Thank You Letter After Interview Samples – How to Better Your Chances

– Thank you Letter after Interview –

Sending a follow-up message to thank your interviewer is a great idea, but if you do not send the right type of message, it can cause more harm than the good you intended to do. So how the letter is arranged and also what you say matters!

An interview is essentially a structured conversation where one participant asks questions, and the other provides answers. In common parlance, the word “interview” refers to a one-on-one conversation between an interviewer and an interviewee

In this article, we are going to share exactly what are the do’s and the don’t of writing a letter when thanking the employer and we will give you many samples of thank you emails that you can use for inspiration, too!

A job interview gives you the chance to position yourself as a strong candidate for the role. Writing a thank-you letter after the interview allows you to continue to make a good impression on the potential employer.

More Details

When you review what to include in your letter, you can write a strong letter that affects the hiring team. As you are going through this article, you will discover what to include in a thank-you letter after the interview and provide samples to help you get started.

You just walked out of a job interview. You gave brilliant answers to all the interview questions and really hit it off with the hiring manager.

Although, you nailed it! But you’re not done yet. In fact, most hiring managers pay very close attention to how well (and how rapidly) you write a thank-you letter after the interview.

Purpose of Sending a Thank-You Letter after an Interview

It’s recommended that you send a thank you email after each job interview you attend. Doing so shows the employer that you appreciate their time, and just as importantly, that you’re still interested in the position.

After attending an interview, the employer isn’t sure that you still want this job. Just like you’re not sure if the interview went well and they want to hire you.

So it’s important to write a thank you letter after the interview and to reaffirm your interest in the position and tell them you’re eager to hear about the next steps. If you don’t say this, they won’t know!

What to Include in an Appreciation Letter After an Interview

To make your thank you note as effective as possible, use a few standard elements. Most thank-you notes have the following features:

1. Subject Line

If you email your thank-you note, you need a subject line that easily conveys your message. A short and straightforward subject line like “Thank you for your time” can work for most post-interview thank-you note.

If you plan to write a more informal message, try something like “Great to meet you today.”

2. Personalized Greeting

Rather than typing your message right away, always begin a thank-you email with a salutation. “Hello, (Interviewer Name)” or “Dear (Interviewer Name)” is ideal for most thank-you notes.

Remember to use the name that your interviewer provided when you met, which may be a first name or a title.

3. Note of Appreciation

When you write the body of the message, start with an expression of your gratitude. Thank the interviewer for taking the time to meet with you.

Include the job title here for clarity, as many hiring managers may consider candidates for multiple positions at once.

For example, you can state, “Thank you for taking the time to discuss the marketing manager position with me today.”

4. Recap of your Qualifications

Next, provide a short recap of your experience and background. The interviewer should already know these qualifications after reading your resume and meeting with you, so this section should be brief.

Connect your qualifications to the position and its unique requirements to express why you are such a strong candidate for the job.

For example, you can write, “My social media and search engine marketing expertise would make me an excellent candidate for this marketing role.”

5. Prompt to Take the Next Step

To close the thank-you note, encourage the hiring manager to take the next step in the hiring process.

Reference what you learned during the interview to complete this section, since you may need to provide references or complete a second interview to get the job.

For example, you can write, “Please contact me to arrange a follow-up interview.”

6. Contact Information

Finally, provide your contact information. The interviewer should already have these details on file, but listing them in your email can make it easier for the hiring team to contact you for additional steps.

Include both your email address and phone number below your closing to streamline the hiring process.


Why is it Important to Write a Thank-you Letter?

It’s true that some employers expect a thank-you letter after an interview. It’s a gesture that reinforces your interest in the role, while also showcasing good manners.

When you write a thank-you note after an interview, you gain yet another opportunity to influence your potential employer’s decision. If you write a thank-you note, you can reiterate your interest in and qualifications for the position.

A handwritten thank-you letter offers a personal touch and has the potential to set you apart from other candidates as many people don’t mail letters anymore. However, it can take days for a mailed letter to arrive.

The hiring process can move quickly so it’s recommended to always send a thank-you email, even if you decide to also send a handwritten letter.

When you email, you can connect with the hiring team much more quickly and influence their decision before they complete the hiring process. Send your thank-you email only 24 hours after the interview.

How to Write an Interview Thank-you Letter

1. Begin with a professional or formal greeting (e.g. “Hello Susan,” or “Dear Susan,”). Thank the interviewer and tell them you appreciate their time spent during the job interview.

2. Mention something specific you talked to them about in the interview that you enjoyed learning about, so they know that this interview thank you note is written specifically for them.

