Thank You for Always Being There for Me Through My Ups and Downs Quotes

At some points or many points in our lives, we have been rescued by the kind gestures of other people. These people have come in to assist us, help us in one way or the other. These are the celebrities of our lives and they deserved to be cherished and appreciated with messages showing appreciation for kind gestures. It is by showing attitudes of gratitude that we receive more from people.

So, if you feel indebted to someone for a kind gesture done at a point in your life, here are thank you for always being there for me through my ups and downs messages which you can use to express your heartfelt gratitude to that person. There are many ways to show gratitude but one of the best is by using the best words to say thank you to someone who had helped you in the past.

With the texts in this section, you have the best messages to say thank you to that person who had come in for you at your trying moment in the past. You can use them the way they are or you may decide to insert the person’s name in it. They tell of how much you appreciate their kindness and how much you revere them. Please do not hesitate. One good turn deserves another.

When I needed someone, you were there. In my gloomy days, you were there. This is to express my profound gratitude to you for being there for me through thick and thin. You are the support that God created for me. Thank you for being the person you are always to me. I will never forget your acts of kindness.

1. In my trying time, you came to my rescue. I can’t thank you enough but I want you to know that from the bottom of my heart, I say a very big thank you to you.

2. You defied all odds to come to the rescue. I thought that would be the end of me, but you showed up and express so much kindness that I can’t repay. Thank you so much.

3. This message cannot repay you for your act of kindness but it can express to you that I am indebted to you forever for what you did in my life. You came to me during my trying time. From the bottom of my heart, I want to say thank you.

4. I got the share of life when I needed light. I was in agony of both the body and the soul. You came like the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel. You are an angel. Thank you so much.

5. Your heart is a pure one; I desire to have more of it. I was in the cold and you came in as the pillow on which I rested my head. The storms almost overwhelmed me but you shared in my pains and helped me back. I am deeply grateful to you. “Thank You.”.

6. Upon waking up this morning, my first thought was about you and I said ‘Thank you to you in my heart. This message is just my expression of it directly to you. I am grateful to you for all you did in my life.

7. My life has been on a positive note since your interception. It was the darkest hour of my life. Thank you for being there in my thick and thin. I am deeply grateful to you.

8. Dearest brother, I can’t begin to list how many times you have rescued me from the quagmire of life. I am lucky to have you in my life. Thank you.

9. Life is not fair; yes, I admit it now but I thank God for someone like you, I can breathe again. Thanks for your presence and intervention when I was down.

10. I don’t know how best to say ‘THANK YOU”. You are really a sister indeed. What could I have without a sister like you? You make life a sweet place to be. Thanks for being there for me.

11. I was sick, you showed up. Your flowers, texts messages and even your assistance in the payment of the bills swept me off my feet. It was indeed a trying time for me, but you were the cushion to the pains. Thanks so much.

12. You have done so much more than I could begin to recount. You came to me when I needed a covering and like a garment, you covered my nakedness. Thank you so much.

13. From you I have learnt that every act of kindness is done unto the Lord. You were the angel on earth that I saw when I was wavering in my ups and downs. I really want to tell you to thank you so much.

14. The value of life is better estimated with people like you. I will always remember your show of care and concern. Thank you so much, my dear uncle.

15. I can’t express what a difference you’ve made in my life. It’s something I will continue to marvel at. Thank you for being there for me in my dark days, my dear aunt.

16. You have been a figure of inspiration to me. I thought it was all over. My life was caving in but I thank you that you made it your point of duty to help. I am indebted to you. Thank you, dear friend.

17. Dearest friend, you are really a true friend. I can’t express my true state of mind right now because I am overwhelmed with gratitude to you for all you did and have done. May the good Lord continue to bless you. Thank you so much for being there for me.

18. The way you came to the rescue still amazes me today. I was in the doldrums of life, laden with too many loads but you appeared as an angel and you helped to lift them. I can’t thank you enough. I am really grateful.

19. You have always been sharing your love and care to many, and suddenly you appeared into my life with loads of love to share. I am really grateful to you for all you have done. You are indeed a helper and a supporter in times of ups and downs.

20. Having you as my friend was enough for me until you showed a great deal of kindness when everyone else was nowhere to be found. Thank you so much, my dear friend.

21. When I looked to the left, I found none. I looked to the right, zilch. Then out of nowhere, you appeared when I had lost all hopes. You saved me from that great deal of embarrassment. Thank you so much, my dear cousin, for your kindness.

