Thank You God for Giving Me a Daughter Quotes

A daughter is not just a gift from God, she is God’s gift of love. If you appreciate what God has given you, then it is a reasonable thing to show it in words, and letting your family and friends join in doing so will not be too much for such a wonderful girl God in his mercy and love gave you.

A baby girl is one of the most beautiful miracles in life, one of the greatest joys we can ever know, and one of the reasons why there is a little extra sunshine, laughter, and happiness in your world today.

So here are some thank you God for giving me a daughter quotes to show your appreciation to God for the blessing of having a daughter. These thank God for giving me a daughter quotes will help you express just how much you love your little angel.

I’m blessed to have a wonderful daughter like you. I just can’t thank God enough for giving me such a beautiful baby girl like you. You’re so special. I just can’t imagine what my life would be like if God didn’t bless me with a girl like you.

1. Thank you, God, for giving me a beautiful, happy, and cheerful daughter. You gave me something to look forward to every day and gave me someone to share my love with. I’m very grateful to God for her.

2. Dear father Lord, thank you so very much for giving me the opportunity to raise a wonderful daughter. She is amazing and I don’t know what I would do if I didn’t have her in my life. Guide and keep her safe, help her find her way in life. Bless her with a husband that would be lucky to have such a sweet girl on his arm, raise these children well Lord!

3. Thank you, God, for blessing me with my beautiful daughter. She is such a joy and I’m grateful for every day we spend together.

4. Thank you, God, for blessing me with such a wonderful daughter. I know I have not been the best father and I have made many mistakes in the past, but you still remain the most important person in my life. I am so very grateful to have you in my life.

5. Thank you, Almighty God for giving me a strong, ambitious daughter like you. I am proud to call you my own and can’t wait to see all that you do in the future.

6. Thank you, Most High for giving me my favourite person in the world. Thank you for blessing me with such a wonderful gift as a daughter. You fill both of our lives with joy and happiness.

7. Thank you, God, for blessing me with a little girl. You added joy, a purpose, and meaning to my life. I love her more than anything in this world.

8. Thank you, God, for blessing me with a wonderful if not too loud daughter. She makes me so happy and I feel like she brings me a new adventure every day. I’m thankful for her morning hugs and all the times we can spend together laughing and talking. I love her very much.

9. Thank you, God, for bringing my daughter into my life. I can’t begin to tell you how much I love you, but I think my heart will be complete when I can show her how much I love her too.

10. You answered my prayers and gave me a child. I thank God for giving me such a beautiful gift. My daughter is everything to me, and I love her so much.

11. Thank you, God, for giving me such a wonderful daughter. She has made my life complete. She laughs and I laugh with her, she cries and I want to go hide. But she still gives me a reason to be thankful.

12. Thank God for giving me a daughter, the angel of my dreams, A little angel, A star in the sky she is sometimes.

13. Thank God for giving me a daughter, with her father’s handsome face, I pray that I will always be able to protect her, I pray that she will always be able to protect me.

14. Thank the Lord for giving me a daughter. Her face is a constant reminder that I have what it takes to be a dad with all this love I have to give.

15. Thank God for giving me a daughter, A little girl with a sweetheart smile, thank God for giving me a daughter, to me I would just ask, “why did you give me a daughter?”

16. I thank God for giving me a daughter for she is the only one that I ever wanted to fulfil my love for her.

17. Thank God for giving me a daughter, she will only glad my heart and soul, to love her daughter, I only pray that she will always remain.

18. Thank God for giving me a daughter I know she is a blessing, but weight has lifted from my shoulder, I know I am blessed.

19. I’m thankful for her tiny fingers and toes, her soft skin and her sweet little face, I’m thankful that she’s mine and she’s happy and free, And I’m thankful that God allowed me to keep her.

20. I was a child when you gave my life meaning I was a child when you gave my life a reason, I was a child when you gave my life an attraction, I’m grateful for your gift and for always keeping me as your beloved daughter.

21. Thank God for giving me a daughter, with such a beautiful heart, thank God for the love of a daughter, He gave to all of us.

22. Thank God for giving me a daughter, how could I ever thank him enough? For this gift that he gave me.

23. Thank God for giving me a daughter and for blessing me with her kind face and her love for me and others She’s a great blessing from God above.

