Thank You Teaching Assistant Quotes

Thanking teaching assistants is a good idea. A lot of people may not realize it, but teaching assistants are an integral part of the teaching process for many classes at the university. They work hard, often for little pay and sometimes even for free. It’s important to thank them when they do something nice or helpful.

You may not realize it, but teaching assistants (TAs) play an integral role in the learning process. Not only do they help professors teach and grade assignments, but they act as mentors to students and provide guidance in the classroom.

In many cases, teaching assistants are graduate students who are receiving education in exchange for their services. In other cases, teaching assistants simply want to help out a professor or get more experience. Either way, it is important to thank them for their efforts. Here are some thank you teaching assistant quotes to help motivate, encourage, and fully express your gratitude towards them for dedicating their time to help the school.

Thank you for being a great teaching assistant. Thank you for the many opportunities you have given me. Your feedback is helpful, and your compliments make me feel like I am doing a great job. I appreciated how attentive you were when I gave my presentation on Monday.

1. Thank you for being my teaching assistant. I am so glad that we have each other this semester. I know that this will be a great experience for me, and I am so glad to have you by my side.

2. Thank you for everything you do. You work so hard, and I am looking forward to working with you this next semester.

3. Thank you for being there to teach me how to do things I may never have learned otherwise. Thank you for letting me ask questions at any time and for always answering them.

4. Thank you for all the work you do, for allowing me to be a teaching assistant in this course, and for just being my friend who is always there when I need her.

5. Thank you for all the hard work you do to help the students learn in a fun and engaging way. You always make us laugh, and I truly appreciate you because, without your help, I wouldn’t make it through this class.

6. Thank you so much for all of your support. I know how stressful it can be when students need help, but it is a pleasure to work with you. You are an excellent teacher and an excellent person. Thank you for all your help throughout this quarter.

7. Thank you very much for always being willing to help me out, even when I come in at a moment’s notice. I do feel bad asking you so much but at the same time, I know I can always count on you. Thank you again, appreciate everything.

8. Thank you for all of your hard work. Some days you are there before me and some after, and many long hours went into making sure I was prepared for my classes, and that they ran smoothly throughout the semester.

9. Thank you for helping me learn. It is not easy to teach a group, but through your patience, you have been able to help all of us. We truly appreciate it, and there will be a group of intelligent students who are grateful for all that you’ve done.

10. Thank you for being a wonderful teaching assistant. I loved every minute of being in your class, and I love that you pass on your passion to us. Class participation was always the best part of the day, and we are going to miss you.

11. Thank you for teaching such a great class. I was looking forward to it every week, and the tutorials were great. I’m sad that it’s over, but what we learned in that class will be with me for the rest of my life.

12. Thank you so much for being such a good teaching assistant. I always enjoy the stories and anecdotes you tell about class and the students. They are quite humorous.

13. Thank you for being a teaching assistant to me. Thank you for your extra help. I always get a better grade on my report cards because of your feedback. Thank you for being a great role model.

14. Thank you for being such a great teaching assistant. You always go above and beyond, doing things like coming up with interactive activities to make class more fun and taking students out during lunch to distract them so they can study better. I’m very grateful to have you as a mentor and I hope to be a teacher who is as good as you one day!

15. Thank you for all the time and effort you and the other teaching assistants have put in for this course. I have learned a lot from your feedback and discussions. I hope to see you during practicums next semester!

16. Thank you for being there for the kids and me when we need it. I know sometimes your job can get frustrating, but you always come out of it with a positive attitude. For all of your hard work, Thank you.

17. Thank you for all the help you gave me during my first year in college. I was a freshman, and the workload was hard and all of the assignments were new to me. I would have never made it without your help with all of my papers, research papers, and even tutoring sessions. I couldn’t have asked for a better teaching assistant.

18. Thank you very much for being dedicated and helpful to the students in your classes. You give all of yourself to your job, which is very admirable.

19. Thank you for all of the extra hours and late-night that you spent grading my papers. The amount of work that you do is out of this world. I’m very appreciative to have such a knowledgeable teaching assistant helping me with my studies.

20. Thank you for being so fun and funny in class. I enjoy your class. You make it easy to learn because you make it enjoyable to be there.

21. Thank you. I’m always nervous about speaking in front of a class, but you help me to calm down and be more confident. And the students appreciate that you take the time to explain things to them as well as make sure I am prepared for the class.