22. There are many things in life that we cannot understand now but when it comes to the acts of kindness in our lives, we know it and feel it even from afar. Thank you, my lovely niece. I am forever grateful to you for being there for me.

23. Your care and love for me in my trying times cannot be overemphasized. You were the reflection of love to me then. Seriously, I will forever be indebted to you because I can’t repay you for all you contributed. More blessing to you.

24. When I think about the world, I see just a few people because no matter how large the world is, it is the people that affect the lives that are the world to us. I am indeed grateful to you, my dear brother. You are always there for me even when it’s not convenient for you.

25. Thank you for helping me grow to become who I am today. Thanking for always standing by me even when I fall and thank you for being there when there was no one to look up to. I really appreciate you.

Nothing is as sweet as looking behind you and you see people always there, ready to support or back you up. You are a special person to me and today I say thank you for all your show of love and care. God made you a special being and you are always there for me when I needed you. Thanks a million.

26. Nothing is as beautiful as having you in my life. I wish all people in the world could be like you. Thank you for being there for me always. I am indeed grateful to you.

27. Looking back now, I could say with all boldness that if not for you, I wouldn’t have made it this far. God used you to lift me up, dear sister. I appreciate your help at every point and your efforts at seeing that I get up. Thank you so much.

28. Thank you for being there for me always. You rose up to the occasion when it seems life had me pinned to the ground. What a brother you are to me! God bless you abundantly.

29. I wish that I could write a book about what you have done to me. You have attended to my case not just once, not twice but times that I can no longer count again. Thanks for always being there for me.

30. The joy you brought to my life is priceless. It is because of you that I can say I am back on my feet. This is not the first time you would do it, but I know you will never be stranded also in life.

31. Your smile is infectious, dear sister. Even when I was down, you kept dishing them out to me giving me hope that all will be well. Thank you so much. I do not take it for granted that you paid so much attention to me. May God continually bless you.

32. Truly, you are an inspiration to me. I am indebted to you for your love and kindness in my life. I know that you have a lot to attend to, yet, you still had time for me whenever I needed it. Thanks for being there for me always.

33. Dearest colleague, I am awed at your show of love and the kindness that you express so freely. Thank you for who you are and for your openness to show love. I am happy to have you in my life. You are always there for me. I appreciate you.

34. Be it in my presence or in my absence, you have always shown me love and support. Thanks for always being there for me.

35. I will forever be indebted to you for every act of love and kindness you have shown to me and my family. What can I do without you, my dearest friend? Thank you so much.

36. If I had gold to give, I would give it to repay you for your love. Even gold cannot pay you for your time and support. You have proven to be a mother indeed. Nothing can pay you for always being there for me. Thank you so much, my dear mother.

37. You are a model to be shown to the world. Thank you for always being there for me.

38. Thank you for all you do. Thank you for your sacrifice. Thank you for your time. Thank you for all you are to me, my dear uncle.

39. Dearest aunt, thank you so much for always being there always for me. You have shown that family matters a lot. I will always remember your good deeds.

40. You were there for me when I needed someone. You stood by me when every other person left. You hold me up when I’m not strong. Your constant reminders that all will be well are treasured in my heart. Thank you for being there for me in my time of need.

41. Every other person left but stayed by me. I am so grateful to you for sticking to me when I felt lost. To be alone in this world is like a loner in the ocean. You were my guardian angel all through. You never left my side when I needed you. Thank you.

42. True friends are known in times of adversity. I don’t know how I could have faced all the challenges without knowing you were there for me. I had all reasons to give up but stood by my side. You made me stronger and more confident. Thank you for being there for me.

43. Every time I needed you, you never fail to show up. You are one person who doesn’t look at schedules before you attend to me. You were there for me always encouraging and cheering me up even when there was no sign of hope left. Thank you for always being there, my lovely dad.

44. Any time I look back and see you, my confidence skyrockets to another level entirely. With you, I never feel underestimated and unwanted. Thank you for your positive vibes in my life. I hope to always have you there. Thank you for spreading love and kindness around you.

45. Dear friend, thank you for being a source of joy and hope for me. Thank you for always being there for me. I want you to know how much I appreciate all you do.

46. Do I know what to say to you on this day? Definitely NO! But I can always confirm that you are a brother indeed. Words cannot express how grateful I am for all you have done and for always being there when needed.