24. Thank God for giving me a daughter, I don’t know what I would do, without her. My life would be incomplete, and my heart would be incomplete.

25. Thank you, God, for giving me a beautiful and loving daughter. She’s bright, fun and sweet, and I thank you for every minute I get to spend with her to help her grow as a person.

26. Thank you for my amazing daughter. I don’t think anyone could have asked for a more perfect little girl, who makes my life a little brighter every day. I am so grateful to you God for your kind gesture.

27. Thank you, God, for giving me the most precious gift in the world, my daughter. She is an amazing girl who is kind and caring, thoughtful and considerate of others. I’m thankful God gave her to me in this crazy, mixed-up world and I know she is going to be the best of people.

28. Thank you for giving me a baby girl. I didn’t think that I could be so happy. She is one of the best things that has ever happened in life. With her, every day is a beautiful day to live. God, I can’t even thank you enough.

29. Thank you God for bringing a daughter that makes me smile daily into my life. You are caring and always merciful. I am happy I have such a wonderful God to call a father and to share my life and my deepest thought with and to always have my back. I love you.

30. God knew exactly what I was missing in my life. Thank you for giving me a daughter. You balance out my sometimes-crazy world and I can’t imagine it without you in it.

31. Thank you, Lord, for my beautiful princess. I can’t believe how grown up she looks now! She is an angel from your bosom.

32. Thank God for giving me a daughter, she is great, so beautiful and strong, making me proud and happy, God, I am totally grateful.

33. Thank you, God, again for blessing me with a daughter. You have no idea how much joy and laughter she has brought into our home. I promise to do my best to be the greatest father and husband I can be.

34. Thank God for giving me a daughter for I know she’ll bring me joy and comfort; she’ll be a comfort to my soul light in my darkness and a song in my heart.

35. Thank you, God, for the blessing of a daughter I have. She is sometimes very willful and stubborn, but her heart is always in the right place. I’m so proud to know she is my daughter.

36. Thank you, God, for giving me a daughter whom I am so in love with. We may fight and argue, but I know she loves me, no matter what. I am thankful to have such a great girl, who will forever be my princess.

37. Thank God for giving me a daughter. She is the best thing to happen to me in life. I love being a father and she makes me happy every day.

38. God, I thank you, for giving me, my daughter. I know that you have problems too, and I know that your burden is heavy. But thank you for giving me this blessing. She helps me and brightens up my day every time. She’s also a companion to take care of when I get older and need help. Thank you very much.

39. I am eternally grateful for the gift of my daughter with all my heart. Her wings are growing, she is becoming a wonderful woman. I feel so privileged to have her as my daughter. She has given me the joy of being a mother and I have learned so much from her. Thank you, Lord, for the gift of my rainbow girl!

40. Thank you for giving me a daughter. I love her so much and pray that she will receive the same gift of your love one day. God, I bless your name, for you never fail.

41. Thank you, God, for blessing me with a wonderful daughter. I know you love her too, and like me, want her to be happy every day of our lives together. Help us, Lord. Thank you for entrusting her care to me.

42. Thank you, Lord, for giving me a beautiful, cheerful, and loving daughter. I am so thankful to have her in my life. I hope that she always knows how much I love and appreciate her.

43. Thank you, God, for my daughter. I was excited for a son, but she came and everyone just can’t stop gushing about how much she looked like me. I love her very much and am grateful every day that we have each other.

44. Dear God, thank you for blessing me with such a wonderful gift. Thank you for blessing me by enriching my life in so many different ways. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for blessing me with a daughter. I love her so much and couldn’t imagine life without her. Thank you all so much!

45. Thank you, God, for letting me get through the rough times and enjoy the good. Thank you for giving me a daughter to share my happiness with me. Thank you for giving me You.

46. Thank you, God, for the biggest blessing of my life. I love you more than words can express. You make me so proud every day.

47. Dear Lord, I thank you for blessing me with a daughter. You know how much I love my little girl and care for her all the time. Even if I don’t tell her, I pray that you will bless her and keep her safe over this busy summer. Thank you to the Lord, who is our father, he truly has blessed me with a great daughter.

