Thank You for Your Helping Hands Quotes

When someone helps you out or gives you a hand, it is only right to thank them. It could be a neighbour who has watched your dog while you are away on vacation or a friend who recommended an excellent attorney when you needed one.

You might think that thanking them is unnecessary but it is actually quite important. Just like how we like to be appreciated for our help and efforts, people also want to know that their actions are appreciated by others as well. A simple thank you can mean the world to someone who has done something for you.

Thanking someone for their help is not only polite but also shows that you are grateful. Do you want to thank someone for their act of kindness, these thank you for your helping hands quotes below are the perfect quotes to use.

Thank you for helping hands whenever I have difficulties in life. You’re always there to help me at all times, even though I don’t know what to do. Thank you for your unwavering helping hands.

1. Thank you for lending me a helping hand when I was down. It is nice to know that there are some people out there in this world that would do anything for someone else without asking for anything in return.

2. Thank you for your helping hands. You are always there to listen and offer great advice. I’m grateful to have a friend like you.

3. Thank you for your helping hands. You have helped me in so many ways, and I appreciate that more than you can ever know.

4. A heartfelt thank you to the many individuals who helped me establish myself. Thank you for helping me. I know that I can count on you. It makes me feel like I’m not all alone, knowing that I have someone to rely on when things go wrong.

5. Thank you for your helping hands. You were invaluable. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

6. Thank you for coming over. I didn’t think I was going to be able to do it, but with your help, we were able to finish everything before lunch. It looks great, and it’s perfect for the party tonight. Thank you for your helping hands.

7. Thank you for your helping hands. I know I have a lot to learn, and you were there to take care of the things that needed my attention while I worried about other things. Thank you so much.

8. Thank you for your helping hands. And also thank you for being a true friend, and a great person. If you are ever in need of some help, be sure to look me up.

9. Thank you for being so patient with me when I’m studying. I can become frustrated because of the difficulty, but then your face and words calm me down. Thank you for your helping hands; helping me understand calculus and pass the test.

10. Thank you for your helping hands. I couldn’t have done it without your help. Whenever I have questions, you are there to answer and make sure I understand everything.

11. Your help with the article was crucial. I’m not as tech-savvy as you so it’s always a pleasure when I turn to you, and you make appropriate suggestions. The piece would not have been as good without your input. Thank you for your helping hands.

12. Thank you for being there when I needed someone to talk to. You listened, and you helped me realize my mistakes. Thank you for your helping hands. I will always be grateful for your helping hands.

13. Thank you for being there for me. I couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you for your hard work, and commitment. You are the world’s best friend.

14. Thank you for helping with getting the house ready for the baby. I know that you took a lot of time out of your schedule to help me, and I am very appreciative. Thank you for your helping hands.

15. I want to thank you for helping me when I most needed it. I could not have done it alone, and it means a lot to me that you were there for me in my time of need. Thank you for your helping hands.

16. Thank you for your helping hands. I understand that you may not have time to help me out with everything, but when you do, it really helps me out a lot. Thanks again, and take care.

17. Thank you for your help and support. It means a lot to me that I can count on you and know that when I do, your hands will be there to hold.

18. Thank you for being there all the time, having my back, and defending me. When I was down, taking me out on a movie got my spirits back up. Thank you for every little thing you do day-to-day.

19. Thank you for your helping hands. It was really nice that you are there to support me during this time. Even though it’s my problem, I know I shouldn’t shoulder everything by myself. I’m glad to have you guys who are ready to help out whenever necessary.

20. Thanks again for all of your help, it really means a lot to me. I’m very happy to have such a good coworker and friend. Thank you for putting up with me.

21. Thank you to all the wonderful volunteers who spent hours of their personal time helping me with my research. I could not have done this without you. Thank you for your helping hands.

22. Thank you for all the help you give me. You are always there when I need some support or advice, even if it is about a different topic that does not interest you. Thank you for your helping hands.