22. Thank you for your help with my thesis. I had so many other projects due before this one and was only able to get the thesis done with you. You are awesome.

23. Thank you for all of your help. You always explain the lesson to me if I don’t understand something. I wouldn’t be as successful in this class if you weren’t there to explain things to me and help me out.

24. Thank you for all of your help with my homework. You are a blessing to me, and give me hope that I can learn this information.

25. Thank you for being a teaching assistant who truly loves her job. You bring so much energy to the classroom, and I know I’m going to learn a lot from you this semester. I am looking forward to working with you.

26. Thank you for being a good teaching assistant. You do a great job, and always help me understand the material, even when I don’t come to class. You’re the best!

27. Thank you for being my teaching assistant. I’ve had a bunch of you in the past few years, but you have been the best by far. You are organized, and on time, and you deal with eccentric college students well. Thank you for all that you do.

28. Thank you for being so incredible in every aspect. You make class and my learning experience so much more enjoyable. If I need help, you are always willing to lend a hand. You are super helpful and very friendly, too.

29. Thank you for all your help and support during my first year of teaching. I couldn’t have done it without you, and I truly appreciate it.

30. Thank you for all of the help you’ve given me. I honestly mean it. I have started to do better in class because of the extra time you spent with me and for that, I truly am grateful. The effort you put into our sessions is highly appreciated.

31. Thank you for all of your help. The class has been a little chaotic and crazy, but you always have time to get back to me and help me through things.

32. Thank you for being squeaky clean. You are kind to everyone, never raise your voice, and give the best advice. You always bring a sunny day indoors.

33. Thank you for all your help. I know that you feel like some of our course assignments have a very short set time to get them done and graded, but I appreciate the help you give me with each class. I’m happy to be in your class, and it makes me eager to come in and see how you think the assignment should look when it’s completed.

34. Thank you for all of your help in class. I get confused a lot, but you always explain things to me and go over them again so I understand. Your patience and extra effort are what make you stand out.

35. Thank you for being so helpful. I’m not sure what I would do without your help. If it wasn’t for you I don’t think I’d have passed my first test! So thank you again.

36. Thank you for being so kind and helpful to me. I don’t think that this semester would have been possible without you. You are always there to help me, even in your free time. Thank you for making my freshman year one of the best years of my life.

37. Thank you for the awesome job you are doing with the kids in your classes. I have been told by many parents how much progress their children are making working with you. It must take a lot of energy to be able to teach so many kids, especially over the long summer break.

38. Thank you for all of your help and assistance. You have been very kind to me, and I appreciate your good words of encouragement when I was having a challenging class.

39. Thank you for all those years of doing work with the youth in this community. I know it can be hard, but you always make it look easy. I hope the next teacher knows how much you do for them.

40. Thank you for helping me understand one of the hardest classes I have taken. You are a great teacher and friend. I feel blessed that you are there to help me along in class.

41. Thank you for all of your help getting me and the other students to learn the material. Your notes are really helpful, and you try to make learning engaging and fun. You are a great teaching assistant.

42. Thank you for all of the help you’ve given me so far. I appreciate your patience, the times you’ve given extra help, and the feedback you’ve given. You are very knowledgeable in your field, and I hope to become as good as you. Thank you again for everything!

43. Thank you for all of your support. Your assistance and help have helped me do my best every week. I was able to finish my semester with an A, and I owe it all to you!

44. Thank you for always giving me extra help when I need it, and for being so positive about all of my work. I truly appreciate your support.

45. Thank you for being so patient with the class and explaining concepts to them in a way they can understand. I know it can be difficult when they don’t want to learn or are so slow to grasp certain numerical relationships, but thank you for being so helpful and encouraging.

46. Thank you for helping me out with my writing, I can’t thank you enough. Your edits were so helpful, and the tone of the paper was completely changed.

47. I wanted to say thank you for how you interacted with me. You are a wonderful teaching assistant, and I am lucky there are so many great assistants.

48. Thank you for being such an excellent teaching assistant. You do so much and always make sure we understand the subject. The warm dinner you prepared especially for us is a wonderful memory I will carry with me. Thank you for your consideration.

49. Thank you for being my teaching assistant this semester. I’m looking forward to working together again and getting to know each other more. You’re an awesome teaching assistant.

50. Thank you for everything you have done this semester. It’s been great getting to know you, and I learned so much about the course. You would not believe how much our class has gotten better! Thank you for putting your heart into teaching us.

