Thank You for Not Letting Me Down Quotes

Sometimes, people do exactly what we want and expect them to, without us having to tell them what exactly we want or expect. It’s a great feeling when that happens because we feel as if they can read our minds. This creates trust between the two of you and also makes the relationship very strong.

When a friend keeps his or her word and does not let you down, it is only natural to appreciate what they have done. The more important the promise they keep, the more valuable their loyalty becomes.

In an era of general distrust, it’s a special thing to have someone you can trust. To let that person know how much they mean to you is another way to show your gratitude. But since you are here, we got you covered. Here are some amazing thank you for not letting me down quotes to appreciate your loved ones for not letting you down.

I’m writing to say thank you because you have been there for me when I really needed you. When I ask for your help, you always find a way to do it. I know that sometimes I can be a handful, but I really appreciate all of your hard work and dedication. Thank you for not letting me down.

1. Thank you for not letting me down. You have always been so good to me, doing favours and cooking just because you know I like it. Thank you for letting me be there for you whenever you need that extra push in life.

2. Thank you for not letting me down and being a great friend! I will never forget the support you gave me when my dog was sick. You took her to the vet and stayed there with her for eight hours.

3. Thank you for not letting me down, which is a risk any time you agree to anything with me. I just want to let you know I really appreciate it.

4. Thank you for being there for me by listening when I need to vent and giving me a shoulder to lean on when things get hard. It means a lot to me that you haven’t let me down.

5. Thank you for being such a good friend to me. I always worry about my friends and if they will let me down, but I never have to worry about you because I know you will always be there for me.

6. Thank you for being so understanding when I have had to cancel plans. You are there if I need anything and make running this business possible. I know it is not easy to know where my schedule will be, but I appreciate all of your help.

7. Thank you for being loyal. I know that things are getting hard and difficult, but I appreciate all the work you do in our relationship. It means a lot to me and makes me happy.

8. Thank you for all you have done for me. I was a total stranger and you took me in, and now I feel like I can call this place home. You have given me so much in only a few weeks. I hope that one day we can be closer. Am so happy you didn’t let me down.

9. Thank you for being so understanding. When I need someone to talk to, you are there for me. I really appreciate everything you do for me every day.

10. Thank you for being on time when I need you. I hope we have many more adventures together.

11. you for being there for me when I need someone to talk to. This separation has been hard because of how much I miss everyone from back home, but you are always there with a smile and a hug that makes me feel better.

12. Thank you so much for always cheering me up. Whenever I am sad or upset, you just tell me funny jokes and stories until I start to smile again. I appreciate it a lot!

13. Thank you for not letting me down. I know I am a bit flaky and unreliable but you keep at it, and the fact that we always seem to make plans work is amazing. Thank you so much.

14. Thank you for not letting me down. When I first met you, I asked if you were someone who would bail on me if the going got tough and you said no. I know if things get bad, there is no one else in my life that can help me through it make it better or take away the pain. And you have been such a great friend, I love you big.

15. The good news is that even though there will be a lot of pain, I won’t have to go through it alone. You’ve promised to stay by my side and I promised to do everything possible not to misbehave too, thank you for not letting me down.

16. Thank you for not letting me down even though I made a lot of mistakes. Our friendship has lasted for a while now and I hope it will continue to grow and prosper.

17. Thank you for not letting me down when I needed a friend. I was down and out, but you helped me to see that things will be OK.

18. Thank you for being there for me. You have never let me down and have always been a critical part of my life. Everything from the time we were in grade school to our recent vacation, we always had a blast.

19. Thank you for always being there to hang out with, no matter what or how busy I am. Also, thank you for not letting me down when I ask you to come over even though your time is limited.

20. Thank you for picking me up when I’m down and reminding me of the things that matter. I’ve always appreciated your support – and this is more than ever so because we are getting older and it feels harder to keep going sometimes.

21. Thank you for being there for me. Your friendship means a lot to me, and I thank you for that.

22. Thank you for being such a loyal friend. I know that if I needed money, you would lend me some. I know that if I needed a meal, you would buy me lunch. You are reliable and trustworthy and I can count on you for anything. Thank you for always being there for me.

23. Thank you for always agreeing to come with me to the movies or for dinner. I can always rely on you. You are such a good friend!

