Thank You Quotes for Wedding Guests

Planning is an enormous responsibility. The number of things to do can be overwhelming, and it can leave you forgetting some of the most important details. One of those details is thanking your wedding guests for attending.

While the people in your life will be thrilled to have been a part of your wedding celebration, they may not be aware of the depth of gratitude you feel toward them. Giving a thank you card or sending a message are some of the ways to show your gratitude and appreciation for the people who attended your wedding.

What’s a wedding without guests? Without family and friends, there are no laughs, no dramatics, and no one to support you in the good times or the bad. That is why it’s okay (and even encouraged) to let your beloved ones know just how much you appreciate their presence on your big day.

You can show gratitude to your guest by sending them at least one of these thank you quotes for wedding guests

Thank you for being at our wedding. We had a fantastic time and we enjoyed every moment of it. You were all so nice and outgoing, which made us feel welcome and very happy. We appreciate that you all came out to support us and show us your love on such an important day.

1. Thank you for coming to our wedding. We’re glad that you were able to share our special day with us. Thank you for the gifts and we loved having you celebrate with us!

2. Thank you for coming to our wedding and celebrating our love. Your presence on our special day meant a lot to us. We will never forget this day.

3. Thank you for coming to show your support and love. Everyone had a great time with you at our wedding. We are so grateful for your friendship.

4. Thank you for being there for the wedding. You made our day very special and meaningful for us

5. Thank you so much for coming to my wedding and celebrating with me. I hope you had a great time and will come back any time you are in the area.

6. Thank you for coming to the wedding. I know this was hard to pull together on short notice, but I appreciate your presence here.

7. Thank you for making the trip, standing outside in the cold wedding with me, and having a great time. It means so much to me.

8. I appreciate you coming to share your celebrations with us today. I know how hard it was for you to travel all this way and I am glad we were able to make the day special.

9. We know you were a little disappointed that we chose not to have the wedding on your home soil, but we wanted to share our joy with all of our friends. We are extremely grateful for all the travel and expense you went through to be there.

10. Thank you for being a part of our day. The wedding would not have been the same without seeing your beautiful face. It’s such a pleasure having you in our lives.

11. Thank you for coming to our special day. It was nice to have special people by our side to help us celebrate and make it even more special. We appreciate that you took time out of your day, or even travelled into town, to be a part of this special day.

12. Thank you to our family and friends for celebrating this wonderful day with us. We know how busy everyone is, and we were so grateful to see that everyone made it.

13. Thank you for attending. We enjoyed the party. We couldn’t have asked for a more fun-loving group.

14. Thank you for being an amazing wedding guest. Thank you for your generous gifts, for attending and for letting us know how proud of us you are.

15. Thank you for attending our wedding. We are very happy that you were able to make it. Everyone had a good time and we appreciate you saying positive things about us at the dinner. We love you all very much!

16. Thank you for being a part of our wedding. It was very exciting having so many friends and relatives join in on the fun. Thank you for all the presents, they are truly special to us.

17. Thank you for being there for my wedding. I hope you enjoyed yourself and the food. You are all very special people in my life.

18. Thank you for coming to our wedding! We appreciate it. Hope everyone had a fun time and can’t wait to see you all again at the reception!

19. Thanks for coming to the wedding. You made the night so much better with your love and support.

20. Thank you for being a part of our wedding. It wouldn’t have been the same without you.

21. Thank you so much for all the gifts. You went above and beyond. I was stunned by how many people gave money for our honeymoon! It was an amazing day and we will never forget it. We will write you all a thank you card soon enough!

22. Thank you for coming to my wedding. I am so happy everyone got together to be here and support me in becoming Mr.

23. Thank you for celebrating with us. It was a beautiful ceremony and we are very happy to be making this commitment to one another. You should know how much we appreciate your attendance.

24. Thank you for coming. It was a beautiful day and I am so glad to have had you there to share the special day.

25. Thank you for coming to celebrate. I know it’s a long way from where you live and it is so nice of you to make the trip.

26. Thank you for being such honoured guests at our wedding. Every one of you made us feel so loved and valued as we began our new life together. We’re very grateful to have each of you in our lives.

27. Thank you for being so nice to me and my parents. You helped us a lot on the day of our wedding, and we appreciate it very much.

28. Thank you for coming to our wedding and for celebrating with us. It is nice that we are surrounded by so many loving and supportive people. We feel loved, blessed and happy.

29. Thank you for being there to support us on our big day. We really enjoyed having you there and hope that you had a great time!

