Thank You Quotes for Teachers From Students

Teachers are like parents to students at school. They take care of their students and discipline and punish them when they do wrong, guide them on the right path, they teach and educate them. Teachers are the second parents who are always there to protect their students. They want the best for their students and all that they want is for their students to succeed in life.

Teachers are one of the most important persons in life. They play a vital role in shaping their student’s careers and futures. Their hard work, dedication and sacrifices are inspiring.

It is not possible for you to pay back your teachers for all that they have done for you. However, you can thank them and show your appreciation by using the following thank you quotes for teachers from students.

So if you’re looking for some nice and inspiring quotes, sayings and phrases to thank your teacher, this is the page for you. You can read it or share it with your friends and family who may have a great teacher worth thanking.

Thank you for teaching me how to be a better student and for guiding me to distinguish between what is wrong and what is right. For allowing me to dream and soar like an eagle, thank you for being my friend, mentor, and light.

1. Thank you for being the best teacher. I like your class and you make me knowledgeable about all the things that are going on around me. Thank you for teaching us to be disciplined, kind and loving people.

2. Thank you for being the greatest teacher in the world. I have learned more from you than from my parents and siblings. You are the best of both worlds with a great combination of a loving, caring and helpful side and when it is needed, a good disciplinarian to keep me in line.

3. Thank you for all the endless hours of passion and love you have put into your teaching. Thank you for being a great disciplinarian. I am sure I will remember you forever.

4. Thank you for being such a great teacher. You are the favourite of all my friends and their parents. You have important patience, understanding and strength. I appreciate everything that you do.

5. Thank you for being the best teacher in the world and more importantly, for creating a happy and peaceful learning environment for children. I can’t imagine what our lives would be without you.

6. Thank you for being the best teacher I ever had. You are very good at what you do and care about your students as well. You are not only my teacher but a close friend as well. I appreciate everything you have done for me and the sacrifices you have made.

7. Thank you for being so loving and caring. You have helped me in so many ways and pushed me to be a better student. The way you always encourage us makes us feel like we can take on the world. You are a good teacher and I have learned so much from you.

8. Thank you for being such a caring individual. You are always willing to help me and my classmates with anything, not just school-related but also personal. Thank you for loving us so much.

9. Thank you for being an amazing teacher. You’re one of the best I’ve had, since elementary school all the way up to now. Thank you for teaching me and being supportive when I’m having trouble.

10. Thank you for being the best teacher ever. I am so grateful to share this class with you because your teaching methods are what made me a better student.

11. Thank you for everything. It was because of you that I was able to apply to my dream university! I couldn’t have done it without your help. You have been so nice and nice and patient with me over the years, even though sometimes I think that you are too tough.

12. Thank you for being the best teacher. You made learning fun and exciting. I am very grateful to have had the pleasure of your class. You are a beautiful and great person. You are kind and loving, but also strict and a disciplinarian when needed.

13. Thank you for being the best teacher. You are very nice, kind, sweet and loving. I appreciate everything you do for us. You have taught me a lot in the past year and I am really grateful to you.

14. I have never had a teacher that was like you. You are very loving and kind-hearted, you know how to discipline children but not in a mean way. You always teach us the right thing and you are always involved in school activities.

15. Thank you for always being the best teacher I’ve ever had. You push me to my limits, but you never make me feel bad—you just help me do better each time. In fact, it feels good because I want to do better and learn more.

16. Thank you for being such a nice teacher. I can always count on you to give me any help I need when I ask for it and for always having time for me. I appreciate all the time you spend just talking to me about things other than school, but most of all I thank you for being a great teacher.

17. Thank you for put so much time and effort into the class. Without your help, I would never have passed. And even though sometimes you seem strict, it is only because you want us to succeed. I am very grateful that you decided to become a teacher.

18. Thank you so much for always being there for me every time I have questions or need help with a subject. You are the best teacher I ever have had or ever will have in my entire life.