Reaffirm your interest in the position and tell the reader that you look forward to hearing about the next steps in the hiring process.

3. Tell the interviewer that they should contact you if they need any additional information or have follow-up questions in the meantime.

● Optional: Include something to reaffirm that you’re confident you can perform well in this role and explain why

4. If you interviewed multiple people in a single day and want to thank them all, send a separate thank-you note to each for a more personalized feel

● Note that it’s not 100% necessary to include in a thank you note or thank you email after an interview, but is a delicate touch to add.

You’ll see these steps in the interview. Thank you for the note/email examples below, so don’t worry if you’re still not sure what to write!

5. As one final tip before we move on, I recommend you ask each person for their business card after an in-person interview, so that you have their email address and name saved!

If you went on a video or phone interview, you can ask for their contact details at the end of the conversation. Simply explain that it’s following up and sending a thank-you message.

Thank-you Letter after Interview Format

This is a template for a thank-you letter after an interview:

Hi [Interviewer Name]

Thank you so much for meeting with me today. It was such a pleasure to learn more about the team and position, and I’m very excited about the opportunity to join (Company Name) and help (bring in new clients/develop world-class content/anything else outstanding you would do) with your team.

I look forward to hearing from you about the next steps in the hiring process, and please contact me if I can provide additional information.


(Your Name)

Professional Thank-you Letter after Interview

So what does this template look like in practice? Here are a couple of examples of a thank-you letter after interviews or thank-you notes you can use to build your own perfect letter:

Sample 1

This one’s short and simple, perfect if you’re looking for a quick follow up after the first or second round interview and want to use the template more or less to a T.

Hi Jimmy,

Thank you so much for chatting with me today. It was such a pleasure to learn more about the marketing manager role, and I’m very excited about the opportunity to join News Crew and help your team bring a new readership to your amazing content.

I look forward to hearing from you about the next steps, but please contact me if I can provide any additional information.

All the best,

(Your Name)

Sample 2

To stand out from the crowd, get more specific with your thank you note. Show you were paying attention in the interview and reiterate what a great fit you’d be for the job with an email that looks more like this:

Hi Ms. Bernard,

I just wanted to thank you for inviting me to your office today. It was great to hear about 4Apps goals for streamlining your software and placing an emphasis on quality.

UX design, and how you see the engineering department playing a role in these initiatives.  4Apps seems like a wonderful place to work and not just because you mentioned some great summer outings!

I really admire the mission that drives your business and looks forward to the opportunity to work with your team to implement some ideas I mentioned around redesigning the homepage.

Please let me know if there’s anything else you need from me to move the process forward.

Have a great rest of your week,

(Your Name)

Take Your Thank You Email to the Next Level

While the template above is all you need, if you really want to blow a hiring manager out of the water, add in another few lines before “I look forward to…” with some ideas you have on how you could add value.

Think of a quick mock-up of something you discussed in the interview if you’re in a creative role, taglines if you’re in branding, or some slides or partners if you’re in business development or sales.

It could look something different from others like this:

Sample 3

Hi Tanner,

Thank you so much for meeting with me today. I really enjoyed learning more about your career trajectory at CarRuns (and hearing what it was like to join as the fifth employee so impressive!) and where you see the company going in the next couple of years.

To follow up on our conversation about churned clients, I’ve attached a short deck I mocked up on my initial ideas for increasing renewals. Happy to discuss further if you see it being a helpful resource.

I can tell CarRuns is a special place to work, and they would thrill me to join such an innovative, hardworking, and passionate team of individuals. Please let me know if there’s anything else I can provide to make your hiring decision easier.


(Your Name)

For more advice on taking your email to the next level, try Muse writer Alexandra Franzen’s tips for how to work your ideas into an irresistible follow-up.

Another way to go the extra mile, especially if your interviewer is more traditional or you have a feeling they’d appreciate a handwritten note, is to drop a card in snail mail as well.

To connect the two, you can simply add a line to your email like:

Just because I am a sucker for handwritten thank-you notes, receive a letter in the mail/I dropped a letter off at the front desk as well! (And yes, even if you send a snail mail note, you’ll still want to send that quick email thank you to cover your bases just in case your interviewer doesn’t get the letter right away.)