30. Thank you for celebrating with us, for showing up to our big day and for being a part of it. We couldn’t have done this without you.

31. Thank you for making the trip to come to see us exchange our vows and celebrate with us. We appreciate all of your love and support. Thank you for being a part of the special day we will both remember for the rest of our lives.

32. Thank you for sharing in our joy. Everyone commented on your wonderful friendly nature and how happy you all were. You guys were great all weekend. Thank you for everything, we are blessed to know you.

33. Thank you so much for being a part of this. We love you all and are so happy you were there to share this experience with us. Thank you for everything you did to help make this day as special as it was.

34. Thank you for coming to celebrate this wonderful day. I hope you enjoyed it as much as we did. I really appreciate you taking the place of our friends and family who couldn’t make it.

35. Thank you for your support and friendliness throughout the past week. It has been a pleasure meeting all of you, and I hope we will be able to hang out again.

36. Thank you for attending our wedding. We are so happy to have had great people by our side, supporting us as we became husband and wife. We will never forget the love and kindness you all showed us!

37. Thank you for your attendance at our wedding. It was wonderful to see so many loved ones there.

38. Thank you so much for coming to the wedding, it meant a lot seeing in person how many people care about us and are there with us on this new adventure.

39. Thank you for being part of our special day. We appreciate you taking time out of your day to be there with us. The vows we wrote for each other were made very personal and meaningful because we were surrounded by our best friends and family members, so thank you for making this day extra special.

40. Thank you for all of the gifts. The happy couple is so grateful and their kitchen is now full of all kinds of appliances to help them start out a new life together.

41. Thank you so much for being there. I truly appreciate it and I hope that you enjoyed yourselves and had fun. We are very thankful for all of the presents which made our day even more special.

42. Thank you for coming to celebrate with us. We enjoyed having all of you and being able to share this special moment with you. It meant so much that you all came out to be with us.

43. Thank you for coming to our union and sharing the day with us. Your presence on the day made it such a special moment for both of us.

44. Thank you for making our wedding such a great day. Your words of encouragement to us and your compliments on the food helped us feel very good about the whole thing. The flowers were absolutely amazing, and we are very thankful you all came to be with us on our special day.

45. We just wanted to thank you again for coming to our wedding. It was great to see you there and we had a blast dancing the night away with all of you. Thank you so much for celebrating with us.

46. Thank you for coming to our wedding. We enjoyed ourselves very much and it was great seeing you.

47. Thank you for all of your help. Your flowers added so much to the already beautiful decorations. Thank you for all of your efforts and for coming to the wedding. I’m so glad our paths crossed in life to bring us together on this happy occasion.

48. Thank you very much for attending our wedding. We appreciate that you were there and had a great time with you. We hope we have many more opportunities in the future to get together.

49. Thank you for coming to my wedding and being part of the celebration. I’m so glad we have had the chance to get to know each other over the years. I hope you had a great time!

50. Thank you for making our big day so special and fun. We are very happy to have you as part of our lives.

51. Thanks for coming to the wedding. It was great to see you again and hear how your life is going. It was also great to meet another member of the family.

52. Thank you for coming. We are so happy you could come and celebrate with us. We had a wonderful time and now you can understand why my husband and I love each other so much.

53. Thank you for coming. It was a beautiful day and it would not have been the same without you there. I’m glad we’ve become such good friends through the years because I know that I can always come to you if I ever need help.

54. Thank you for being present and sharing this special event with us. You being here means a lot to us.

55. Thank you for coming to celebrate our wedding. We are both very happy that we have so many friends and family who made the trip to see us. Thanks for all of the cards, presents, meals, and the time which you put in.

56. Thank you for coming to our wedding. We appreciate your support and efforts in making our special day one for the books.

57. Thank you for being there with us on our special day. We appreciate all of your support and engagement at the party. We couldn’t do it without you!

58. Thank you for being such a huge part of my big day. It would not have been the same without your attendance, and I thank each of you for making this day even better.

59. Thank you for attending, both sets of parents and the bride and groom. The wedding was wonderful. When I saw everyone together at the reception I was overcome with emotion.

60. Thank you for being my friends. You helped make the day very special by standing up with me. Your presence and support are greatly appreciated.

61. Thank you for bringing such a big group of people! I know this must have been a lot of work for you, but I really appreciate you all and it was great to see everyone.

62. Thank you for the lovely gift and note that came from you. I really appreciate all the thought you put into it. It’s great to know that we will stay in touch and I’m forever grateful for the memories we have shared throughout our friendship. Thank you for coming on this special day–you made it feel just that little bit more memorable.