19. Thank you for being an exceptional teacher. I am learning so much from you and I appreciate it immensely.

20. Thank you for being a supportive teacher. You are always so encouraging and I really appreciate how you welcome my ideas and contributions. It makes me feel better about myself because I know that my view matters to you. Thank you for all of your guidance.

21. Thank you for being my teacher and role model. Thank you for always being there to correct and guide me through life. I want you to know that I am working very hard in school, achieving excellent grades and learning a lot.

22. Thank you for being a wonderful teacher and mentor. I know I can always turn to you with my questions and concerns and trust you will always have the right answers. Thank you for helping me improve my writing skills by editing my papers. You are truly a wonderful teacher.

23. Thank you for all that you do for me. I really can’t put into words how much of an impact you have had on my life.

24. Thank you for being you. It makes school a very enjoyable place to be in. I love all the things you teach us and how you make it so much fun. Thank you also for being a disciplinarian when necessary. I know most students aren’t happy to see that side of you, but I like it because it really helps me to be focused and motivated in my studies.

25. Thank you for being the best teacher. I really mean it. I have had many teachers and your class is about the best one I have ever had. You make everything interesting and fun; you are fair in your grading. I am so lucky to be in your class and I want to be like you someday.

26. Thank you for being the best teacher ever. I love how you totally know how to manage a class, how kind you are and that you are nice. You are like a role model for all teachers. I can’t thank you enough for changing my work ethic so much that someday I want to be an English teacher just like you. Thank you again.

27. Thank you for being the best teacher in the history of all teachers. You demonstrate intelligence at a very young age and I am proud to be in your class. Also, thank you for having some time after class to teach me what I don’t understand from the lesson, it’s a very nice thing to do.

28. Thank you for being one of the most caring and dedicated teachers. Your support and care for your students, love for your subject and knowledge about it are admirable.

29. Thank you for being one of the best teachers I ever had. You are the only teacher that works hard with all his students and not just a few. I like how you are always asking how I am doing and being concerned.

30. Thank you for being a great teacher in the years I have known you and for having a great impact on my life. I really appreciate it.

31. Thank you for being the best teacher I’ve ever had. You were the first one to take interest in me when I was new, even when other teachers might have overlooked me. You always go out of your way to make sure I am not sitting all by myself and try to get to know all the students.

32. Thank you for being a great teacher. You truly care about your students and always try to make things as clear as possible. We are lucky to have you as our teacher.

33. Thank you for the wonderful class. I am now a better person because of your class. I have learned skills that will help me succeed in life, and I will always love you for imparting such knowledge to us.

34. Thank you for everything. From the moment I walk into your class in the morning to the moment I leave, every time I feel like my day goes better. You give me a positive outlook on life, guiding and pushing me to do my best. I don’t feel as uncomfortable in class anymore and enjoy myself more. Thank you for being so awesome!

35. Thank you for being such a great teacher. I learned a lot from you and I appreciate your patience with me when I asked a lot of questions.

36. Thank you for being the best teacher. I have learned more from you than any other.

37. Thank you for being the best teacher ever. The way you teach is so interesting and fun, I don’t think I’ll forget it all or ignore learning. Thank you for not just teaching us what we need to learn but for giving us also hints about life as well. Thanks for being there for me and all my mistakes, thank you so much!

38. Thank you for everything you have done for me. I have learned so much from you. I can see your love for teaching, it shows in everything you do, thank you for making me a better student and person.

39. Thank you for being the best teacher ever. I am so grateful to have had you as my educator in high school. You gave me a solid foundation for what’s to come.

40. Thank you for all your hard work. I will never be able to show you how appreciative I am, however, in the time that I have known you, I have grown as a person and I know that it is because of the training that you gave me. Thank you so much.

41. I am so grateful to have you as my teacher. You are an excellent teacher and I am learning so much from you. I also really appreciate all of the time you spent with me outside of class, helping me learn and assisting me in applying for college. You are a great friend. Thank you for everything!

