Thank You for the Cookies Messages

There is nothing wrong with a good thank you message, especially to someone who got you cookies. It’s amazing how powerful it is to say thanks, because usually, people don’t do it enough, and your loved one will appreciate the appreciation.

People usually express thankfulness and appreciation for cookies in the following ways: These are really good. What are these cookies?! Where did you get them? I can’t stop eating them! The cookie is a beautiful thing indeed. Well, you could go further and more creative with your words of appreciation.

Cookies are indeed yummy, sweet, wholesome and a certain cure to hunger. So, your words of appreciation should also be that way. However, you don’t need to stress yourself out on how to go about it anymore. Below is a beautiful collection of thank you for the cookies messages you can use.

Thank you for the delicious chocolate chip cookies. They were a hit at work. Everyone was oohing and aahing over them. I’m sure they will be talking about the deliciousness of your cookies for a very long time. You are the best!

1. Thank you for the cookies you brought me today. I appreciate your thoughtfulness very much and look forward to more treats.

2. Thank you for the cookies! They were so tasty and I have enjoyed them with my tea.

3. Thank you for the cookies you made. I know how much effort it takes and how hot the oven gets, so I am very grateful. They were really delicious by the way. I just ate one of them because I was hungry. I hope you didn’t mind me eating it a few days after Christmas.

4. Thank you so much for the cookies. I enjoy them every day with my coffee. I’m sure we’ll have time to talk again soon.

5. Thank you for the nice surprise. It was very thoughtful of you to bring me cookies. I’m sure they were delicious, but they didn’t last long enough in my house.

6. Thank you for the delicious cookies. I really enjoyed them. I will be sure to eat them slowly so they last a while.

7. Thanks for the cookies you brought me. I only have one box left! They were the best chocolate chip cookies I have ever had. Be sure to eat some yourself.

8. Thanks for the cookies. Mom said how good they were, so do you want to bake some for the class?

9. Thank you for baking some cookies. I know you are busy being a full-time mom and also taking online classes, but it’s very sweet that you still make these for us.

10. You are the best! What a thoughtful gift of cookies. Thank you for thinking of my son and me. I wish you a wonderful day.

11. Thank you for bringing cookies over today. Your cookies are always so delicious. I will be sure to keep you in my thoughts for the next time you need a meal or present

12. Thank you for the cookies. They reminded me of my childhood and made me smile.

13. Thank you for the cookies, they look really delicious. I appreciate you thinking of me and sending them my way.

14. Thank you for the cookies, Dude! You know how much I like them. They are a great joy to me and my family.

15. Thank you for the delicious cookies you made me. I enjoyed having one with my morning cup of coffee.

16. Thanks for the cookies when I started reading your note and saw how you were appreciative of what I do, I got a little misty-eyed. That is so touching, and I will remember this kind gesture all year.

17. Thank you for the cookies. I enjoyed them very much! Your cookies are the best!
Just the act of receiving them warmed my heart and it was fun texting you all week. I am looking forward to more delicious food soon!

18. Thank you for the cookies. I really like how they taste. They weren’t too sweet and were just right for me. I’m glad you got an A on that paper, too! Good job.

19. Thank you for the delicious cookies! They are always a big help when I stay over late to study and need a little snack to keep me going.

20. I would just like to say thank you for the delicious cookies. They were amazing and I look forward to receiving more in the future.

Thank you for buying these delicious cookies. I shared them with my friends and family and they loved them. Remember the good old days when you would bring them over to my house? Thank you so much! You are the best!

21. Thank you for buying cookies. They helped me get through my papers today without any problems. I especially enjoyed the oatmeal ones.

22. Thank you so much for buying cookies. It’s so nice to feel appreciated every once in a while and it also makes me look like a hero at work. And, as a bonus, I get to gorge myself on the remaining cookies whenever people forget about them.

23. Thank you for buying cookies. I plan to enjoy them over the next month several times a week. Happy birthday!

24. Thank you for stopping by and buying cookies for my daughter’s class. She told everyone that you helped raise money for her school. She’s very proud of you and so am I.

25. Thank you for buying cookies. I hope you have a lot of fun eating the cookies from me.

26. Thank you so much for buying cookies at my fundraiser. I hope they were delicious; they were certainly meant to be eaten by people with a sweet tooth.

27. Thank you for being so good to me. I’ve had a lot of tough things going on lately with my computer crashing, but when I got home today and saw that you bought me some cookies, it made me feel better. I appreciate how nice you always are to me.

28. Thank you for getting cookies for me. It was nice to find a gift on my desk after a long day.

29. Thank you for buying me some cookies, they were delicious.

30. Thank you for getting some of my cookies for the office. The people really enjoyed them. I can’t wait to start making cakes and selling them on Etsy.

31. Thank you for being such a good dad. I know it is not easy to be at work all day and still come home and make dinner for us. You are a great leader and I love you very much.