51. Thank you for being so supportive in my class. I know teaching fifth graders is tough but you always help me out when I’m stuck. Despite being so young, you give nice feedback and a lot of encouragement. You are a valuable asset to the school, and I couldn’t do it without you.

52. I am thankful for my teaching assistant. She has been a great help in the class and her input has been very useful. She is kind and knowledgeable about the course she is teaching and it has been a pleasure to have her as a TA.

53. Thank you for being there for me. Without you, I wouldn’t have gotten through this course. The reason I came out of a freshman slump was your kind words and encouragement. Thank you so much.

54. Thank you for being there to give me feedback and also to build my confidence in the classroom. You are always positive, and I look forward to your helpful comments.

55. Thank you for being patient and supportive. It’s hard to go through a lot of school tests and projects, and you always help me with it. I hope your future journey is filled with great teaching and experiences.

56. Thank you for supporting me in my studies. I know my work can be difficult and sometimes I get frustrated, but your support helps me not give up. Thank you for always being there to encourage me in my achievements and for helping me succeed in the class.

57. Thank you for all the hours you put into grading essays, listening to “young people’s problems” and helping me improve as a student. Thank you for being respectful of my opinions and ideas, even when they differ from your own.

58. Thank you for listening to me and talking to me about my papers. Even though I don’t see you much, you are greatly appreciated. You know that I like writing and understanding what I am saying. Thank you for being so encouraging in every way.

59. Thank you so much for being such a great teaching assistant. I know how hard it is to teach at this University, and I want to express my gratitude for your efforts. It means a lot to me that you care about our class as much as you do and put so much energy into helping us.

60. Thank you for being a great teaching assistant. It is such a pleasure to have you as my teaching assistant because I learn so much! I appreciate how you get me involved in activities and praise me when I succeed. You are a great mentor and friend.

61. Thank you for being a great teaching assistant who has helped me pass my test with flying colours. You explained the material so well, and I have always felt good about coming to class to see you. You have done a wonderful job, and I am looking forward to taking another class with you!

62. Thank you for being such a great teaching assistant. I can tell that you care about your students and are looking out for the best interest of each of us. I appreciate your office hours. It is so convenient to know that you are available during those hours if I need help or just want to review class material.

63. Thank you for being my teaching assistant. I don’t know how I would get through these classes without you. You always have the right materials and are there to help me grade all of the essays we have read. I’m so appreciative that you came into my life.

64. You’re one of the most wonderful colleagues I have ever had. Your kind words always make me feel better about situations that are out of my control. You are so good at your job, and I learn a lot from you. It is always a pleasure working with you.

65. Thank you for constantly going above and beyond your duties. You are always making an effort to help me and to make my classes better. I appreciate how willing you are to help.

66. Thank you for being a great teaching assistant. I learned more about statistics from you than anyone else. You are always ready to help me get my problems solved and go above and beyond to make sure I understand everything.

67. Thank you for helping me with my course. You constantly improve your learning. My progress is due to your assistance throughout the semester. I will never forget what you have done for me, and will always treasure it as if it were a priceless treasure.

68. Thank you so much for your help along the way. I appreciate all of your support and guidance while I learn a new language. Thank you, again.

69. I wanted to thank you for all your help and kindness during my tutoring sessions. I know it is difficult to teach someone who knows nothing, but you do an amazing job. You encourage me and help me understand concepts I never would have figured out on my own. Thank you very much.

70. Thank you for taking the effort to explain things when I don’t understand. If it weren’t for you, I would be so much more lost. I’m looking forward to our year together, and the knowledge I will gain from this experience

71. Thank you for being such a great teaching assistant. Your patience and support have made this semester a much better experience for the students. We all miss your stories about the time you spent abroad.

72. Thank you for being such a great teaching assistant. You never cease to amaze me with your depth of knowledge and how well you explain difficult concepts to the students. The other professors are very lucky to have someone as amazing as you in their department.

73. Thank you for helping me tutor the kids. I know they can be a little out of control sometimes, but they always seem to listen when you are with them. You are the best.

74. Thank you so much for helping the students with their assignments. You make this class a very pleasant place to be. You inspire the students to learn and to think differently.

75. Thank you so much for your hard work with the students. You have been working this job every day after a full-time teaching job and it is not easy. Thank you for your commitment to supporting students and showing them what community college is all about.