42. Thank you for being, the best. You are all of the above. I am glad that we are in the same class because each day I learn and gain new knowledge, skills and confidence.

43. Thank you for being such a great teacher. You have been a positive influence during my school years and also before when I would see you at the Women’s Club/YWCA. Thank you for all the games you’ve played and for trying to motivate us with ice cream parties so we can finish our homework.

44. Thank you for giving me hope in science. In the past, I never thought I’d want to be a scientist or go into medicine but now I am passionate about it. Thank you for not being oblivious to my hard work and enthusiasm in class. I’m very grateful that you notice and that you took interest in my ideas.

45. Thank you for being my teacher and guiding light. You helped me so much in high school. Thank you for always giving me advice when I need it, sometimes it was life-saving advice and guidance. You are a good teacher.

46. Thank you for being one of the most beautiful people I know. You always talk to me and genuinely care about what’s going on in my life. Your stories and teachings always help me through tough times, and I never forget them!

47. Thank you for being the best teacher. You are patient and kind, which many of my friends do not like about you because they like to get away with things, but I admire your calmness and tolerance. I appreciate the fact that you love each and every one of us and show us your love through actions. I feel loved by you and no other teacher will be able to take your place.

48. Thank you for being the best teacher I ever had. I really appreciate your love and kindness. I always value your great advice like never giving up because you never know what huge things may result from doing little things.

49. Thank you for being the best teacher. You are very knowledgeable and intelligent. You help us understand why things happen the way they do in life. Thank you for being a good listener!

50. Thank you for being the best teacher I have ever had. You are just the right mix of a friend, mentor and disciplinarian. I credit so many of my successes to your guidance. I love being in your class.

51. Thank you for being the best teacher ever. You care about each one of your students, no matter how they are performing. I really appreciate how you deal with me and other students who sometimes cause trouble in class. I know it is not always easy dealing with a bunch of teenagers. Most teachers would not bother but you do because you are awesome and a special person.

52. Thank you for really teaching me things in the class. You are not just teaching me about one subject, but about life as a whole. I love how you offer advice and that you can always get people to laugh when they’re down. I appreciate your lessons, care and consideration.

53. Teacher, thank you so much for being such a great teacher to me. You made me want to do better, study harder and not give up. Thank you for all the love, support and guidance you have given me.

54. Thank you for the work you put into our class. It’s been a pleasure to have you as a teacher. Everyone appreciates all the hard work that you do. I’m sure your lesson plans are not easy and it must be very difficult to keep track of us every day and make everything organized for us. Also, I wanted to thank you for correcting my mistakes so I can do better next time.

55. Thank you for helping me get through the most difficult time of my life. I feel like I’m walking a path again thanks to you. Despite the fact that my grades weren’t very good during the semester, your love and support helped me get through this difficult stage of life.

56. Thank you for being the best teacher. You are nice and loving with your students but you can also be a disciplinarian when necessary. I feel that you understand my strengths and weaknesses and help me improve on them in a healthy way.

57. Thank you for being the best teacher I’ve ever had. You are caring, and understanding and you love us, but still, have a strict side. Some teachers don’t do that and it’s amazing to have someone to look up to because of their passion for education. Thank you for all of your support in and outside of class. I hope one day I can be as great as you are.

58. Thank you for being the best teacher by far in my life. I respect you and enjoy your sense of humour and love.

59. Thank you for your love, kindness, support and motivation as a teacher. You were always looking out for me and it was apparent you really care about me a lot.

60. Thank you for being the best teacher God gave me. You are there for us even during difficult times. The way you teach is so easy to understand and I’m always asking questions about things that I don’t quite understand.

61. Thank you for being the best teacher a student could ever hope for. I am grateful for the time you spend with me, listening to my complaints and my worries, and solving my problems. I know you want us to be better than we could be on our own, and I think you helped me be that.

