The Degenerating Level of Morality in Abor, Enugu State Nigeria

 – The Degenerating Level of Morality in Abor, Enugu State Nigeria – 

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The term Degenerating and morality are often used interchangeably to describe the moral standards. That is very low or unacceptable to most people while morality is the principle concerning the right and wrong or good and bad behaviours.

Morality in Abor conception involves a three dimensional relationships namely God, man and the ontological order.
A morally good act reaffirms the right relationship between God, man and ontological order while a morally bad act negates and disrupts this relationship.

In this study therefore, the researcher brings together the institutions of morality, the litany of immoral cases that have degenerated moral standards in Abor, and the efforts of Abor people towards recovering their lost moral glory.

The current standard in the society i.e. the fallen standard was also discussed in a fairly systematic and comprehensive way. Some recommendations were also made. The methodology used was descriptive historical approach.


The Nigerian nation and the various tribal groups and communities that make her geographical entity are constantly facing the challenges of Westernization and other concomitant problems.

From time immemorial and of course in the pre- colonial times in Nigeria, the traditional African had been living a life of moral sanctity and consciousness devoid of rancour and bitterness.

In the social, political, economic and spiritual planes they were satisfied and exhibited evidences of good living and cordiality.

Specifically in the spiritual sphere, there were clearly divided lines of relationship between the sacred and the profane which apparently was covenantal (Suzerain).

There were also defined rules between man and man in the society. The African people especially the Abor of Igbo extraction in Nigeria were rich in the cultural (religious) heritage.


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StudentsandScholarship Team. 

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