23. Thank you for the long talks and the advice. It means so much. I can be all angst-enormous and out of control, but you always help me think things through. I may not say it often, but I appreciate it.

24. I just want to thank you for everything that you do to help. Thank you for your helping hands. I know I can count on you to be there for me when I need it, and it means so much.

25. Thank you for your helping hands. We would have taken days to do it alone, and you helped us finish in just a couple of hours.

26. Thank you for helping me out when I needed it. Whenever I feel down and in need of a hand, I know you will be there to lend me, and that’s extremely comforting.

27. I cannot say thank you enough to you for helping me get my loan, and putting me in contact with my real estate agent. I feel very lucky that you were there when I needed help the most. Thank you for your helping hands.

28. Thank you for having my back. No matter what happens, you are there for me, and I really appreciate that. Thank you so much for your help.

29. When I was unable to do my work, you helped me do what was required by the due date, and now everything is done perfectly. Thank you for your helping hands.

30. Thank you for helping me set up the whole picnic. The place was so pretty, it reminded me of our first date. I’m glad that we have each other here to celebrate our memories and make new ones together.

31. Thank you for helping me with my project, and for all the hard work you put into it. I really appreciate it.

32. Thank you for the help you have provided me throughout this difficult time. I don’t know what I would have done without you.

33. Thank you for helping me out of my misery. Your time and effort are much appreciated by me. Thank you for your helping hands.

34. Thank you for being there for me when I was out of town. It was nice to come home to a clean house, and some freshly made meals. Thank you for all the errands you took care of. You’ve been very helpful, and I appreciate it so much.

35. Thank you for being so helpful. I’m a busy person, and sometimes the simplest thing can be a challenge that requires your help. You are always there, ready to give a helping hand, whether it’s picking up my dry cleaning or taking out the trash. Thank you for all the help.

36. Thank you for being sweet enough to offer your help when I needed it the most. Everything went so smoothly because you were there to help out. Your presence made a big difference, and that, I am truly grateful for.

37. Thank you for all the times you have come to help me around the house, and in helping me with my kids. You are a great friend, and I appreciate everything you have done.

38. Thank you for your help. You have always been a great and reliable friend. As you know, there are many struggles that I am facing in my life, and it’s nice to know that I can count on you when times get tough.

39. Thank you for helping me out when I have too much to do, and I am overwhelmed. You come in like a hero, and take over my to-do list. It’s a true relief knowing I can count on you to help when things are tough.

40. Thank you for your helping hands. I really appreciate you helping me. Thank you for being polite, and kind to my mother when she was lost at the airport. You called me to make sure that she made it safely to my place. This has shown me that you will do great things with your career once you get into nursing school. Thank you for being such a caring individual.

41. Thank you for all the help you have provided to me during the past months. Your help has made my life much easier, and I really appreciate it. It would be nice to get together after a long time. I would love to see you soon again.

42. Thank you for your helping hands. It really means a lot to me. I appreciate that you have time to help me around the house, take me to the store, or give me a ride when I need it. I know it would be very difficult without you.

43. Thank you for being there for me in a difficult time. I don’t know what I would have done without your help. I appreciate it very much.

44. Thanks for everything you’ve done for us over the years. We really couldn’t have done it without your helping hands, and we are genuinely grateful.

45. I want to say a big thank you for your helping hand. A lot of things in my life need your help, and I really appreciate it. You make my life easy even though you are doing so many things at once. I really don’t know how to thank you.

46. Thank you for helping me out at the restaurant. I appreciate your willingness to tackle any task that is thrown at you. Thank you for coming in, and helping out when it was needed so much. I greatly appreciate all your help.

47. Thank you for always helping me out. I don’t know what I would do without you. Thank you for helping me with everything. I don’t know what I would have done without you by my side. Thank you for helping me move, for being there for me, and for lifting during the heavy lifting. You are my best friend and like a brother to me now.

