Thankful for Answered Prayers Quotes

There are so many reasons to be thankful for answered prayers from God in this world. Being grateful for all the ways God has blessed you, being grateful for answered prayers and the blessings of a beautiful life and happy places and situations, abundance, health, safety, friends and family.

It is easy to get stuck in the confusion of life’s challenges and think we have nothing to be thankful for. After all, sometimes we’ve been given more burdens than blessings, but thankfulness and gratefulness for answered prayers tend to produce an optimistic, positive outlook on life. And as a result, thankful people enjoy more satisfying solutions to problems and challenges that arise in life.

It’s good to reflect on all God has given us and be thankful that our worries and busy lives won’t occupy all of our minds. With a little help from these best collections of thankful for answered prayers quotes, you can feel your stress diminish, giving you more time to spend with your family and friends, and it would truly make your heart feel happy and thankful.

Thank you for answering my prayers. Whatever you have done to make my life what it is today has certainly been a blessing. Thank you for all of the times you have supported me and told me that good things are coming.

1. Thank you for listening to my prayers and answering them with positive signs.

2. Thank you, God, for answered prayers. I was successful in my interview today, and I know it was because God answered your prayers.

3. Thank you, god, for answering all my prayers. Thank you for blessing me with a wonderful job that I love very much. Thank you for blessing me with a super hot husband who loves me.

4. Thank you for the wonderful and thoughtful quotes you have shared. They have brought me great comfort and helped me see things in a different light. I appreciate your generosity.

5. Thank you, God, that you have answered my prayer. I knew many of the things I asked for were difficult, but it will if it is meant to happen. I’m glad to know you love me and care about me.

6. Thank you for the strength to pray all of the prayers I prayed in my time of need. They were answered and I am truly grateful.

7. Thank you for finally giving me that promotion after I’ve been busting my butt for three years. Thank you for forgiving me for messing up twice this week and for the lessons I learned.

8. Thank you for answered prayer during our difficult time in life. Your guidance and wisdom have helped us immensely, and we will never forget it. we don’t know what we would have done without you.

9. Thank you for always listening to me. I know it isn’t easy sometimes, but you are always there when I need you, and I couldn’t ask for anything more.

10. Thank you for all your prayers and support. We made the right decision; We couldn’t have done it without everyone’s help. It is going to be so easy now that everything is sorted out. I’m thankful for answered prayers.

11. Thank you for making my dream come true. I am thankful for answered prayers!

12. Thank you for always hearing my prayers. You hear me when I am weak, have no one to turn to, and I just shout out to the universe with all of my heart. You are always there to rescue me and give me strength.

13. Thank you, God, for answered prayers. Thank you for making me feel happy and healthy. Thank you for letting me have a wonderful life. Thank you for always being there when I need you.

14. Thank you for the baby you gave us. We have been praying for a child for so long, and it has been an incredible experience to share our life with this little boy. Thank you for the blessing that he is.

15. Thank you for your goodness and support. You help me stay strong and achieve my goals. It means a lot!

16. Thank you for getting me through my tough times and making me a person who prays and sees how often the Lord answers prayers. I know there is no greater love than the love of our saviour, Jesus Christ.

17. Thank you for answered prayers O Lord. Thank you for holding me, talking to me, and supporting me. Without you, I would have been lost.

18. Thank you for the prayers that were answered. I know it wasn’t easy for you, but it made me very happy. I can’t think of anyone else I would rather have as a friend.

19. Thank you for always being by my side. You have been there for me when no one else has. Even though it isn’t easy, thank you for being there and helping me through these rough times.

20. Thank you, God, for being there for me.

21. Thank you for answering my prayer. I used to pray every night and ask God to help me pass the exam, and he did! Thank you so much for helping me out in times like these.

22. Thank you for always answering my prayers. I know that it may not be the way I wanted or thought, but I am glad it happened. Thank you for your faithfulness and for keeping your promises.

