The Best Always Comes Last Quotes

When you are faced with challenges in your life, it’s easy to get discouraged and feel like all hope is lost. After all, the challenges that we face are often so big that it seems impossible to overcome them.

Oftentimes, in all of these challenges and circumstances, hope is what is needed because eventually, the best things come afterwards. The best things always come last in life — after you’ve worked hard and waited long enough for them to.

If you can be patient and work hard, your ‘best’ is just around the corner. Patience and hard work seem to be one of the most difficult lessons to learn in life but it is always with it in the end. These the best always comes last quotes are motivational and will inspire you to keep working towards your goals no matter how long it takes.

The best things in life don’t come easy. Sometimes things won’t go your way and you’ll have moments where you want to give up, but success can only come with hard work. Enjoy the ride and remember that it’s the journey that gives us memories to last a lifetime.

1. No matter what your life may be, you can always hope for the best and work hard for it. The only thing is that sometimes things don’t always work out how you want them to. So keep trying, and don’t give up on yourself. Keep striving against all odds until something changes your outcome!

2. The best always comes last. You may not see it or feel it, but it’s there. Don’t give up on your dreams or who you want to become. Keep going and you will succeed, no matter how long it takes.

3. Things that always come last are proven to be the best. Success comes after you have accomplished your goal and sometimes when you think that it is already over, it just shows up at the very end.

4. You must be patient to get the best. Don’t rush, let it come to you at the right time. The best always comes last.

5. Realizing the best always comes last can be a hard pill to swallow, but it doesn’t mean you should give up or settle. It just means that the important things in life take time and effort. You have to work hard to achieve what matters most to you.

6. The best always comes last. You may not be able to enjoy the event but will cherish it in your heart forever.

7. Everyone loves to see the best come last. Whether it is at work or in life, always remember that hard work pays off.

8. The best always comes last. The best things in life are simple and free. They have nothing to do with fortune or fame. They involve being honest, kind, good-hearted and faithful.

9. The words you speak and thoughts you think have a direct impact on your future and the lives of others around you. That’s why it is important to never think anything negative or say anything hurtful. Also remember: your biggest blessings always come last, but they’re worth the wait!

10. Sometimes you have to wait for the best. But that’s okay because the best always comes last.

11. The best always comes last, that’s why you need to keep on pushing yourself because you’ll never know what’s around the corner.

12. Nothing great is ever achieved easily, it takes a lot of hard work and determination.

13. You may feel that nothing is happening at the moment, but always remember there are things happening behind the scenes. Just stay strong and wait for your chance. The best will happen.

14. Patience and hard work will pay off in the end. The best always comes last. Just keep pushing.

15. Patience and hard work always pay off. The best usually comes last but is well worth the wait. And you don’t have to be the smartest person in the room to succeed, just the one that works hard the most.

16. The best always charges the last. Your hard work will eventually pay off in the end. You just need to put effort and wait for the right time.

17. Don’t just wait for an opportunity to come. Create the opportunity. With much hard work and consistency, the best will come.

18. Patience, perseverance, and hard work are all important aspects of achieving success. If you practice them in everyday life, you’ll see results that affect all areas of your life.

19. The best always comes last but not without hard work and patience. Keep pushing. You will get there.

20. The best always comes last. If you persist, if you put your brain to work, if you put in the hard work and work smartly, then you will eventually get there. Patience is a virtue, and it does pay off in the end.

21. Don’t give up on your project, even if the first few attempts fail. It will be worth it in the end. This is true for work and relationships as well. Patiently wait for your dreams to come true.

22. The best always comes last. Keep working hard and your efforts will be rewarded. Sooner than you expect.

23. Everyone works hard to get the things they want, but it’s often in vain. Don’t give up on your dream. It will come true one day. The anticipation of great things to come can be as exciting as finally achieving them.

24. Never give up on your dreams. The best things in life are worth the wait and come last.

25. The goal of a long path is not rushing to the final destination but enjoying every step on the way. Patience pays off in the end, so stay focused and you will be rewarded for your hard work.

26. No matter how many times people say there is no chance for you to succeed, always remember that the best always comes last. So, keep working hard.

27. Patience is a virtue, but it shouldn’t be the only one you have. Work hard and see your dreams come to fruition.

28. We have to learn that the best in life is usually over the horizon. Patience, perseverance and determination are our only chances to achieve everything we have ever desired.

29. It’s nice to know that sometimes the best things come last and that it’s ok to stay patient if we want something. In the end, everything good will come.

30. The best always comes last. If you truly believe in something, try not to doubt yourself and just keep working hard.

31. You can get something for nothing, but you cannot get everything for nothing. The best things in life are never free but they are worth waiting for.

32. You’ll always get the best gift if you wait until the last minute. The best things in life don’t come easy, they go through their own growing pains before they are ready to be used by others. The best things in life come at a price sometimes.

33. The best always comes last, but it’s the hardest to attain. Sometimes you have to work hard to get the best, but sometimes it just happens like that.

34. There is nothing bad in having to wait for the best. Sometimes, waiting allows you to value what comes last, and appreciate it more.

35. Sometimes life takes twists and turns that make you want to quit, but if you can learn to persevere, you will be rewarded with happiness and success.

36. What we see as the best often comes last and what we see as being on top is often a long journey to get to. Always remember that your hard work and efforts will reap rewards.

37. Remember that what will last won’t always come easy. The best always comes last, so don’t give up.

38. The best always comes last, but it’s never easy. Being the best takes hard work, dedication, and perseverance. Success won’t come without these three qualities. The key to reaching your goals lies within yourself – your motivation, passion, and desire for success.

39. Always remember that the best comes last. You may always struggle through beginnings, but things will become easier as you move on. And if you don’t seek for it and appreciate it now, then you will never know that no one else can be better than you.

40. Remember that what will last won’t always come easy. Sometimes the best things in life don’t come easily, but if you are determined enough, you will be forced to wait for them.

41. In life, it’s what comes last that matters most. When the going gets tough, you always come through to make magic happen. You may not see it then, but the good things will always find you and your efforts will be rewarded in time. As long as you keep working hard on something important to you, the best is yet to come.

42. The best things come when you least expect it. Great things are not accomplished by those who yield to trends and fads, but by those who believe in their dreams, work hard to make them a reality and help others achieve their dreams as well.

43. There is no success without persistence. It’s only through trials and errors that you can discover what works best, and that might take some time. Whichever way, always remember that the best will come.

44. Sometimes if you wait, the best things in life come your way. And it may not be the most convenient time for you, but it doesn’t mean that you’re not going to get them.

45. Always remember that what lasts won’t always come easy and that what comes easy doesn’t always last. So, when waiting around seems like it’s taking forever, just remind yourself to be patient.

46. Sometimes the best things in life come last, you just have to wait for it. Life rewards people that never give up, no matter what comes their way.

47. Being the best comes with a lot of struggles. It is also true that being the best will make you tired but never get tired of trying to be the best.

48. The best always comes last and that what will last won’t always come easy. Don’t be discouraged by your failures, as they are simply opportunities to improve.

49. Finding success is worth your efforts; you should believe in yourself and never give up, that’s why good things come to those who wait. The best always comes last.

50. The best is always last. The more we wait for the perfect time, the more we end up missing out on life’s many blessings.

The best things in life always come last and that’s why we must make them worthwhile.

This collection of the best always comes last quotes will remind you that what will last won’t always come easy. The best always comes last, so don’t give up.

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