48. Thank you for listening to me, and giving me some much-needed advice. I also want to thank you for helping out every chance you got at my house. You were so supportive, and helpful that day. I really appreciate your kindness.

49. Thank you for all your help. Sometimes, I feel like a burden to you because of the number of things I need help with, but you are always there for me when I need it. Thank you for your helping hands.

50. Thank you for the help you gave me on my thesis. It meant a lot to me that you were willing to spend time dedicated to your work helping me instead. I appreciate it so very much.

51. Thank you so much for helping me out. No one did it as fast or good enough as you.

52. Thank you for the help that you have given me over the week. It is appreciated so much from the bottom of my heart. I could never have done this without you there to guide me.

53. I just want to send you my sincere thanks for your helping hands. I know this has worn you out. It’s been a long journey, and I know it will take time to heal. It was only through your help that this work (project) was completed on time. And it hasn’t been easy, so kudos to your wonderful team.

54. I appreciate everything you have done to help me get through the last couple of years. After the accident, you have really pulled me through, and been there the entire time. Thank you so much. I will always remember your kindness, and helping hands.

55. Thank you for your helping me to move. I really appreciate it, and I know that I couldn’t do it without your help. You are a truly dear and amazing friend.

56. Thank you for your generous gifts. They are greatly appreciated. And thank you for your help with the dance. It was so much fun.

57. Thank you for all the times you have helped me with chores, errands, and stuff at my house. I really appreciate it. I’m also glad we have time to hang out together away from work as well. I hope you’re feeling better as your cold is going around town.

58. Thank you for all the help you’ve given me. When I’ve needed help with the kids or with chores, you’ve been there for me. Not only does it help out my emotional well-being, but it also makes life run a lot smoother. Your help is greatly appreciated.

59. Thank you for all of the wonderful things you have done for me over the years. Your support and advice have helped guide me in my career and for that. I will always be grateful. Thanks for being a great friend.

60. Thank you for all of your help in organizing the party. It was a success, and we are already planning for next year. It is always so reassuring to know I can count on you both to lead things.

61. Thank you for helping me at the office this week. You have been such a great help as I get all my work done, and I can’t tell you how nice it is to be able to count on you like that.

62. You are a true friend. I know we don’t always agree, but that has not changed my feelings for you one bit. I admire your stand on things and the way you live your life. I know our friendship will last forever, and that makes me very happy. Stay as good and kind a person as you are today, and always!

63. Thank you for your helping hands, my dear friends. Your helping hands helped me get through a lot of things recently. I appreciate you all so much. Thank you for caring, working hard, and being supportive. Thank you also for your kindness, tolerance, and compassion. I am so lucky to have such great people as my friends. Thank you.

64. Thank you so much for helping me do the dishes last night. I really appreciate that you are so thoughtful, and are willing to help around the house. I am blessed to have you in my life.

65. Thank you for always being there for me whether it’s writing a paper, or helping to fix my computer. Thank you for organizing the resumes, and sending them out, thank you for encouraging me when I get down and think my job search is hopeless. Thank you.

66. Thank you for helping me get the house ready for the party. The guest commented on how well the house, and dinner went. Thank you once again.

67. Thank you for helping me move. I couldn’t have asked for a more wonderful and reliable assistant.

68. Thank you very much for helping me with the new table at my business. It really looks great, just how I imagined it. This made my day; thank you so much.

69. Thank you for the work you did on my project. With your help, I managed to finish it a day early. If it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t have been able to do it at all.

70. I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your help around the house. Whether it’s working on the computer and cleaning my office, doing laundry, or cooking dinner for me, it makes a big difference in how much stress I get from each day. Your hard work has benefited us both a lot more than you’ll ever realize.

71. You have been there for me with all of my questions and crafting needs, and I appreciate that. You are a great friend and thank you for everything you’ve done.

