The classification and knowledge development by technical librarians In academic libraries in Anambra state.

The classification and knowledge development by technical librarians In academic libraries in Anambra state.


The major purpose of this work was to investigation classification and knowledge development by technical librarians in academic libraries in Anambra State it was also directed to find out the factors militating against effective knowledge development in academic libraries, survey design was considered most appropriate and was adopted.

The population of the study was 400,000 people while the sample sizes was 400 respondents selected using the Taro Yamane formula for sample selection.

It was found out that inadequate facilities is one of the factors affecting knowledge development in academic libraries in Anambra State. It was found out there was lack of accessibility and utilization of academic libraries in Anambra State.

In conclusion, it was concluded that Anambra State has been described by researchers as a failed state due to it’s incapacitations to provide enabling environment for knowledge development in academic libraries.

It was recommended that both Anambra State and private individuals should join hands in building up effective academic libraries which will enhance effective knowledge development in Anambra State, the researcher also brought forward.

ICTs knowledge development in academic library as the area for further research work in Anambra State.


Title page        –      –       –       –       –       –       –        i

Approval page –       –       –       –       –       –       –    iii

Dedication –    –       –       –       –       –       –       –      iv

Acknowledgement –        –       –       –       –       –      v

Table of content –    –       –       –       –       –       –     vii

Abstract –        –       –       –       –       –       –       –       x


1.0   Introduction – –       –       –       –       –       –        1

  • Background of the study – –       –       –          4
  • Statement of the problem – –       –       –        8
  • Purpose of the study –   –       –       –       –       9
  • Significance of the study – –       –       –          11
  • Research questions –     —     –       –       –       12
  • Scope of the study –       –       –       –       –       12
  • Limitation of the study –       –       –       –       13
  • Definition of the terms –        –       –       –       14



2.0   Introduction – –       –       –      –       –       –                                                                                              14

2.1   The concept/meaning of classification and Knowledge development in academic libraries   18

2.2   Knowledge development in libraries                                                                                                   20

2.3   Important of library classification  –      –                                                                                             22

2.4   Types of library classification scheme    –                                                                                            25

2.5   Library and information education and Training –        –       –       –       –       –       –                       27

2.6   The technical section of the library        –                                                                                             29

2.7   The economic value of information and knowledge –     –       –       –       —             –                       33

2.8   Other initiative that facilitate access to knowledge and information in African –                      35

2.9   The role of academic libraries        –       –                                                                                              37

2.10  The role of innovation libraries and Information services       –       –       –       –                            38


3.0   Research Methodology – –       –       –       –      40

3.1   Design of the study –      –       –       –       –        40

3.2   Area of the study –  –       –       –       –       –       41

3.3  Population of the study –        –       –       –       41

3.4   Sample and sampling techniques  –       –       42

3.5   Instrument for data collection –     –       –       43

3.6   Validation of the study – –       –       –       –       44

3.7   Reliability of the instrument –        –       –       44

3.8   Distribution and retrieval of instrument       44

3.8     Method of data analysis – –       –       –            45


4.0   Data presentation and analysis     –       –       46

4.1   Presentation of findings –       –       –       –       46

4.2   Discussion/analysis of findings     –       –       53


5.1   Summary of findings-     –       –       –       –       55

5.2   Conclusion –    –       –       –       –       –       –       56

5.3   Recommendations  –       –       –       –       –       58

5.4   Area for further studies –       –       –       –       59

References –    –       –       –       –       –       –                61


Library classification forms part of the field of library and information science. It was a form of bibliographic classification (library classification are used in library catalogues, while “bibliographic classification”, also covers classification used in other kinds of bibliographic data bases).

It goes hand in hand with cataloguing and classification, sometimes grouped together as technical services. The library professionals who engages in the process of cataloguing and classifying library materials is called a cataloguer or catalog librarian.

Library classification scheme are one of the two tools used to facilitate subject access. The other consist of alphabetical indexing language such as Thesauri and subject headings.


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