Examples of Thank-You Letter after Interview

Reading examples can help you see how to write an effective thank-you letter after the interview. Use one of the four samples below as a guide when writing your own thank-you letter:

  • Short thank-you note
  • Detailed thank-you note
  • Informal thank-you note
  • Formal thank-you letter

1. Short Thank-you Note

This brief, short thank-you note includes all the essentials straightforwardly:

Subject line: Thanks for meeting with me

Hello Pat,

Thanks again for taking the time to meet with me yesterday afternoon. I enjoyed our conversation about the Marketing Manager position and appreciated learning more about working with the marketing team.

It sounds like a rewarding role, especially given the opportunities for collaboration and advancement. I think my master’s in marketing and marketing experience would make me an excellent candidate for the role.

I look forward to discussing this opportunity with you more. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you need additional information about my references.

Thank you,

(Your name)

(Your email

(Phone number)

2. Detailed Thank You Note

If you want to add more information to what you discussed during the interview, consider sending a more detailed thank-you letter.

A detailed thank-you letter can show that you were being attentive during the interview by referencing details of what we discussed.

Subject line: Thank you for meeting with me

Hello Pat,

Thank you for taking the time to interview me this morning. I enjoyed our conversation about the Marketing Manager position and appreciated learning more about how the role works.

The way the marketing and advertising teams work together sounds ideal for reaching goals and optimizing performance. The Marketing Manager position sounds like a rewarding role, especially given the opportunities for leadership and advancement.

I think my master’s in marketing from Edison University and over seven years of experience in leading marketing teams would make me an excellent candidate for this position.

I look forward to discussing this opportunity with you more. Please contact me to arrange a follow-up interview.

Thank you,

(Your name)

(Your email

(Phone number)

3. Informal Thank You Note

If you apply for a job in an industry that prioritizes casual communication, or you are interviewing for an internal position and you know your interviewer, an informal thank-you note may be appropriate.

Subject Line: Great to meet you

Hi Pat,

Thanks so much for taking the time to talk with me earlier today. Our conversation about the Marketing Manager position was inspiring, and it was fantastic to learn more about the role.

The job sounds exciting, and I think I would be an ideal candidate, thanks to my master’s degree and years of experience in the field.

Please contact me if you want to discuss further. Thanks again for the opportunity.


(Your name)

(Your email

(Phone number)

4. Formal Thank You Letter

When you apply for a role in an industry that relies on more official interactions, plan to send a formal thank-you letter.

Subject Line:  Thank you for the interview

Dear Dr. Chen,

Thank you for taking the time to speak with me about the Marketing Manager position this morning. It was inspiring to have such an insightful conversation about marketing metrics, and it was a pleasure to learn more about your insight into the industry.

The details you shared about the position and future goals for the marketing team convinced me that the role would be an ideal match for my qualifications.

I believe that my Master of Science in Marketing from Edison University and seven years of experience as a marketing specialist would allow me to contribute valuably to the department.

Thank you,

(Your name)

(Your email

(Phone number)


Sample of Thank You Letter After Interview via E-mail

Below, you’ll find a good sample thank-you email. They can also send these as a typed or handwritten note if you prefer.

This article covers the pros and cons of sending this via email versus a handwritten thank-you letter/note. So if you’re not sure which to send, read until the end.

For now, just know that you can use these samples of thank you emails in both cases.

Thank-You Letter after Interview via an Email: Sample 1

Hello (Interviewer’s Name)

Thank you for taking the time to interview me (fix the day). I enjoyed our conversation about (specify a particular you enjoyed during the interview) and it was great learning about the (Job Title) position overall.

It sounds like an exciting opportunity and a role I could succeed and excel in. I’m looking forward to hearing any updates you can share, and contact me if you have questions in the meantime.

Best regards,

(Your First and Last Name)

This is a short, casual email that’s best for modern industries like tech, e-commerce, digital marketing, etc. This type of short message also makes an ideal thank you email to a recruiter or the HR after a phone interview or other first-round interview.

At that stage, you don’t need to be sending a lot of details in your thank-you letter; you simply want to give thanks and reaffirm your interest. And modern companies don’t want to see a ten-paragraph, formal thank-you letter that takes ten minutes to read.

In fact, it might make them want to hire you less because they’ll doubt whether you’re a fit for their company culture. That’s why I recommend keeping your message short and genuine, like the sample above.

Even if it’s a second- or third-round interview, this type of very short, concise thank-you email can still be effective. Here’s an example of the type of message I’d send if I were job hunting right now:

Sample 2

Hi Daniel,

Thank you for your time yesterday. I enjoyed the interview, and it was interesting to hear about how the team is expanding and the new customers you’re trying to attract.

I’m confident that I can take what I’ve learned at (Current Employer’s Name) and step into your role and be successful, so I’m eager to hear your feedback when you have a chance.