72. Thank you so much. You really tried to help. I don’t know what I would do without your help.

73. Thank you for giving me helping hands when they were most needed. I’m very thankful you stepped in when I needed help. I really hope to pay your kindness back someday. I really appreciate it.

74. Thank you for your helping hands. I was in a very desperate situation, and your wisdom and willingness to help have made my life much easier.

75. Thank you for helping with the chores. Everyone was giving me a hard time about cleaning my room, but when I told them that I already told them to fix it, they were very impressed.

76. Thank you for your helping hands. I am very grateful and happy that someone like you would want to help me. I could never have gotten through this situation without all of your help given, and for that, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. You are a truly amazing person.

77. Thank you for being there for me, and giving me a helping hand when I need it. I don’t know what I would do without your support. Thank you.

78. Thank you for the little reminder, that you can count on your friends. It is so appreciated because I’ve been worried about getting things done around the house and with my son. Just knowing that you will help me when I need it, really means the world to me.

79. Thank you for helping me. We were able to have dinner with my family after all because of your help. I really appreciate you going with me, and also for paying for dinner. You made my day so much better.

80. Thank you for being so awesome. The projects and your help were a big help. Thank you for being on my team. I wouldn’t have been able to do it without you.

81. Thank you for all of your help in preparing for the event. I know it was a long day, but we couldn’t have done it without you. You are great to have around.

82. Thank you for your help. I really appreciate all the work you put into helping me with the chores. I couldn’t have finished it without you.

83. Thank you for your help. Without people like you, I would still be struggling with all the work. You are such a kind person.

84. Thank you for all your help. I know things got kind of confusing, but we are almost finished.

85. Thank you for giving me helping hands. Your assistance made it possible for me to start a company, and do what I love. I promise to pay it forward.

86. Thank you for having helping hands, and for donating your help. It means a lot to me, for I appreciate how people put their time to do good deeds.

87. Thank you for giving me your helping hands. I really appreciate it, and it makes a difference in my life.

88. Thank you so much for your helping hands. I am very grateful to have so many people on my side. The support means a lot to me.

89. Thank you for your helping hands. I know I can always count on you.

90. Thank you for your lending me your helping hand. I am eternally thankful to have you in my life.

91. Thank you for giving me a helping hand. I really appreciated your support during this time. I felt alone and overwhelmed, but you helped to bring me out of my anxiety, and back to reality.

92. Thank you for lending me a helping hand. I really appreciate you being there and giving me a chance to let my creative juices flow. I think the end product will be even better with our combined efforts. Thank you again, it meant so much to me.

93. I wanted to personally thank you for your help. Without it, I would have never been able to make it through. Please accept my thank you note as a token of my appreciation for your selfless act.

94. I am so thankful for the countless times you have helped me. Whether it was just to hold a door for me, to cook me a meal, or just give me a shoulder to cry on. I really appreciate that you are there for me when life is getting tough.

95. Thank you so much for giving me some helping hands. They are amazing. I use them all the time, and they are so easy to use and convenient.

96. Thank you for all the helping hands that have been extended to me over the past several years. All these people have helped me get to where I am today, and their presence has been really important.

97. Thank you for the money to start my business. I am so very grateful for your helping hands.

98. Thank you for your helping hands when I’m busy or lazy to do things by myself. I appreciate the nice words, and the enjoyment I get from your hands. Thank you so much.

99. Thank you for giving me a helping hand today. I didn’t want to leave the house, and then you reached out to me, and I felt better about going out. You are so thoughtful. Thank you for being there for me.

100. Thank you for always offering me a helping hand when I need it most. When I’m stressed out, overwhelmed, or confused you are always a great help to me. I really value your friendship, and appreciate everything you do for me.

Hello there. I hope this meets you well. How did you feel about the thank you for your helping hands quotes up there? I’m sure they will help appreciate someone who’s done you well.

Let me know what you think about them by dropping your comments below. Thank you.

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