48. Thank you, God, for the gift of a daughter. I love being a father and watching her grow. Please help me raise her to be a good person. Help me to instill good values in her, and lead her in the paths that are upstanding.

49. Thank you, God, for the gift of a daughter. Even though she is only five, I am already very proud of her because she is smart and so beautiful. I thank you for all the opportunities I have to raise my special girl. Guide me through it and teach me how to be a good mother.

50. Thank you, Lord, for making my life more fun and entertaining. You always look at the bright side of things, and you are always so enthusiastic. You make me smile, even though sometimes I don’t want to. Thank you for being you.

51. Thank you, God, for making my life so blessed. I am grateful every day to have a wonderful husband and three beautiful children. Though, there is something very special about a daughter. All of my other children are sons. To me, nothing is better than a daughter.

52. Thank you, God, for blessing me with a daughter. She has brought so much joy and brightness into my life. She has such a great personality and is always able to bring out the best in the people around her. I love her so much and Thank God for giving me such an incredible blessing.

53. Thank you, God, for being my daughter. I cannot express how thankful I am to God every day for giving me a daughter. I never thought my life would be as amazing as it is now. Sometimes I feel like the luckiest person in the world. You are such a joy and blessing and I am so glad God put you in my life.

54. Thank God for making me a parent and giving me the greatest of gifts, a daughter. A gift I thought would be impossible because of my gender. Being her mother is a gift beyond any expectations I could imagine. Thank you also for blessing me with another child, at my age. Motherhood is an awesome experience I never want to end.

55. Thank you, God, for giving me a wonderful daughter like her. She’s a very smart, polite and kind woman. I was blessed with the most beautiful lady in all of the land.

56. Thank you, God, for blessing me with a precious daughter. I know she is not perfect, and I am not proud of the times I lose my patience with her. But what I am proud of is my efforts to parent well. Your example of unconditional love and selfless care gave me the courage to be a parent who loves his daughter unconditionally and is always there for her.

57. Thank you, God, for letting me be a mother to someone. It sounds silly that I don’t know how to thank God for this because it’s about little me, but it’s true. Thank You for bringing my daughter into my life and thank you for blessing us with her.

58. Thank you, God, for blessing me with your daughter. She is an incredible girl that reflects the person she was made to be. I am constantly amazed at how intelligent and witty she is. She is funny and sweet. Thank you for loving her day in and day out, making sure she has everything she needs to succeed in life. As a parent, I do everything in my power to make things right for her, even when it means making sacrifices myself. Thank you for giving me the chance to teach my daughter. I will do everything in my power to make sure she knows how important it is to obey God’s commandments, honour him, and stay close to your house of worship.

59. Thank you, God, for giving me a daughter. She is so much fun and we have so much fun together. She’s a great friend, companion, and helper. I am very blessed to have such a special gift from you.

60. Thank you, God, for making my daughter. I ask that you watch over her and help her to be kind, understanding and a great friend in her future. And never let her get discouraged about anything. Help her to know that you are always with her, watching over her. In Jesus’ name, I pray.

61. Thank you, God, for giving me a daughter. I have wanted one since I newly got married and now, I finally have her. She is smart and beautiful with a big heart and a great sense of humour. I love you very much!

62. Thank you, God, for giving me this precious little angel. She is my joy and life. I will spend the rest of my life making sure her needs are met and she has all that she wants.

63. Thank you, God, for blessing me with a daughter. I love her very much and so does my entire family. It is so nice that you gave me a little girl. I cannot even begin to describe how much joy she brings to our life every day. Thank you.

64. Thank you, Lord, for giving me a wonderful baby girl. She is smart and beautiful, a joy to have. Thank you for helping me raise her in the best way possible. I will always be thankful and love her very much.

65. Thank you, God, for my daughter. She is such a blessing and brings so much love to me and everyone she meets. You gave her to me when I needed it the most, and I am thankful to have your help in raising her to be a kind person who is always willing to give back.

66. God graciously gave me a gift when he gave me you. I appreciate that you are easy to love, give and forgive. Thank you for being so respectful and kind to everyone. Thank you for the joy that you bring to my life. Thank God for your precious gift of you.

67. Thank you, God, for giving me a precious daughter. Not a day goes by when I don’t thank you for her and all the joy she brings to my life. I love her more than words can describe.