76. Thank you for grading my huge paper. I know it was long and you had to read a lot. You are one of the nicest teaching assistants in the department, and you care about your students.

77. Thank you for all of your support. I know it’s a lot to handle with 20 students, and I appreciate all of your hard work making sure we are doing well. You have a very relaxing way about you and can take control of any situation – and it truly makes my time in your class that much better!

78. Thank you for always being there when I had questions. You are an inspiring and great teacher, and your effort will pay off!

79. Thank you for all your help and guidance. I would not have been able to do so well on my test if it wasn’t for you. I know I wouldn’t understand concepts as easily if I didn’t have you in class. You play a huge role in my success, and I can never thank you enough!

80. Thank you for being available to me at all times. When I start to panic, I know that I can go to you, and ask for advice. You have been there for me from the beginning, helping me with many things, and always telling me that it’s going to be alright. Thank you for your wise words and caring heart.

81. Thank you for always being available and making yourself available, especially to students.

82. Thank you for all of your advice and help this semester. You made my life easier when I was struggling with my statistics class. If I could have a shoutout to anyone, you’d be the one on top of my head. You’re also a very encouraging person, always telling me I can do it.

83. Thank you for being a wonderful teaching assistant. You have single-handedly changed the way I think about teaching, and it is not easy sometimes to turn over control of your curriculum to another person. But you have done a great job, made more time for higher-level thinking activities, and have inspired many students with your love of language.

84. Thank you for all that you do. You are the reason that I enjoy and look forward to every class period. Your help and endless patience with me are what keep me going. You do a wonderful job. Thank you for everything

85. Thank you for being a great teaching assistant. You truly love to teach and you are very good at it. I appreciate that you took the time to review my work, even though you are very busy. Thank you so much!

86. Thank you for being there for me. You are such a great instructor, and I appreciate all your help and tips for entering the medical field. I enjoy our interactions and feel like you want to see me succeed.

87. Thank you for working so hard. It is nice that even though you have to work long hours grading and preparing, you always stay pleasant and happy when I see you around campus. I appreciate your dedication.

88. Thank you for always being there to help me through my classes. I know I must sound like a broken record, but when the nights are long and the essays are due on days you’ll probably be sleeping, I think about our conversations. You’ve been very encouraging with my writing and it means a lot that you believe in me.

89. Thank you for all of your hard work. I know when you give us that assignment, it means you have something big in store, and we will learn a lot by doing it. I thank you, and your time is valuable.

90. Thank you for being patient with me. You didn’t let me get away with anything, but you were always kind when you corrected my work. Thank you for helping me learn to do things the right way by having high expectations for me. I just got a job offer at a much better school because of how well I did in your class!

91. Thank you for offering your time to help me with my class this semester. I learned a lot from you during our planning sessions, and I am very grateful for your advice.

92. Thank you for helping me get this work done. I was stressed out and thought I would never get it done, but you helped me stay on top of it. Thank you.

93. Thank you for all the hard work you are doing for me in class. Sometimes I don’t even realize how much time you put into making this class so great. You guide us through the stories, and make sure we understand them. I appreciate it.

94. Thank you for the notes you leave me after class. Not only are they helpful, but they let me know that you care how my lessons are going and how my research is going. I appreciate your help and look forward to our next meeting.

95. Thank you for being a kind, compassionate and helpful teaching assistant. We don’t always agree, but I know that every day is a learning experience for both of us. I appreciate all you do.

96. Thank you for being so supportive and helpful in your role as my teaching assistant. I know I can always approach you with questions and concerns. You have been such a help to me throughout this semester.

97. Thank you for all the time you spend helping students. I have heard people say you go above and beyond your job and that you have a great attitude. Thank you for all of your dedication.

98. Thank you for being such a caring and knowledgeable teaching assistant. You always have time to talk to me and help me understand the things I don’t understand. I’m very thankful.

99. Thank you for being a great teacher. I never would have done well on the test without all the extra help you gave me. You make my class interesting, and I appreciate how you always ask if I need help and give me your time when I show up after class to ask. You are awesome!

100. Thank you for all the work you put in when you prepare for your lessons. I have to say, my time in this class was the most exciting experience in school so far.

Hello there. I hope this meets you well. How did you feel about going through the collection of thank you teaching assistant quotes up there? Please, provide an answer in the comment section and don’t forget to tell others about this page. Thank you.

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