47. I wish there are other words to express my gratitude to you because I don’t think a simple “thank you” is enough to express all my heart to you. I love you and appreciate you for all you are to me. I hope to be able to reciprocate the same to you.

49. With your help, I have regained my confidence and strength. I can’t thank you enough. What would I do if I didn’t have you? Thank you for restoring my passion for life, dear sister.

50. Your positive energy alone is enough to give me hope; it didn’t end at that because you backed it up with supportive action at every point. Thank you so much for being there.

There are times in our lives when there will be no one else to run to, at this time, we appear helpless and it seems the entire world is caving in on us. You have always been that person that remains standing even if it means you standing alone with me. I was not taking it for granted and never will. I am using this medium to express my gratitude and say thank you for all you do and for being there.

51. Thank you for supporting me when no one else would. No matter how difficult the situation is, you never left me alone.

52. You are my oasis in the desert of life because you were the only one left for me in times of my trouble. Thanks for being there for me when no one else was.

53. Anytime I look back at life, I see the points in my life when I couldn’t meet up with the circumstances at hand. You were part of the wonderful people that showed up. Thank you much for being there when every other person left.

54. In my toughest time, I was defenceless and you remained the last person standing by me. Thanks so much to you. You took my pains person and carried my burdens on yourself. Thanks a lot. I can never thank you enough for that.

55. You remain my pillar of strength and support. Thank you for always being there when no one else was. You would forever be in my heart. Thanks for always making me feel your presence in everything I do.

56. Your soothing words to me always ring back in my memory anytime I am alone because, in my most difficult times, you d alone by my side.

57. Dear wife, you are my soul mate, my helpmeet, my better half, my perfect fit. Thanks for being a wife indeed and for always being there. You have the most special place in my heart. Thank you, my love, for being one of a kind.

58. In life, we have disappointments here and there, but you have never left my side when I needed you. Thanks to you, dearest brother. Thank you for proving there are people like you in this world.

59. Through the storms of life, you sod by me even though it meant you standing alone. I am indeed grateful to you. It is because of you that I have gone this far. Being with you makes me feel safe.

60. You had the chance to walk away because every person in this has one form of challenge or the other but you decided to be the last man standing by me. Thanks to you, dearest friends. You have no idea how much I value you.

61. No one understands me better than you. This is because you have made it a choice to be close to me and be available to me. Thank you so much. You are my best friend ever and I thank you for always being there for me.

62. With you, I can keep running because I know you’ve got my back. Thanks for always being there when no one else was. I had always known that the secret to a successful life is having people like you by my side.

63. Dear Friend, people like you come along once in a lifetime. Thank you for being there for me always and when no one else was. I don’t think I can ever thank you for all you are doing for me.

64. In the desert of life, you came with a drink for me. Thanks for always showing up when needed even without having any notice. You are an angel. You are the person I can talk to about everything, share my worries and confide in. Thank you always.

65. You are my nitro booster. I wish I could show how much I appreciate you for never letting me fall and always pushing me forward. Thank you for making me feel confident.

66. Dear cousin, through my storms, you were there for me. Thanks to you. I’ll never forget it. Thank you for being a part of my life.

67. With you, my day is brighter. Life is better lived with you because even if you are left alone, I am sure you will never leave me. Thanks to you dear for always being there. Thank you, my sunshine!

68. You are a friend of all-weather; in times of sun, rain, wind and even in the storm. You’re a true friend every moment. Thank you for being there so that I never have to be alone.

69. Being a friend is one thing; being generous with your time and resources is another. You are one of the most generous people I know. I have never felt lonely with you by my side. Thank you, my friend, for being there.

70. Dear brother, how can I ever thank you for being such an amazing person? You inspire me to be better every day. Thank you for always being there.

71. I don’t know where I would have been without your help and support. It’s such a wonderful feeling to know that there is someone who loves you and has your back forever!

72. Dear brother, you were the force behind my resurgence because, without you, my inspiration would have been completely shut out. Thank you for being there when I was at my lowest. Your strength, love, and wisdom are what got me through.

73. Dear friend, you have been one of the best people I have had in my life. Over the years you have been a source of comfort to me. Thank you for being always there when no one else was. Thank you.

74. Dad, you will always be someone who I’ll admire and look up to. You are the perfect example of a helper and a supporter. You showed up every time. Thank you so much.

75. Mom, you provided me with a shoulder to lean on. You were my safe haven. Thank you so much for never leaving me alone. I really appreciate you.