Contact me in the meantime if you have questions.

Best regards,

(your first and last name)

However, if you’re in a more traditional or formal industry, or if you want to send a thank-you note of the mail rather than email, one of the next thank you note examples will be better.

Sample 3

Hello (Interviewer’s Name),

Thank you for taking the time to speak with me on (mention the day) about the (Job Title) position at (Company Name). It was a pleasure talking with you, and I enjoyed learning more about the opportunity.

The information you shared (Something specific about the job that interests you) sounded interesting.

I am confident that my skills will allow me to come in and succeed in this role, and it’s a position I’d be excited to take on.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you about the next steps, and please contact me if you need any additional information in the meantime.

Thank you again.

Best regards,

(Your First and Last Name)

The example above is a little longer and more formal. You could send this as a handwritten thank-you letter after the interview, or as an email.

Note that at the end of the third paragraph, you could also add details about why you feel confident you’d succeed in this role. Doing this will make your thank you email more convincing to hiring managers.

Try to remind them of something you shared in the interview, like a piece of experience, or a skill you have that will prove to them you’ll be able to come in and be successful in their role.

Sample 4

Dear (Interviewer’s Name),

Thank you for taking the time to meet with me (write the day you went for the interview). I’m very excited about the opportunity to work at (Company Name).

The (Job Title) role sounds exciting and is a position that I’m confident I’d excel in because of my prior experience in (experience or skill that would help you succeed in this job).

I look forward to hearing feedback as soon as you have any updates and would love to continue discussing the opportunity with you at that point.

Please contact me if you need any additional information in the meantime. Thank you again, (Interviewer’s Name).

Best regards,

(Your First and Last Name)

This is the most formal of the three thank-you notes we have actually looked at.

Even the greeting is formal… “Dear” instead of “Hello.” Of course, you can adjust the tone/greeting in any of these sample thank-you notes.

You could also take pieces from each example and combine them, or add more customization. So if you like one, but feel it’s not formal enough, you can make adjustments.

However, in most modern industries, you should be careful not to sound too stiff/formal. Your note should sound genuine. What would you say if you were standing there, thanking them in person?

Writing out a thank you note isn’t much different! Most people write differently than they talk, and that’s usually a mistake in your job search because you end up sounding very robotic and unnatural.

How Long Should Your Message Be?

Some of the Thank you letter after interview samples above are more formal while others are more casual. You wi toll get a notice that they’re all relatively brief.

Although in our experience as recruiters, a short thank you email after the interview is best. On average, I recommend 85 to 150 words.

And that’s true whether you’re writing a thank you email after a phone interview, Zoom or video interview, or a second-third in-person interview.

It’s also true whether you’re writing to thank a recruiter, Human Resource person, hiring manager, or anyone else who interviewed you!

Your message could go up to 200 words if you’re very far along in the hiring process and have spent multiple hours interviewing with people from the company, but I’d still aim to be concise, rather than sending a full page.

Use your best judgement, though. You know your industry and prospective employer, so think about what type of message they’ll appreciate. The advice above is simply what works best for the greatest amount of people, on average.


How Soon Do You Send a Thank You Email After an Interview?

Aim to send your post-interview. Thank you email the day after your job interview, between 12:00 pm and 3:00 pm. If your interview was on a Friday, then send your email the same day, in the evening, instead of waiting a day. (This is to avoid sending your email on a weekend).

Always make sure the email is sent within 24 hours of your interview so that your conversation is still fresh in the interviewer’s mind.

If you decide to send your thank, you note as a letter in the mail, you should still send it within one or two business days of your job interview.

They won’t receive it as soon, because the thank-you letter needs to get delivered, but it’s best to send it soon after the interview so the employer receives your note relatively quickly.

A Crucial Step in Writing a Thank-you letter after an Interview

Adding Customization to Your Interview Thank You Emails is a very crucial step to take. Whenever sending thank-you notes or emails after an interview, be sure to mention a specific topic you discussed with the interviewer, and why you enjoyed discussing it with them.

This is the best way to immediately show them that your post-interview thank you email is written especially for them, and not quickly pasted from a generic template.

Just customize your interview. Thank you for your emails for the best results, Customization is key! Even the best thank you email templates or examples will appear to be low-effort (and will NOT impress the interviewer) if you don’t customize them and show that you really wrote this for them.

What To Mention When Writing The Letter

If you don’t have any idea on what to include when writing a thank you letter, Here are some ideas…

• Firstly, you could mention something interesting you learned about the job or company from them. What caught your attention and sounded exciting about the position? If something sounds great about the role, say so!