23. Thank you for working so hard to answer my prayers and grant me all of my wishes. You have granted me many things that I prayed for, and I am very grateful for them.

24. Thank you for answering my prayer to my family. I know it often seems like I am chasing a lost cause, but last season you came through for us in a tremendous way. We cannot thank you enough. Thank you so much for all that you do.

25. Thank you, Lord, for all of your blessings. I am very thankful for all of the opportunities to help others and be in this position to provide for my family. I am also thankful for my good health and the health of my family and friends.

26. We are very thankful for all the prayers that answered over the past couple of weeks. we got a call back from the publishing company regarding our manuscript, and they are publishing it! And while we didn’t receive a scholarship this year, but thanks to everyone who did!

27. We are all thankful for God answered prayers. I got a new job and the landlord lowered my rent.

28. Thank you for all the prayers, blessings and kindness sent. I am so grateful for this gift. I have been praying for such a long time. I have waited so patiently for this, and now that it has come, I couldn’t be happier. Ok.

29. Thank you for answering my prayers. My family is finally going to be all together again. I know that it’s been a long time coming and that it’s too late for the original participants. Still, I’m very grateful for the opportunity to reunite with everyone at the next generations’ birthdays. Thank you so much.

30. Thank you for all your answered prayers when I was little. I know that my life would be very different without those answered prayers.

31. Thank you for hearing my prayers. I don’t know what would have happened if you hadn’t helped me get on my feet. I am so grateful that you are there listening to me when I pray, and I know that everything will work out.

32. Dear Lord, I am eternally grateful for all you have done in my life. The trials and troubles have made me a stronger person. Thank you for showing me the path to everlasting happiness. You are truly the saviour of mankind.

33. Thank you for being in my prayers, and I thank God for keeping you safe. I am so glad to hear that were are expecting another child.

34. Thank you for your prayers and all you do to help me stay positive in my time of need.

35. Thank you for answering my prayers. I might not have known I was praying for an apartment near the subway, but your answer came through when I got one, and it is nice, clean, and quiet. Thank you for being so generous. God bless.

36. Thank you for all the prayers you have been sending up for me. I feel like this is just too great to be real. I am so thankful that God has blessed me with such a great job and everything else.

37. Thank you for every answered prayer. You hear me when I pray, giving me hope and peace of mind. This is the best kind of life anyone could ask for, to be led by a loving and caring god.

38. Thank you for always listening to my prayers. Thank you for always hearing my request. Thank you for giving me the strength to endure all the challenges that I encounter along the way.

39. Thank you for the answered prayers when my prayers were almost getting thrown into the abyss. Thank you that I can now change what I was praying for. Thank you for answering my prayers. Your works are great; Your ways are righteous and holy. Thank you for all the wonderful things you have done; That’s all through one man, Jesus Christ.

40. Thank you for the things that I am thankful for. Thank you for your constant love and support. Thank you for everything beautiful in my life.

41. Thank you for answering my prayers to get a good job and have a great life. I’m also very thankful my health is good, and I have a great family.

42. Whenever I pray and those prayers are answered, this will remind me of how thankful I am.

43. Thank you for the thoughtful, kind and heartfelt prayer call you made about my cousin’s health. You have been so supportive during this difficult time, and I am very grateful. Thank you for praying for us, too.

44. Thank you for all of your prayers. I know that I have said this before, but it is important to say it again. I feel truly blessed. Without your love, support, and prayers, I would not be in the position I’m in now.

45. Thank you, god, for helping me find a church that makes me feel comfortable and welcomed. Thank you, god, for answered prayers

46. Thank you for my imperfections. In the past, I have thought of them as flaws. Now I think of them as a part of my uniqueness and power. Thank you for all that is good in my life because it has helped me get here today. Thank you for the many paths leading me to this path. I’m thankful for the answered prayers

47. Thank you for putting everything in the right place. I am very thankful for answered prayers, and my life is on track.