62. Thank you for being so kind and caring about my education. I really appreciate the discipline when it’s required, but also your ability to be flexible when the situation requires it. You are a great teacher!

63. Thank you for caring about your students. I know you had to spend a lot of extra time tutoring me and helping me understand all the concepts in order for me to pass the class (because I was not a good student). Thank you also, that you cared when I was unable to make good grades because there was a family emergency. I appreciate your being very understanding and extremely patient with me.

64. Thank you for being such an amazing teacher. You are the best teacher ever and your lessons are always thoughtful, inspiring, funny and engaging. I will never forget you or your lessons.

65. Thank you for all of your help throughout the year and some of last year. I know it was hard sometimes dealing with me, but thank you for everything. Without your help, I never would have gotten through my school year.

66. Thank you for always being there in my life. When I am feeling down you encourage me to get a hold of myself and keep my chin up. It’s because of you that I am a great person today.

67. Thank you for being my teacher. You are the best I have ever had, truly one of a kind.

68. Your love for teaching is clearly seen in your way of teaching; you’re patient, kind, nice with a great sense of humour. You’re a disciplinarian and we need that. I love every minute when I’m in your class.

69. Thank you for being the best teacher I have. I love coming to class, learning and doing projects and assignments. Thank you for taking care of me when I was down with flu. You are the nicest teacher I have had so far. Thank you for everything that you do.

70. Thank you for all that you have done. You have been an excellent teacher and have always been caring, fair, kind and supportive to me. I am grateful for the gifts you have given me, i.e., pencils, glue, crayons, and paper books. Never forget that I love you.

71. Thank you for being the best teacher I could ever ask for. Without your love and kindness, my grades would have suffered so much. Thank you for always being there to answer my questions no matter how ridiculous they are. Thank you for teaching me each lesson with a purpose and not just because it’s on the syllabus.

72. Thank you for being the best teacher. Your class has grown on me, and I don’t want it to end. I know I will miss you when you move on, but I am very happy that I had a teacher like you who cared.

73. Thank you for being the best teacher in the world. You’re patient, have a great sense of humour, are very knowledgeable, organized and most of all you’re fair. I can’t think of a better person to teach me math than you.

74. Thank you for being the best teacher ever. I know my lessons are important because of the way you teach. You make school so interesting, and I know I will love it for a long time because of you.

75. Thank you for being the best teacher in the world. I love your class very much. I am happy to spend time learning with you.

76. Thank you for being such a great teacher. You give us passion and enthusiasm in the language classes. I feel like the French language singing the Marseillaise when I hear you play the accordion.

77. Thank you for everything. I learned so much from you and appreciate everything you have done throughout my years in school.

78. Thank you for all the kindness and support you give each and every day. I am very grateful because your lessons never cease to be new, fresh and exciting.

79. Thank you for looking after me. I remember the time when I was having a hard time in my last class and you told me your door was always open if I ever needed someone to talk to. It made all the difference to me.

80. Thank you for being the best teacher ever! I love all the lessons and your enthusiasm. Thank you for preparing me so well for future teachers.

81. Thank you for being such a great teacher. I really appreciate how much time you spend trying to get us to understand the subject matter, which isn’t easy or always that interesting. Thank you for being understanding with my occasional tardiness, I know it’s very difficult for you. Thank you for being such a patient teacher. You have been a great influence in my life and I look forward to the new adventures we will have next year in your class.

82. Thank you for teaching me everything about the business world, for always encouraging me to do my best, and for not giving up on me when I got low grades. You have been a great teacher. May your students be as lucky as I have been and get to be taught by you.

83. Thank you for being the greatest teacher I have ever had. I learned so much from you while having fun and making great memories. I will never forget you and your support, advice, and lessons. Thank you.

84. Thank you for being the best teacher. You have shown me how to be a good person, treat people with respect and love, be a disciplinarian when needed and have the right amount of laughs at the right time. I appreciate it all.

