for your journey mercies.

48. Thank you for always having my back and protecting me. I am very grateful for journey mercies.

49. Dear God, thank you for the journey mercies I have been given. It has made me a better person and strengthened my mind and body.

50. Thank You God for all the journey mercies that you have given me.

51. Thank you for my journey mercies, Lord. I hope you will grant me more safe journies in life.

52. Thank you, God, for travelling mercies. I appreciate the new experiences and situations that I am being pushed into. Thank you for this wonderful experience. It’s all a blessing from you.

53. Thank you for the journey we are on and all of the mercies, wondrous events and blessings.

54. Thank you for your journey mercies on all the wonderful journeys I’ve been on. Every place and person I have met is part of a wonderful story that I will tell my children so they can be inspired to travel and adventure just as I have.

55. Thank you for everything you have given me. I am grateful for my family, friends and neighbours. Thank you for your journey mercies.

56. Thank you for taking me on this journey. I don’t know how long the journey is, but it sure is a wonderful one. Thank you for your journey mercies.

57. Thank you for putting me on this journey. Thank you for putting your hand on me, and guiding me. Thank you for your mercy. It always shows in the most unexpected times.

58. Thank you for always being there for me. I am thankful for all the opportunities you have given me and for all the fun events I have had. Thank you for the journey mercies.

59. Thank you for helping me make it through this journey, While there have been moments I wanted to give up, I remembered your words to me and that you would never lead me on a path that was not meant for me. Thank you for your journey mercies.

60. Thank you for Journey Mercies. Thank you for giving me your guidance, which is helping me get to where I want to be.

61. Thank you for all of the journey mercies. I’m grateful for my family and friends, It seems like there is more than enough to be thankful for right now, so as always I will pray that we don’t lose sight of things in our lives that deserve gratitude.

62. Thank you God for your journey mercies and the amazing experience I had on this trip. I am humbled by your love, which You show in so many different ways.

63. Thank you so much Lord for this Journey. It’s been a lot of fun and I’ve made many friends along the way.

64. Thank you for your journey mercies. I can be weary and scared, but you carry me through. I am forever grateful for the work you do in my life.

65. Thank you, God, for making sure we arrived safe and sound. Please bless this family and with your hand on mine, I feel at peace.

66. Thank you God for keeping me safe on my flight. The plane was kind of bumpy at times, but I knew I would be all right because you have been looking out for me.

67. Thank you for protecting our loved ones during their journey. We are in your hands and know that you are caring for her. We love you and appreciate all you have done.

68. Thank you to God for keeping me safe on my journey. I know I was a little scared driving alone but the roads were smooth and I got there safe and sound. Thank you to my family, who talk to me every day, reminding me how much they love me and miss me.

69. Thank you, God, for all the people who have helped me travel safely to my new country, who allowed me to learn more about your world in such a short time. I am grateful that I have been living very happily with my family in this beautiful country.

70. Dear God, Thank you for bringing me safely to my destination through the various obstacles and challenges on the way. I know it will not always go like this. but if I keep praying and trust in you, I know you will give me the strength to overcome all of what is coming. Thank you, lord.

71. Thank you to God for protecting me on my drive home. It was very scary and I didn’t know what to do when the car started spinning. Thank you for keeping me safe!

72. Thank you for having me arrive safely. Thank you for looking after my family and friends. I appreciate your help very much.

73. I am very grateful for our safe journey. On that long flight, I was so happy that the seats were spacious and I could stretch my legs. God has given us these blessings to enjoy our trip, thank you again.

74. Thank you for helping us have a safe journey through the snow. We thoroughly enjoyed our cruise and it would not have been possible without your help.

75. I cannot thank you enough for making my trip safe. It means a lot to me to know that you are looking over me and my loved ones.

76. Thanks so much for protecting me on my trip. I know the trip was long and thankfully did not encounter any serious problems that could have potentially put our lives at risk. Thank you so much, God.