68. Thank you, God, for giving me a gorgeous little girl. I couldn’t have asked for a better gift from you. I look at her every day and am amazed by how wonderful she is. It’s so true what they say, you really do get the best things in life when you don’t expect them.

69. Dear Heavenly Father, I’m so thankful that you saw me fit to give me a daughter. Thank you for blessing me with such a gorgeous little girl! Thank you so much for your immeasurable love, grace, and mercy. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

70. Thank you, God, for giving me a daughter. I know she hasn’t been as easy as I thought it would be sometimes, but she is the most precious gift in my life. You must have known how much I wanted her when you brought her into this world. All of the loving moments we share are amazing and are some of the best times ever.

71. Thank you, God, for the daughter you gave me. She is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I know I wouldn’t be able to love another person as much as I love her. Thank you so much.

72. Thank you, God, for blessing me with a baby girl. I was so excited and nervous to be a father and now I am even more proud and thankful. Thank you for giving her to me so that I can raise her to be a respectful, strong, brave, independent and confident woman.

73. I am grateful to God for blessing me with a baby girl. I am always happier than any other person when I see your smile and the way you play and act in front of me. You are my daughter, and I love you more than anything else in this world.

74. Thank you, Lord, for blessing me with a baby girl. You are incredible and I absolutely love everything about you. I feel so lucky to have received you from God as a present to help brighten my world. Remember that you make me happy, so I will be there for you no matter what.

75. Thank you, God, for giving me such a beautiful baby girl. Her smile is so contagious and her laugh makes my heart happy. She is the best child I could ever ask for. I pray she always knows how much I love her and that I am grateful to God every day for sending such an amazing gift to me.

76. Thank you, God, for giving me a baby girl. I know how much easier it is to raise a little girl than a boy, so thank you for that. May I be an excellent role model for her and help her to see the positive things in life. I love her very much.

77. Thank you, Lord, for giving me a baby girl. Looking into her eyes and watching her smile, I see You in her. Thank you for helping me raise her to be a respectful, kind and loving person.

78. You are such a gift from God. I didn’t think I would ever have another chance to be a mother. When we brought you home from the hospital, I knew I was your mother, love you and protect you. Thank you for blessing me with my angel.

79. Thank you for giving me a daughter, God. She is my light, and her laughter shines through my day and into my heart. Thank you for blessing me with her.

80. Thank you, God, for adding a daughter to my possession on earth. She has changed my life in the best way possible. I have never known love like what she has brought into my life. I find myself thinking about her constantly, even during business meetings or when I should be working on building this company because all I can think about is her smile, her laugh and the sheer joy that she brings to my life.

81. Thank you, God, for the gift of a daughter. She is so precious and special to me, and I am thankful every day to have her in my life.

82. I’m so grateful and thankful that you are my daughter. When I think about you, all I can do is smile. Thank you for sharing your life with me and making me feel blessed every day. Thank you, God, for blessing me with such an amazing daughter.

83. I am so grateful for your birth and the arrival of another little life into this world. We do love you and appreciate you very much, our dear Lord.

84. Thank you, God, for giving me a young and beautiful daughter who will soon be a lovely woman. Your love is revealed in the creation of each person, particularly in the miracle of a new life. I bless your name and give you praise this holy season.

85. Thank you, God, for giving me a beautiful new baby. Of all the things I could ever want, this is at the top of my list. Each time I look at her I am filled with love and happiness. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

86. Thank you, God, for giving me this special baby girl. I already love her so much and can’t wait to watch her grow.

87. Thank God for giving me a wonderful and beautiful daughter like you. I’ll thank you every day for giving her to me, you are worth it all.

88. Thank you, God, for giving me a wonderful daughter. She’s very pretty and smart, and I’m thrilled to be her daddy. God bless.

89. Thank you, God, for my daughter. I’m very happy to have her in my life and I’m excited to see what she will turn out like as she gets older. I will always protect her and provide for her.

90. My life is truly blessed because I have your presence in it. Thank God for giving me such a precious gift.

Our daughters are one of the most precious gifts God has given us, that is why we need to thank him for giving us a daughter. It doesn’t matter if the girl you cherish is not a ballerina or an engineer; all little girls are precious in the Lord’s sight.

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