Thank God for Safe Arrival Quotes

Travelling on whatever scale is a risky adventure, it’s a string of successive wonders and shocks. Travelling to a new place is filled with excitement and joy. But you should not get caught up in the activities and fun and forget to appreciate God for watching over you and granting you a safe arrival.

Going on a trip and arriving safely is something that everyone should be grateful for. Not many things in life are better than a safe arrival. But you know what’s even better? Thanking God for a safe arrival after a trip. Why? Because it reminds us just how awesome God is.

Have you just arrived at your destination? I hope so! Now, an important step to take after a trip is to give thanks and praise God for keeping you safe throughout the trip. And there is no better way to do this than to use these thank God for safe arrival quotes below.

Dear God, I just want to thank you for the safe arrival of our plane. If I didn’t have your help, I would have never landed safely. was worried my flight would be delayed but I had no problems at all. Thank you for getting me where I needed to be safe!

1. Thank you, God, for always keeping me safe and healthy during all of my travels.

2. Thank you, God. Thank you for protecting me from harm and keeping me safe. Thank you for the opportunities to travel and experience new things.

3. I thank God for my safe arrival. I will remember this nice time we had on our travels. You are so kind as to include me in your plans. I am grateful for your help, God.

4. Thank you for watching over me and those I love. Thank you for helping me get through everything in one piece. I feel a lot better and happier when I think of all of the good fortune coming my way. God, having a safe arrival is more rewarding than anything else that could have happened in place of it.

5. Father, thank you for the blessing of travelling and for keeping me safe throughout. I ask for your continued protection in the future as I continue to make memories with family and friends. Amen.

6. Thank you for my safe arrival. I know that’s such a simple thing to say, but being in an aeroplane with two engines failing and going down into the middle of nowhere is a horrifying experience. I am blessed to be here and want to thank you for making it possible.

7. Thank you for guiding our plane to a safe landing. I will never forget how your strength spared us from any harm or injury. You gave me so much peace, Lord, as we were in the air knowing that you have this all under control.

8. Thank you for keeping me safe. I arrived at my destination safely and intact. Even though there were some tense moments on the way, everything worked out. Thank you for the adventure of a lifetime.

9. Dear God, thank you for keeping me safe and healthy during all of my travels. I also thank you for the experiences and memories that I have had. I promise to always keep faith in you in the future and not take anything for granted.

10. We thank God for the safe arrival. Everything is going according to plan and we are happy.

11. Thank you, God, for watching over me and keeping me safe on my travels. Here’s to a safe arrival tomorrow!

12. Thank you for allowing me to safely arrive at my destination. I know there are a lot of bad things that happen, like car accidents and other events. But I am grateful for the fact that some good has come from those tragedies by people being together with their loved ones and bringing good into the world.

13. Thank you for protecting me and my family all the time. Also thank you for allowing us to travel safely through the air. We appreciate your divine guidance.

14. Thank you for keeping us safe on this journey and thank you for my health. I feel great and really appreciate you. Thank you for my family and all the things we have in this life.

15. Thank you for the safe arrival at my destination. I couldn’t have had such a smooth flight without your help. Thank you for saving me from being late for work and for getting me back home in time to see my husband’s face light up when I told him about my trip.

16. Thank you for having us arrive safe and sound. I have been to a lot of places, but there are none that give me a sense of peace like this place you have given us to live. Thank you for living up to your promise in Psalms 23:4 “Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me.”

17. Thank you for getting me here safely. The weather was rough, but I made it. Thank you to the people in my life that have been there when I needed them and if I didn’t know how to ask for help. Thank you for letting me find what was missing in my life today. I am appreciative of everything that you do.

18. Thank you so much for helping our flight land safely and arrive home unscathed. Sometimes I don’t think about all the things that go right in my life, but when we were flying home and the plane landed safely, I couldn’t help but be thankful for all the things that have worked out in my life thus far.

19. Thank you for keeping me safe on my travels. I am grateful I got here in one piece and I am ready to proceed with my life’s journey. Thank you for keeping everyone close to me safe too.