85. Thank you for being the best teacher I have ever had. In the beginning, I did not see it or realize it because your lectures were dry and boring and you always looked so tired when giving them. But then I started noticing – you have a loving side, you are kind to us students, you are nice to us, and you have a good sense of humour. You make me happy even when life seems too hard to be happy. Thank you for everything you do and teach me.

86. Thank you for being the best teacher and for being so understanding. I am sure it isn’t easy to teach in this very advanced yet young society of ours, but you handle it very well. The love you give out each day can be felt by all of us, your students.

87. Thank you for being the best teacher ever. You really have changed my life – I have learnt so many things in your class that I would not have been able to learn anywhere else. You have been looking out for me and helping me grow as a person. Thank you!

88. Thank you for making this quarter so fun. I learned so much from you, more than I anticipated I would. You helped me grow in every way and made my experience at this university the best it could be. Thank you for being the best teacher I could ever have.

89. Thank you for being there in the class. You are a nice person, who loves me and cares about my progress in class. I appreciate the notes you leave on my desk when there is something to improve on.

90. It took me a while to realize it, but I am glad that you truly care about your students. Thank you for always asking me how I am doing and caring about my day. Thank you for being the best teacher ever.

91. Thank you for being so kind to me during the two years I attended your class. You are not only a great teacher, but you also remind me of how I should treat others and be kind.

92. Thank you for being such a great teacher. I always look forward to coming to class and I am also very happy with the A I got on my essay.

93. Thank you for making me a better person not just academically but also in the sense of discipline and being punctual. I wouldn’t be anywhere close to success if it weren’t for your guidance.

94. Thank you for being such a great teacher. You take the time to teach me and help me understand everything we learn. I couldn’t ask for anyone better to have as a teacher, mentor and friend.

95. Thank you for your love and support. You have touched my heart and helped me through the rough times. I’ve learned that in life if you give respect, you will receive more.

96. Thank you for being the best teacher ever and for teaching me how to do research papers and PowerPoint presentations, for your dedication to teaching, and also for your love and kindness. You’re nice in all situations.

97. Thank you for being such a wonderful teacher. You are the nicest and most caring teacher I have ever had. You also discipline us well so we learn in class. I don’t know how to thank you for everything you do for me!

98. Thank you for being the best teacher. I’ll always remember the way you made me feel, the kind of lessons you taught me and how much effort you put into your job. I appreciate that.

99. Thank you for being the best teacher ever. You are never late for class, always on time for a parent-teacher conferences, respond to emails the same day and give me encouragement when I need it. You don’t get enough credit.

100. Thank you very much for being the best teacher. You can be tough when you have to, but still love all your students and understand that we are human beings who sometimes make mistakes. I am forever grateful to have known you and thankful for everything you have taught me.

101. Thank you for being one of the most amazing teachers I have ever had in my life. It’s not easy being a teacher and you are an inspiration. You make learning fun, and can be nurturing and disciplinary, when needed. I’ll never forget you.

102. Teacher, thank you for being there for the students. Your presence at school is an inspiration to the new students and to myself. I couldn’t have asked for a better teacher and I hope one day I will be as good a teacher like you.

103. Thank you so much for being such a great teacher. You’re always there to lend a hand and you’re always so patient with me. It is a real honour to have had you as one of my teachers and I hope that I can be as good of a teacher to my own students.

104. Thank you for being a great teacher. You made me learn to communicate with people and to be open to new ideas and experiences. I’ve learned so much from my time under your instruction.

105. Thank you for all your support. I am extremely grateful that you have been there for me, an amazing teacher that inspires one’s curiosity and intellectual mind.

Teachers make a difference in your life and the lives of children you may never meet. Appreciation for their efforts can boost morale, increase productivity and help them continue to do what is so important in our world.

These thank you quotes for teachers from students quotes are a good way to show you care and that they are appreciated.

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