24. Thank you for always picking me up when I feel down and helping me get back into the right mood. Your help means a lot to me. You are a wonderful person.

25. Thank you for letting me down easy. If it meant maintaining our friendship, I’m glad you felt that way. I respect you a lot for reaching out to me and having a mature talk with me before just disappearing. Thanks again, and I hope we can continue being friends.

26. Thank you for not letting me down. Over the years, we have had our ups and downs but I know that you will always be there for me. Thank you for helping me get through this tough time and still being there for me.

27. Thank you for not letting me down when I needed you the most. You helped me through my hard time and stood by me. I could never have gotten this great opportunity if it weren’t for your help.

28. I can’t stress how much this friendship means to me. Even though we don’t talk as often or hang out, I know you have my back. Thank you for not letting me down when it mattered the most. I know we won’t drift apart, no matter what happens, you will always be my friend.

29. Thank you for being a good friend. You are always there when I need someone to talk to and make me feel better. Thank you for not letting me down.

30. Thank you for being there when I needed you, even though our schedules made it difficult to meet. I’m so grateful that we could spend the evening together.

31. Thank you so much for coming over when I called. I could have cried on your shoulder when I had my fight with my roommate and that would have been so embarrassing. I am so happy you came and everything worked out in the end.

32. Thank you for sticking with me. Being a friend is a two-way street, but you are always there for me. You listen to my problems, keep me company when I need it, and I love that about you.

33. Thank you for being a good friend. I don’t know what I would do without you and I’m glad that I don’t have to find out.

34. Thank you for going with me to the movies. I was so scared that you would say no when I asked. But you are my friend and you helped me out when I needed you.

35. I know life can be hard. There are times it is so hard that you think about turning to drugs or alcohol. The thing is that there is always someone who will help pick you up, and I’m usually one of those people. If you are having trouble staying clean, I want you to know that I am here for you and would love to talk.

36. Thank you for not letting me down all year during our adventures together. I could have never done them without the support of a great friend like you. Hope we continue for many years together!

37. Thank you for not letting me down. I was very nervous on a date, but we had a great time. Thank you for picking the perfect restaurant and holding my hand when I was nervous.

38. Thank you for being reliable and not letting me down, especially when I was in a rush. You are truly a good person.

39. Thank you for being a true and loyal friend. I am upset with you for letting me down by not supporting me. I understand that you are hurt about something that happened between us, but I only want us to have a positive relationship going forward.

40. Thank you for being my friend. I am so lucky to have someone like you beside me, as we go through college. As an added bonus, you also help me see funny things sometimes, which is great! Thank you for not letting me down and letting words of kindness flow from your lips toward mine.

41. Thank you so much for attending my wedding anniversary party. It was quite a surprise to see someone stand up and say something awesome about my wife. Thank you so much. Your words are more than encouraging. I can’t wait to see you again!

42. Thank you for giving me a chance to pay you back. I know things are tight right now, but I really appreciate you giving me a ride to work. This is going to be very helpful in getting my car payments down on my new car.

43. Thank you for being my friend through thick and thin. I know you are there for me and we can be honest with each other.

44. Thank you for always being there. You are my support group when I need it the most and you always encourage me to stay positive. I am more grateful for not letting me down

45. Thank you for always being there for me when I need a backup, whether it be helping me carry something heavy or just giving me a place to sleep. You’re the best friend a guy could ask for.

46. Thank you for letting me live in your apartment. I know it can be annoying to have someone so messy hanging around all of the time, but you didn’t complain and were happy to let me stay in your spare room. You didn’t let me down

47. Thank you for not letting me down. I don’t tell you this enough, but I appreciate everything that you do.

48. Thank you for not letting me down. I know I can count on you to help me out with anything and everything. I am more grateful for not letting me down

49. Thank you for not letting me down when I always call you to tell you how I feel. You always listen to me and make me feel like it’s okay to vent. Thank you for being an awesome friend.

50. Thank you for not letting me down. When other friends might have heard my complaints about someone and taken sides, you didn’t. You listened to both of us carefully and showed that you really care about me by being fair and objective.

The best message to appreciate your friend, family and loved ones for not letting you down is the one above. Do not hesitate to go through them and make use of them as you appreciate your loved ones.

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