20. Thank you for watching out for me. Without your help, I would have been in a lot of trouble. I am so grateful for the mercy and protection you gave me yesterday.

21. Thank you for looking out for me and keeping me safe during the trip. I was so worried about it, but there were no problems which are fantastic. I’m very grateful that everything worked out. If you need anything from me, just let me know!

22. Thank you for watching over me and my family. I couldn’t have made it through the week without your presence in my life. You help guide me to make good decisions, whether we realize it or not.

23. Thank you for keeping me safe and healthy during all my travels. Thank you for the wonderful experiences and the memories that I have had. I promise to always have faith in you in the future and to not take anything for granted.

24. Dear God, thank you for watching over me safely and healthily while I was travelling. I am very grateful for all the experiences and memories I have. I will not take anything for granted from now on, nor will I lose faith in you.

25. Thank you, God, for safe arrival. I was very nervous to fly, but I keep praying and hoping the plane would be uneventful and safe. I was really looking forward to going on the trip with my friends and it is so nice to see all of my friends in one place again after so many years.

26. Thanks for the safe arrival. I don’t know how you do it, but you always keep my family safe. Thank you for making this happen.

27. Thank you for the safe arrival of my flight this morning. It was a relief to see you waiting for me at the arrival gate after such a long trip. You created another busy day for me, but I appreciated every moment.

28. Thanks for the safe arrival. You always keep my family safe and I don’t know how you do it but thank you for making this happen.

29. I cannot thank you enough for your safe arrival. Knowing that you have my family’s safety in mind makes all the difference.

30. Thank you for the safe arrival. We are a family business, and we appreciate the support you have given us to grow. You make our dreams come true!

31. We are super grateful for you being on time. You always care about our family and keep everyone safe. Thanks for doing such a great job.

32. Thank you, God, for guiding me home safely. I know it wasn’t my time yet. Thank you also to my friends, family and co-workers who were there to help me when the car flipped over.

33. Thank you, God, for watching out for my travel plans and allowing me to arrive safely. I appreciate you looking out over me and protecting me from danger.

34. We thank God for saving us and also thank him in advance for the opportunities awaiting us here.

35. Thank you, Lord, for watching over us as we flew safely to our destination.

36. I’m thankful to have made it through another flight. Thank God for the safe arrival.

37. Thanks to God for helping us safely reach our destination.

38. We made it. Our flight landed safely. Thank you, God, for smiling on us today.

39. Thank you for watching over us and protecting the entire crew. Thank God for the safe arrival.

40. To God be the glory for the wonderful things He has done. Thank God for the safe arrival. Thank God for the safe arrival. So loved, and so blessed to be able to see another day.

41. I thank you because I arrived safe and sound. Your grace was present when I am in danger of hitting the guardrail and when I have a flat tire and was stuck in the snow. Thank you for easing my fear while going up the snowy mountain.

42. Thank you for keeping us safe. We are grateful to the men and women. Thank God for the safe arrival.

43. Thanking God for a safe journey is an important part of many of our lives.

44. Like many people, we’re thankful to be back on firm ground. We know you’ll join us in lifting our hearts in gratitude to God for the safe arrival.

45. We’re thankful for our safe arrival. Thank you, God, for bringing us home safe and sound.

46. Thank you, God, for ensuring that we arrived home safely. Amen.

47. We cannot thank God enough for making our journey smooth and bringing us back home safely.

48. Thank you, God, for guiding us safely and thank you for this new opportunity.

49. When the plane touches down on the runway, it’s deeply comforting to send up a prayer of thanks.

50. Blessed are the people who have never had to say We almost died. Thank God for the safe arrival.

51. Remember that in the midst of a storm, you can still hear God’s voice clearly. Thank God for safe arrival.

52. I called on the Lord in my distress, and he answered me. He freed me from all my fears and brought me home safely.

53. We would like to thank God for our safe arrival. We couldn’t have done it without you, God.

54. We thank God for your safe arrival. We pray that your mercies continue to dwell with us.

55. We have a safe arrival. Thank you, God, for keeping an eye on us and making our journey easy.

56. We thank God for arriving safe and sound tonight. We are grateful to be home safely.

57. Thank you for keeping us safe during this flight. We know you are always watching over us and protecting us from harm.