63. Thank you for coming to my wedding. I really enjoyed seeing you and your family is wonderful. I hope your marriage is as happy as ours.

64. Thank you for being there on our special day! We appreciate all of the gifts we got and the lovely card you gave us at the reception. It made us feel really great and lifted our spirits.

65. Thank you so much for coming to our wedding. We are very glad that you could join us and we are looking forward to having you as a part of our family. We are excited that you came to celebrate with us.

66. Thank you for making the trip to come to see me get married. It meant a lot that you came. I wish you all the best in your lives together and hope you will keep in touch and visit us often.

67. Thank you for celebrating our special day with us. We appreciate your presence and we couldn’t have asked for better people to be a part of it.

68. Thank you for making this day special. It truly was beautiful. I’m so honoured to have you all be part of it. You made my day so much better.

69. Thank you for being there for us today. You make our day even more special. I hope it was not too much trouble to come here, but I really appreciate your coming all the way here.

70. Thank you for being here today. We are overwhelmed with the number of good wishes we received. We feel so blessed to have you in our life.

71. Thank you for coming to my wedding. It meant a lot that you took time out of your day to celebrate the beginning of our life together. Thank you for the generous gifts and the thoughtful words.

72. Thank you for coming out to our wedding. We hope you had a great time and were able to enjoy yourselves. The food was incredible, and we appreciate that you helped make the party a success!

73. Thank you for being so supportive. Your presence at my wedding means the world to me. I want you to know that I am thankful every day that we are friends.

74. Thank you for being such a wonderful group of friends. Everyone was truly happy and supportive as we celebrated our union. I appreciate how well you got along with everyone and did your best to make the day extra special for us.

75. Thank you for attending my wedding. I am happy to see everyone having a great time and enjoying themselves.

76. Thank you for being a part of our special day. We appreciate your presence and hope you had a good time! We can’t wait to see the pictures.

77. Thank you for making the long trip to be here. We really appreciate all of the love and support you have given us. You have made this weekend an amazing experience.

78. Thank you for attending. I really appreciate it and hope you had a good time. I hope you will come to visit us in our new place and invite us over if we come to your neighbourhood.

79. Thank you for coming to our wedding. We really appreciate it so much. The dress you chose was so beautiful and we know you went all out for this day. We really appreciated the effort that you put in to make your appearance something special and befitting the most important day of our lives. Thanks for dancing the night away and making my wife and me so happy on the happiest day of our lives.

80. Thank you for coming to our wedding. We really appreciate all of your help in making our day so special. Without your help and support, it wouldn’t have been nearly as wonderful. We appreciate you being there with us.

81. Thank you for coming to our wedding. We really appreciate everything you’ve done for us and to make our wedding day a special one.

82. Thank you for being so helpful during the wedding ceremony and the reception. I hope you enjoyed yourselves, the food, and the drinks.

83. Thank you for attending our wedding. We appreciate the support and kind words you have given us on this special day. We really like to have you as part of the start of a new life together.

84. Thank you for being there to celebrate the joyous occasion with us. We appreciate your kind words, and also appreciate your attendance. Hope you had an amazing time at this beautiful wedding!

85. Thank you for being happy for me. Thank you for celebrating my marriage to my best friend with me in person and on Facebook. I’m so lucky to have the best friends and family in the world.

86. Thank you so much for celebrating with us. Your presence on this day meant a lot to me. I can tell you had a good time by all of the smiling faces when I saw you dancing. It is a memory that will last forever!

87. We just wanted to say a quick thank you. Everyone had a great time at the wedding and loved the food, the favours, and everything. Thanks again for being such great guests!

88. Thank you for all of the small gifts. They definitely added to my enjoyment at the wedding. I appreciate that you took the time to think about me and show your appreciation.

89. Thank you for the great times I have had with you already. And thank you for all the help with planning my wedding. It means so much to me that you are all taking time out of your busy lives to attend this special day!

90. Thank you for coming to our wedding. We couldn’t have chosen a better group of people to share our special day with. We hope that you had a great time and hope we can talk again soon.

91. Thank you for being a part of our special day. We are both very grateful that you could make it. You were so kind to bring your gift even though we had already given a gift card in the mail. Thank you for everything you did!

92. Thank you for being a part of the happiest day in our lives. We are often told how lucky we are to have such wonderful guests like all of you. Thank you for making us feel so loved.

93. Thank you for coming to my wedding. I know it was a long drive out here, but I’m glad you made it. Have fun and dance a lot!