No one passes through life without passing through a difficult time at one point or the other. When these times come, we seek help and when we find it, we get confidence that we have someone or people there. You have remained one special person in my life who I always see when I need help. Thank you for being there during it all. I appreciate it.

76. In my stormy days, you were there. In my difficult times, you were there. Thanks for all you do. I know we’ll stick together no matter what.

77. Your companionship is something I would treasure for a very long time. I am so grateful to have such a genuine person in my life. You were there in my difficult time. Thank you.

78. The only thing left for you to give to me was your own life. You were ready to give it. You are wife indeed. Thanks for being there for me in my difficult times. You understand my words and you can read my silence. Thank you for being my rock.

79. You have become more than a friend to me. We are sisters and you have become my heartbeat. You were there for me in my stormy days. I looked around and saw you. Thanks so so much.

80. Dear uncle, you are a strong beam in the building of my life. Thank you for being the pillar for me to lean on all my life. I don’t know what I would do without your support.

81. You were the person I needed, and you didn’t disappoint. Thank you for being there for me. Your optimism, hope, and love are just what my heart needed.

82. I always love you and remember your kindness. Thank you for being there when I was in a time of such profound need. It’s such a comfort to know you are always there to help me.

83. I was down in my health. Everything got worse, but your presence and care ameliorated the situation and with your help, I am back on my feet. I say thank you so much. Thank you for being there when I’m at my lowest, my dear sister.

84. You are a gift to the world but I had you to myself when I was in my difficult times. Thanks for everything you did. Your love, light and strength saw me through. Thank you for being there when I needed you the most.

85. Your love to me is more than I can recount. Your support has meant more to me than I can ever express. Dearest niece, thank you for always being a nice niece and for being there for me.

86. You have done more than anyone would expect. Thank you for holding my hand through the most trying times in my life. You were to me as life support; thank you so much. Your support has really meant so much to me.

87. I got happy when I knew someone like you came through. I was in oblivion, yet, in my unconsciousness, you came to me and helped back up. Thank you so much. Knowing that you’ve got my back gives me the strength to pursue all my dreams. Thank you so much for being there for me.

88. I didn’t know how much it would have cost me but you settled my bills when I was out of anything left. Thanks for coming through to save me from that huge embarrassment. When times are at their most uncertain, I know that you’re always there for me. Thank you for being a true friend.

89. I don’t have much to say other than to tell you to thank you for being with me in my difficult times. Because of people like you, I can smile again and see the reason to live. Thanks a lot.

90. No amount of words are able to express my profound gratitude to you. Thanks for being there through the dark clouds and the gloomy night. I don’t know how I would ever make it without your support.

91. I have always seen as you a helper and you proved it right by your support in my difficult times. Thanks for always being there.

92. I admire your sacrifice and your help to me when I was drowning in the ocean of life. Thank you for being there, my lovely brother.

93. Dearest aunt, you are the epitome of love and generosity. Today, I want to say a special thank you for being there in my difficult times. Not once, not twice have you come to the rescue. Thank you so much. Thank you for being there for me.

94. It is at difficult times that we know true friends. Thanks for being a true friend. You have proven to be someone reliable even when times are at their most cloudy and grey.

95. I am not sure if I would have been able to weather the storms with you by my side. Thank you for always being there, my dear son.

96. You are so amazing, dear daughter. You have proven to be someone I can rely on any day, any time. Thank you for being there for me when I needed someone. Thank you for also being a responsible daughter to me.

97. Day by day, month by month, I begin to see why you are so admired by many people. The love and comfort you provide for people will always ring in their memory. Thank you for being there in my sad times, dad.

98. My indefatigable daddy, thank you for being there for me when my world was upside down. You don’t know how much it means to me to have you speaking to me every day with your words of encouragement. Having your support is what got me through. Thank you so much.

99. Friends like you are rare. I consider myself lucky to have you in my life. Thanks for being there in my most difficult times. You are amazing.

100. Your words of wisdom, your strength and all were what I tapped into to hold me up when I’m not strong. Thanks for reminding me to keep the faith. Thank you for being there for me in my time of need.

You would agree with me that it is expedient and necessary to appreciate special people in our lives. Sometimes, we just have to develop the habit of sending messages of gratitude to people who at one point or the other touched our lives when we needed help. So, with these thank you for always being there for me through my ups and downs quotes, you would be doing just that when you start sending them to these people in your lives. Please do it and send as many as possible. Also, remember to tell your friends to do the same and share this with them.

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