58. I got here safely. Thank God for safe arrival and thanks for your prayers.

59. We all have a reason to be thankful. Thank God for the safe arrival.

60. We are grateful to be back safely, and we pray that God will continue to guide and protect us.

61. Thank you for God’s mercies, and may we continue to dwell in them. Thank you, God, for your safe arrival.

62. We are thankful for your safe arrival, and we look forward to exceeding your expectations.

63. We’re grateful for your safe arrival. Count your blessings and give thanks; we’re home safe.

64. Thank you, God, for bringing us safely to our home. Thank God for the safe arrival.

65. Thank God for another safe flight. We’re so thankful to be able to connect to the places we want to be.

66. Thank God for today and all the moments we have to make it special. Thank God for the safe arrival.

67. The prayers of the people of God reach up to heaven and are heard by him. Thank God for the safe arrival. Thank

68. God for the safe arrival of loved ones. We will always be grateful.

69. Thank God for giving us the blessing of safe arrival.

70. Thank God for the safe arrival. Thank you for another opportunity to reach my destination safely.

71. God bless me and my fellow passengers, as well as the drivers, pilots, and crew members. Thank God for the safe arrival.

72. When you arrive somewhere safely, there is no better way of thanking God than by saying a simple prayer.

73. We are grateful for your safe arrival. We are grateful and will always be.

74. On behalf of the entire family, we would like to thank our Lord and Savior for watching over us and ensuring a safe flight.

75. We made it. It was a bumpy ride, but God guided us through the storm. We were also delivered safely.

76. We feel blessed every day, and we want to say a special thank you to our friends, family, and community. We also want to thank God for our safe arrival.

77. We are so thankful for everything. We have enjoyed the opportunity to share our love. Thank God for the safe arrival.

78. God has delivered us from many things, and we are grateful that He is in control of our lives. Thank God for the safe arrival.

79. Thank you, Lord, for watching over us. We are blessed. Thank God for the safe arrival.

80. We’re glad you’ve made it. Thank God for the safe arrival.

81. It’s good to be back in an inspired and inspirational way. Thank God for the safe arrival.

82. Thank God for your safe arrival, and we are ready to serve you.

83. Thank God for the safe arrival. We have made it to another day safely.

84. We are grateful for the safe arrival and for the gifts of life and family.

85. Traveling and adventure mean a lot. We thank God we arrived safely at our destination.

86. Thank you, Lord, for bringing us safely to our destination.

87. We want to thank God for keeping us safe and sound while we travel, knowing He can wrap His arms around us and protect us from whatever may come on the road ahead.

88. Thank you, God, for guiding us safely and for your protection throughout the flight. Thank you for keeping our loved ones safe.

89. As we arrive in each new place, we pay tribute to God. The Lord guides us continually, giving us favour wherever we go.

90. On behalf of all my family, I want to thank God for your protection. Thank God for the safe arrival.

91. A big thanks to the power that’s watching over us and guiding us on our way. Thank God for the safe arrival.

92. Thank you, God, for letting us arrive safely, for now, and always.

93. I arrived safely thanks to God’s grace for his guidance.

94. Thank you, God, for keeping us safe and sound. Thank God for the safe arrival.

95. May God continue to protect and guide us and our family as we work to achieve new heights in this journey of life. Thank God for the safe arrival.

96. Thank you for being our wings and keeping us safe. Thank God for the safe arrival.

97. We’re giving thanks for everything God has blessed us with and for our safe arrival.

98. We are eternally grateful for the grace and mercy he continually shows us. Thank God for the safe arrival.

99. A special thank you to God, who made us arrive safely. We are forever grateful to God for the gift of life.

100. Dear God, Thank you for keeping us safe and bringing us all back together.

I hope you found these thank God for safe arrival quotes above helpful. Please do not hesitate to share this post with your friends and loved ones. Thank you for reading.

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