48. Thank you for answering my prayers. I always pray and ask you, god, to help me in my life to be a better person. I know that you hear all of my prayers, and you are answering them by guiding me. I know that you love me and care about everything I am doing. Thanks for caring about me.

49. I’m thankful for all the prayers I’ve said and answered that helped me get where I am today. I didn’t give up and did everything I was asked to do, and now it’s wonderful. Praise be to God!

50. Thank you for answering my prayer. I am happy that you gave me another chance.

51. Thank you for everything that has come my way. When I think I want something else, God has it all mapped out and waiting. Thank you for your kindness, wisdom, patience and understanding.

52. Thank you, god, for answered prayer. Thank you for the prayers settled and new ones answered. Thank you that you hear my prayers and responding to my heart’s desire.

53. Thank you for answered prayers. At this time, I was experiencing hardship, and it finally ended. I could not be happier about what happened and how it did. Thank you for giving me hope that everything works out in the end.

54. Thank you for sending your son to answer my prayers. Your guidance in my life has been such a blessing. Thank you for all that you do!

55. Thank you for all of your love. You were the answer to my prayers. I am so happy that we have each other and can fulfil each other’s dreams.

56. Thankful for answered prayers and we are overwhelmingly grateful to God!

57. I’m thankful that you allow my spirit to work through you. I know sometimes it’s hard to see what I do, but your life is better because I am in it at the end of the day.

58. Thank you for answering my prayers. I was so worried a week ago when my partner didn’t want to go on holiday with me. You worked your magic, and now he is in a better mood, and we are going off to the beach together next week.

59. Thank you for all of your prayers for me. I know it has been difficult for you to pray for me, especially after you’ve had some challenges in your own life, and I understand how hard praying is sometimes, but the prayers make all the difference. They have helped me recover from drug addiction and overcome an eating disorder. I could not have done this without you.

60. I feel truly blessed and thankful for the answers to my prayers. With a grateful heart, I can witness your true essence, good nature, and sense of humour every day.

61. Thank you for answering my prayers when I needed you the most. I’m very thankful for all you do for me, and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us.

62. Thank you for answered prayers. Thank you for being there when I needed you.

63. There are many things I am thankful for. Spending time with my family, travelling and learning new things, and going out to eat are all wonderful things I’ve been granted. I am blessed that I have an understanding family and that everything I have been praying for is happening.

64. Thank you for my prayers to be answered. I am very happy that things are working out the way they should be and as I wanted them to be.

65. Thank you for setting me on my path. I would not be where I am today without your grace and guidance. I am so thankful to be where I am. Never thought it was possible, but here I am, living the dream.

66. Thank you for your prayers. I have to admit that sometimes prayer makes me feel stupid, but it’s nice knowing you are out there doing the same thing for me.

67. Thank you for giving me strength and wisdom. It is a blessing to have you in my life.

68. Thank you for listening to my prayers. I’m grateful for answered prayers.

69. I’m thankful for answered prayers. Often, people don’t feel like their prayers from past years have been answered, but when I look around and see how good things are, I realize that all of my prayers were answered long ago.

70. Dear Lord, I would like to thank you for all the answered prayers. The friends and family we have in our lives are a blessing from you.

71. Thank you for answering all of my prayers. I have not always been an amazing person, but I have always wanted to be better and grow as a person. Thank you for helping me do that.

72. Thank you for all of your prayers. I know you weren’t sure this would work, but it has. We are happy and healthy, and we have a beautiful home. Thank you for creating the most amazing life with me.

73. There are times I’ve prayed for things, and even if it was just for a minute or so, I got what I wanted in the end, and there were so many times when I never expected to get what I wanted. Thank you for all the wonderful things in my life, starting with my beautiful family.

74. I am grateful that God answered my prayers and helped me find the right people to work with me. I am overjoyed!

75. Thank God for answering prayers every day. But especially today, as I freely chose to see and believe that I could move forward. I am grateful for the many opportunities where I learned this priceless lesson of overcoming self-doubt and pessimism about what I can now do and dream of having.