32. Thanks for buying cookies I appreciate everything that you’ve done for me and the kids. Always remember how lucky I am to have you in my life.

33. Thank you for buying cookies for my employees. I know that not everyone does that. They all loved it, especially the German chocolate one.

34. Thank you for buying cookies for me. The family we visited loved the cookies and I got the rest to enjoy with some tea.

35 Thank you for buying cookies. I know it was a small little decision, but I really appreciate that you were thinking about me when you went grocery shopping.

36. Thank you for buying cookies. I don’t know what I would do if you weren’t around! You are the best friend I’ve ever had, and I hope we stay friends forever.

37. Thank you for buying cookies at the bake sale and contributing to my school. You are awesome!

38. Thank you for buying cookies. I know I said I wouldn’t eat them, but they smelled so good that I couldn’t resist.

39. Thank you for buying me those delicious cookies. They are my favourite and I would have never expected you to buy them for me on your outing with friends. Your kindness is appreciated.

40. Thank you so much for buying a box of cookies. I am happy I have someone who is willing to buy cookies that are not Girl Scout cookies! And thank you very much for the box of girl scout cookies too, even though they will be gone by the time you read this message.

Thank you so much for the delicious peanut butter cookies. They were gone in two days and everyone at the office loved them. You are very much appreciated and we hope to buy more of these in the future! I really appreciate it.

41. Thank you so much for the delicious cookies. Your thoughtfulness truly brought a smile to my face and made me feel loved.

42. Thank you for the delicious cookies! They were such a treat!

43. Thank you for the delicious cookies you made me. They were a big hit at the party! Everyone was fighting for your recipes!

44. Thank you for the delicious cookies. I enjoyed them with my friends at our girl’s night out!

45. Thank you for the delicious cookies that were waiting when I got home yesterday. Your baked goodies are always a treat, and it’s wonderful to come home to them.

46. Thank you so much for the delicious cookies. They tasted great and I got your message on my shirt before I ate them. I hope it wasn’t a secret note, because if it was then I’m good at guessing.

47. I wanted to thank you for the delicious cookies you gave me today. I didn’t want to take just one…they were amazing.

48. Thank you for bringing the cookies. I loved them all, especially the pumpkin ones. It was very thoughtful of you to bring us cookies before we went back home after Thanksgiving dinner. Now I don’t have to bake anything this weekend.

49. Thank you for being a great friend! I love your cookies. They are the best, and our kids like them too.

50. Thank you so much for the cookies. I just ate some, and they were so good; I was eating them faster than Britney Spears. I will keep them out of sight from my parents, so they don’t know how amazing your baking skills are.

51. Thanks for the cookies. I missed them last time, and it was a good snack in between work meetings today.

52. Thank you for being a wonderful friend who is always there to make someone feel better when they are down.

53. Thank you for the delicious cookies. My whole family loves them. You don’t think about doing nice things for people, but it really makes a difference in their day. Your husband

54. Thank you for the delicious cookies you sent me today. I really appreciated it and it made me smile!

55. Thank you for the delicious cookies you brought over for us. I know how hard it is to bake when you are pregnant, but you did a great job!

56. Thank you for the delicious cookies. Everyone loved them at work and they were a great distraction from the hectic schedule we were all suffering through.

57. Thank you for the delicious cookies. Your note was adorable, I’m very happy you enjoyed your first try at making chocolate chip cookies.

58. Thank you for the delicious cookies! I never would have come up with that combination of flavours. My friends loved them, too!

59. Thank you for the yummy cookies. They were fun to bake and fun to eat. I love you.

60. Thank you for making those yummy cookies. I loved them and savoured every last one.

Thank you for the Christmas cookies you made and brought us. I loved them so much, I’m going through another batch tonight. They were so nice to enjoy after a long day at work. I love your cookies, dear. Thank you!

61. Thank you for the Christmas cookies. They were a welcome treat. I appreciate you making me feel like part of your family and not just an acquaintance.

62. Thank you for the Christmas cookies. They were delicious and they made the holiday extra special. I am glad you are in my life.

63. Thank you for the Christmas cookies you made. The kids really enjoyed them. It was a nice surprise to find a gift on the breakfast table. It did not fill my Santa Belly, but it definitely helped.

64. Thank you for the Christmas cookies. I wish they tasted as delicious as they smelled.

65. Thank you so much for the Christmas cookies you made me last week. They are delicious and I can’t wait to tear into another one.

66. Thank you for being there for me. I feel so lucky to be your sister and that we get along so well. And thank you for the Christmas cookies, I really enjoyed them.

67. Thank you for the delicious cookies. It made my December so much better. I miss you a lot and wish we could be closer.

68. Thank you for the cookies. It was a nice surprise when I came home to find them in the kitchen.

69. You made so many cookies and pies this Christmas, but everyone I know loved them. Thank you for giving me such a good Christmas gift.

70. Thank you so much for the cookies. They were delicious and I was very surprised to see that you did not bake too many of them.