77. Thank you for keeping me safe on the road. I know there were many times when I could have been in an accident, but it never happened and I knew it was all because of your guidance. I am very thankful for that and it reminds me that you are always watching over me.

78. Thank you for keeping me safe as I travelled across the country. Every time my plane was delayed, there was a strong snowstorm or I got in a car accident on my way to an airport, I was thankful that I wasn’t hurt and still had the chance to make it to my destination.

79. Thank you, God, for watching over me on this trip. I always feel safe when I am with you. Thank you for getting me through the airport and keeping me safe during the flight.

80. Thank you God for looking out for me during my trip and making sure I was safe. I’m very thankful to have experienced that.

81. Thank you for taking care of us. The flights were smooth and the people in the airport were nice. Thank you for my new job and the opportunity to move to another state. Thank you for all of the many wonderful things that are happening.

82. Thank you for protecting me and keeping me safe on my trip. I know that without your help and protection, I would never have been able to come home healthy. Thank you.

83. Thank you for a safe journey. Although the trip was longer than expected, I am grateful that I wasn’t distracted by anything or anyone and that everything worked out just fine.

84. Thank you Lord for helping me get home safely. I will always be grateful for your love.

85. Thank you God for the other drivers on the road. They helped me arrive at my destination safely, although I probably wasn’t paying attention while they did so. Thank you and amen

86. Thank you for keeping the car steady on the road. Even though I am a nervous driver, you always keep me safe. Thank you for keeping mum and my belongings by my side throughout our journey.

87. Thank you God for keeping all of us safe during the plane trip. I am always grateful every time you help me and ask for your guidance.

88. Thank you God for my safe trip and a fun day at the beach. It was nice to sit down and just listen to some good music and watch the water. I also enjoyed catching up with my friends; it had been so long since we saw each other.

89. God’s hand is in everything we do! I was a bit doubtful before. But as the day’s go on, and I reflect on what He has done in MY life, I can’t help but agree with that. Thank you, God, for granting me journey mercies.

90. Thank you for keeping me safe on the trip. I had a very enjoyable time and met some new people. Thank you so much!

91. Thank you for keeping me safe at all times. I’m very grateful to go through this journey and be able to reunite with my family once again.

92. Thank you for watching over me and my family. We had a very long trip, and we made it back safe. I could not have done it without you.

93. It feels great to be home. I want to thank God for taking care of me on my trip and allowing me to get back home safely! Thank you, God, for watching over me and protecting me throughout my trip.

94. I have a shortlist of things to thank God for every night. But at this moment I have a better understanding. I can thank him for journey mercies.

95. Thank you for getting me to my destination safely. I was leery about flying coming from a small town where one has to drive to almost everywhere, but you didn’t let me down. Thank you, God, for guaranteeing our safe journey home.

96. Gratefulness is in my heart for the safe journey. God gives me a lot to be thankful for. I am thankful for my family, and friends, for the opportunity to do this mission trip and to do it with you.

97. Thank you, God, for keeping me safe on my journey. I was worried about what might happen to me on the trip and whether or not I would be able to make it through, but everything worked out. Thank you for blessing me.

98. Thank you for protecting us the whole trip. We could have gotten into a car accident, lost our baggage or been sick, but everything went well and nothing bad happened. Thanks for keeping everyone safe.

99. I give thanks for every step I have taken. This thanksgiving day is especially dedicated to the journey God has led me on and the path he has chosen for me.

100. Sometimes I forget to be thankful. You’ve protected me every day of my life. I am truly grateful for what you have given me. My family, friends, and health. I thank you, God, for everything you have given to me.

Travelling safety is important, whether that be by plane, train, car, or any other means. In order to feel safe on their journeys to destination points, many people rely on God and also prayers for their safe arrival.

It is always a good idea to have in the back of our minds that someone is watching over us. If you’re travelling soon. When you have a safe journey, it’s important to appreciate God. And with the quotes here, you have all the words to thank God for journey mercies.

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