‣ You could reference one or two of their interview questions and answers you gave in response. For example, if the interviewer asked an interesting question that you enjoyed talking about, you could say:

“I really enjoyed your question about (mention what you are referring to) and the discussion that it led to. It was also great learning about how (the company’s name) company does ( what you like they do)”.

• You could mention something personal they discussed with you! Maybe the interviewer told you they’re going to watch their son at a big basketball tournament that evening.

You could also say:

“By the way, I hope your son’s team did great at the basketball tournament. How did things turn out?”

As another example, maybe you mentioned you love coffee, and the interviewer said, “oh, then you have to try Corner House Coffee around the corner. Best coffee in town.”

You could write:

“By the way, I tried a latte from Corner House Coffee on the way home, and you were absolutely right. It was the best coffee I’ve had in a long time.”

The bottom line is: The more you customize your email after the interview, the more hiring managers will appreciate it. You’ll notice that each sample email above includes space for customization, and so.

Is It Best to Send a Thank-You Letter After your Interview?

I get asked this frequently: “What’s your opinion on sending a thank you email, versus mailing a thank you letter after your interview?”

For most people, I recommend email. There are certain reasons you can make sure it gets delivered at the exact time you want:

‣ It’s easier and takes less time

• It’s more modern and simpler for the company

However, in specific cases, send a thank you letter in the mail after an interview. A paper thank you note/letter might be better if you’re in a very traditional industry (like wedding planning).

If you’re interviewing for a very high-level position (like CFO, Head of Operations, etc.). But for most job seekers, I recommend sending a thank you email.

How To Determine If It’s Best To Send a Thank You Letter

You can write a personalized thank you card and then send a picture of it digitally, either in a LinkedIn message or in an email. That’s a good way to stand out and give a more personalized feel to a digital message.

Before You Send, Proofread everything. Email templates are only as good as the effort you put into filling them out and proofreading them.

Go over every detail and make sure it actually makes sense for your situation. If not, sending that thank you email or letter will do more harm than good.

Example: In the third sample email earlier in this article, it says, “thank you for taking the time to meet with me.”

If you had a phone interview, say, “thank you for taking the time to talk on the phone with me.”

Right? Otherwise, it’s going to sound odd, and they might suspect you just cut & pasted from a template. Not good! So be careful, take your time with these sample emails, and make sure every single word makes sense.

Mistakes to Avoid When Sending a Thank you Letter

Now you know the basics of how to send a great thank you email after the interview. Let’s cover a few mistakes to avoid now, though. Some of this will be a review if you read everything above, but I want to make sure you don’t do anything that could cost you the job!

First Mistake

Waiting too long to send it. You really want to send this within 24 hours after your interview.

Next, don’t ever copy and paste the same exact email to send to multiple people. They will compare and it looks sloppy/lazy. It takes a lot away from the impact your thank you email will have.

Don’t ever put multiple people in the “To” field of the email either. You should be sending one email to one recipient at a time.

Otherwise, it looks lazy/rushed.

Another Big Mistake

Thinking you don’t need to send an interview thank you email because the person you met wasn’t the official hiring manager.

I’d recommend sending one any time you had a face-to-face interview with someone. (Or even a video interview.)

Everyone’s opinion can count and the hiring manager can ask everyone what they thought of you. Don’t pick and choose who “deserves” a thank you email. Send it to everyone you’ve met face to face and play it safe!

One More Minor Mistake

Not asking for business cards after you meet each person during a day of interviewing.

Getting business cards from each person you met with during the interview is the easiest way to keep track of names and email addresses so you can thank them later via email.

So make a habit of asking for this after each conversation!

Some Subject Lines To Use When Writing

Use any of the following subject lines when sending your professional thank you email, whether to a recruiter, hiring manager, or another company representative.

• Thank you for your time

‣ Thanks for your time

• Thank you for your time on ( fixed the day)

‣ Following up on our conversation

• A follow-up (and brief thank you!)

‣ Thank you for meeting with me!

• I enjoyed our meeting

If you follow the advice above, you’ll have a great thank you email or letter to help you stand out and land the job!

And finally, if you thank the employer but don’t receive feedback after a week, read this guide on how to follow up for feedback after your interview.

There is always a reserved time to get prepared, and that time is now. Feel free to go through, again, and again, to be sure that you have excellent knowledge of all the samples, templates and examples. You can also share with your friends to help them too.

StudentsandScholarship Team.

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