Thank you for your cookie order. We are so happy and proud to be able to bake cookies for you and we are looking forward to doing more business with you as well. You are the best to do business with, trust me.

71. Thank you for your cookie order. They are of the highest quality. You will enjoy them and we appreciate the support!

72. Thank you very much for putting in the cookie order. That is greatly appreciated. Have a great day!

73. Thank you for being such a loyal customer. I know it’s been a while since you’ve placed an order, but as your favourite baker, I just had to get in touch with you and tell you how happy I am that you trust me with your cookie orders.

74. Thank you for the order. The cookies were delicious! I am looking forward to your next order.

75. Thank you for ordering our cookies. We hope that they were enjoyed by your family and friends at the faculty function. Sincerely,

76. Thank you for your order. It was so nice to bake for someone who is so special to me. It makes my day every time I hear from you.

77. Thank you for ordering those cookies. They look yummy! I hope you enjoy them.

78. Thank you for your order. The cookies you requested are on their way to your house. Please let me know if there are any problems.

79. Thank you for placing an order. We are happy to provide quality products, convenient services, and competitive prices. It’s a pleasure working with you.

80. Thanks for the cookie order. I appreciate your efforts and resources. Enjoy it!

You are a wonderful baker. Why is that? Ever since you were little, you baked delicious treats to give to friends and family. Everyone was jealous of you because they wanted your cookies. I always knew that one day you would be a great baker. Thanks for baking me cookies.

81. Thank you for baking cookies. They are the best kind of cookies. I know that your heart will go on and now it will beat only for me.

82. Thank you for baking cookies for our whole class. That was very generous of you. Everyone LOVED them!

83. Thank you for helping me by baking cookies. I know it’s a lot of extra work making something yummy and delicious for the office, so thank you for being so nice.

84. Thank you for baking cookies with me. I can just let my creativity flow while you add the finishing touches of sprinkles and chocolate chips. It’s awesome to work with you on our little business.

85. Thank you so much for baking me cookies. I love that you are always thinking of ways to make my life better. It may seem silly, but baking cookies means a lot more to me and reminds me of the kindness and love that you show me on a daily basis. Thank you!

86. Thank you for baking me cookies at work. The aroma from the kitchen wafted down the hall and over to my desk where I was stuck working on a proposal. It made a great addition to my lunch break and gave me a little energy for the afternoon.

87. Thank you for helping me out when I needed it. You were never too busy to lend a hand and that really means a lot to me. Thank you for baking me such delicious cookies. They are my new favourite cookies.

88. Thank you for coming over when I needed you and making me feel better by cooking a batch of cookies. It was so welcome after a long day at work.

89. Thanks for baking the cookies thanks for all of your help. I can’t tell you how grateful I am. Thank you for always doing so much and being so nice to me.

90. Thanks for baking cookies they are always delicious, whenever I feel stressed out it is nice to know that you bake for us. Your cookies always make me feel good

I am thankful for your gift of cookies. I have to say that they are some of the best I have ever had. They are just sweet enough, chewy but firm, and not too chocolatey. My favourite is the nutty one because it’s slightly addictive for some reason.

91. Thank you for your cookies. They are always so delicious, I could just eat one after another. You’re the best!

92. Thank you for being kind to me and giving me cookies whenever I come over. I really appreciate how all of your cookies are dog-friendly and that they contribute to my daily allowance of fibre, vitamins, and antioxidants.

93. Thank you for sending me cookies. I just ate one and it was delicious. It made me realize how much I miss your cooking. I can’t wait to see you again and taste how much you have improved your baking skills.

94. Thank you for the cookies, which were delicious – yum! I enjoyed talking with you and the meeting was very informative. It’s nice to know that there are people out there who care about my family situation and want to help me put food on the table. I am very appreciative.

95. Thank you for making such great cookies. Every time I eat one my week is instantly better. It’s great that we can share these with each other and chat about what’s going on in our lives.

96. I appreciate the delicious cookies you made for me. I can’t wait to eat them all up. You are simply the best.

97. Thank you for making so many cookies. They are my favourite treat and I was very happy to see so many on the table. The kids at school were happy because they helped themselves to a lot of them after I brought some in. Hehe, it was great.

98. Thank you for always bringing those delicious cookies you made to me. They are a great treat to have when I am in class and they taste delicious!

99. Thank you for the cookies. They are wonderful. I especially like the almond ones! Yum!

100. Thank you for being a good neighbour. Before I met you, I was starting to get lonely. Since we moved in together, we’ve had a lot of fun. Thank you for the cookies you made me the other day. They were delicious!

The number of times you should say: “thank you for the cookies” should be enough to make someone want to say “thanks for thanking me, now leave me alone”.

This is to say that you use the thank you for the cookies messages generously and make them feel honoured and acknowledged.

Also, do share this beautiful post with friends and loved ones. Thanks!

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