76. Thank you for all the help, guidance, and support you have given to me. I know that with every prayer answered, another one will come along to be answered. I’m very thankful for your answers.

77. Thank you, I prayed for so long; You’ve no idea how much pain it caused me. Thank you so much for sending your son to help me and relieve me of my agony.

78. Thank you for your prayers. I know I don’t always pray every day, but when I do, I feel better. Thank you for always being there to listen to me or have a quick chat with me. You make me a better person.

79. Thank you for answering my prayers. I am very thankful for all you are doing for me; I know it must take a lot from you. You are always there when I need you.

80. I am thankful for the ability to pray and then see results. Through prayer, my life has come full circle and been blessed in so many ways. It was prayer that helped me turn my life around. I am eternally grateful for our father, who is in heaven, who had answered my prayers so many times when I was down and out.

81. Thank you for your answer to my prayers and the changes you have put in my life. I appreciate all of the opportunities you have helped me see.

82. Thank you for working with us in our kitchen. We’ve been praying for someone to get involved and help us out.

83. Thank you for your help and support. You are always here to help and to ask how I am doing. I didn’t think this day would come, but now it is here, and I am happy.

84. Thank you for answering my prayers. I know that this is not the best situation, but it’s better than the alternative. Thank you so much. You are a wonderful being, and I am grateful for your influence in my life. I love you.

85. Thank you, God, for all the answered prayers. I am so grateful for all the ways you have provided during this trying time.

86. Thank you for all of the prayers for our family as we go through this tough time. I can’t tell you how much better I feel after your kind words and prayers.

87. Thank you for the answered prayers. I am thankful that I got an amazing boyfriend who truly loves me and is always there for me. I love you and appreciate you!

88. Dear God, I want to thank you for making dreams come true. You have given me the health and strength to stop smoking. You had brought me joy when I needed it most. Friends and family say they feel the change in me, and they understand how thankful I am to you. I pray that you continue to bless my life abundantly and help me live according to your will. In Jesus’ name, amen

89. Thank you for all the prayers and support over the past few years. It has been challenging, but I couldn’t have done it without your assistance. I feel truly blessed.

90. Thank you for granting my wishes and answering all my prayers. I say this because if I had not prayed or wished hard enough, some things would not be happening, or they would be different in some way.

91. All of the best things in my life happened during a prayer. Thank you for the miracles I have seen.

92. I am thankful for answered prayers. I used to wonder if anyone was listening, and I would ask myself who God was and why he or she would want to help me. I’m glad God answers my prayers, and only his will be done.

93. Thank you for answering my prayers. I prayed that my sister would be able to get her place, and when I asked her how she was doing, she told me she had just put in an offer on a new apartment. If this is what you want for me, I am very thankful that you answer the prayers I ask of you.

94. Thank you for all the answered prayers and blessings already granted. You have helped me so much in my life, and I don’t know where I would be without you.

95. Thank you for answering my prayers. I am very thankful because of your help. Thanks to you, I was able to pass the test and get back into the course.

96. Many times, I pray for things, and they do not happen right away. They come to me at a later time. I have learned to be patient and recognize that it was not an answer to my prayer. I would rather thank God for the answered prayer when it’s not what I wanted but what God knows I needed.

97. Thank you for giving me the answer when I prayed. This is just what I wanted.

98. I’ve been praying for a friend who needed to pass his math test, and I was happy to get an e-mail from him saying that he passed. Thank you, god!

99. Thank you for hearing my prayers and delivering on your promises. I am usually very nervous, but I felt calm and confident because of you during the big presentation.

100. Thank you for your prayers. I have had so many answered lately, and I am grateful for each one. I can’t wait for what is to come next.

I hope that this collection of thankful for answered prayers quotes will help you to surround yourself with more positive and optimistic energy and allow you to see the benefits of gratitude.

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