94. Thank you for coming and celebrating with us. This day could not be possible without your presence and we are thankful to have you here!

95. Thank you for making our wedding the most special day. None of it would have been the same without your presence. Thank you again!

96. Thank you for coming to our wedding. I know everyone is so busy with their own lives and schedules, but you took the time to be a part of our big day. We are so grateful for your love and support.

97. Thank you for being at the wedding and spending time with us. The day was perfect and you made it that way! Thank you for being there to share in our happiness. We hope to see you again soon!

98. Thank you for coming to the wedding. It was so nice to have friends and family there with me and my wife on our special day. I hope you had a great time.

99. Thank you for coming to my wedding. I know it is a busy day for you and it means a lot to me that you could take some time from your busy lives to come to see me get married.

100. It was great seeing you all at the wedding. We didn’t get a chance to talk much but I really appreciate your attendance. Have a good year!

100. It was great seeing you all at the wedding. We didn’t get a chance to talk much but I really appreciate your attendance. Have a good year!

101. Thank you for attending the wedding. It was a beautiful affair and we appreciate each and every one of you for showing up. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or feedback about the wedding.

102. I want to express my gratitude for joining us in celebration of our love. Our special day wouldn’t have been the same without your smiling faces and congratulatory wishes. I hope you enjoyed your time here with us.

103. Thank you so much for being a part of this special day. It was so wonderful to see everyone here, and I hope we can celebrate many more occasions together.

104. Thank you for being my guests at the wedding. You made the night very special. I was so happy to see you all having a good time.

105. Thank you for coming to my wedding. I know it was hard for you to fly here and I’m very grateful. I love your card.

106. Thank you for coming to my wedding. I know it was kind of last minute and that you had a hard time getting tickets, but I’m so glad you could make it. I had a fabulous time, and I know you did too!

107. Thank you for being at our wedding. We appreciate the effort you made to get here on time and stay for the whole day.

108. Thank you so much for coming to the wedding. I know there were many other things we had to choose from on Saturday, but we were really happy you came. We had a lot of fun and hope you did, too.

109. Thank you so much for coming to the wedding. It was great to see you all there and I’m glad you enjoyed our speech.

110. Thank you for coming to the wedding. This celebration wouldn’t have been the same without you. We appreciate your support and encouragement.

111. Thank you for being a part of the day. From the moment I met you, I could tell that we were going to be great friends. Thanks for making my special day even better by attending.

112. Thank you for coming. I’m so glad you could make it. The dinner was amazing. We had a great time. We laughed and danced the night away, it was fun! Thank you for the great memories made.

113. Thank you for coming to my wedding. I know it was a long trip and not always easy to find accommodations, but your presence made the evening so special. I’m glad we all had such a good time!

114. Thank you for coming to our wedding. We really appreciate your presents and your time spent with us on our special day. Have a safe drive or flight home and we hope that you have an amazing life ahead of you!

115. Thank you for coming to our wedding! We appreciated the effort you took to be there. We know that it isn’t easy to travel to a different city and be with us on the happiest day of our lives, but we are very grateful. We wish you to have a wonderful wedding

116. Thank you for the wonderful party. We really appreciate all of your help, hard work and effort that you put into making our special day perfect. Everyone had a great time, and we are very grateful to have you in our lives.

117. Thank you for being a part of our special day. We know that your presence meant everything to us and we are so happy that you all were able to attend and share in our joy. We appreciate everything you did to make the day run smoothly – from helping set up to attending a rehearsal, and especially being on time!

118. I want to first thank all of you for sharing this day with me. This was the most important day of my life and I’m glad you were able to be a part of it. From showing up to helping set up and enjoying the wedding festivities, I appreciate it all. It means so much to me that you were there for my big day.

119. Thank you for coming. We really appreciate you supporting us. The day didn’t feel complete without you there. I hope you had a great time.

120. Thank you for coming to our wedding. All of you helped make this day as wonderful and memorable as we wanted it to be. We can’t thank everyone individually, but on behalf of the two of us, we appreciate your presence there that day.

121. Your presence on my special day was greatly appreciated. You helped make the ceremony and reception an unforgettable experience, and I’m so grateful you were able to be there.

The bottom line is this. Be genuine, be yourself, and never forget that you’re about to start the great life journey with someone you care about, and who cares about you.

Most importantly, you should not forget to thank your wedding guests for attending your ceremony and for sharing an important moment in your life. Let them know how much their presence means to you. Take this unique opportunity to express yourself directly. They will appreciate it so much, as will you.

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