On  the fourth of October in  1957  an event  occurred that would change the world. The  Soviet Union  successfully launched the first  satellite    into earths orbit, called “sputnik I”, it  shocked the world -especially  the United States of  America, who had there own programme  of satellites launches underway, but had yet to  launch.

      The event led  directly to the creation of the US  Department of Defence ARPA (The Advanced Research  Project  Agency),  due  to a recognized need for an  organization that could  research and develop advanced ideas and  technology beyond the currently identified needs.  Their most   famous project was the creation of the internet.

In  1960 a computer scientist Joseph Likclider  published a paper entitled ‘Man-Computer Symbiosis”  which  articulated the idea of networked computers  providing advanced information storage and retrieval.

The  plan for this computer network  (to be called ARPANET)  was presented in October  1967,  by December  1969,  the first  four computer network was up and  running. The problem that was faced  then was how to connect separate  physical networks  without tying  up  network  resources for constant  links. This problems  was solved by a technique called  “packet switching  this involves data requests being split into small chunks (Packets)  which can be processed quickly without  blocking communication  from other parties, this techniques is  still in  use  in the   running  of internet today

Robert Kalin and Vinton cert later created a system that masked  the differences  between networking protocols  using a new standard and it  was called “internet transmission  control program”. The end result of this  was that it became possible  to easily join  almost  all networks together.    

In 1982, the ARPANET connections outside United States of America were all converted to the new TCP/IOP protocol, hence the internet.

Chronologically, the developmental history of the internet can be seen as follows

1969: ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network ) designed to support military research

1972:  ARPANET was put into operation, presented to the  publics and were   able to  access it

1981: ARPANET and CSNET(Network of the  Computer  Science Researchers) were  connected.

1990  : ARPANET has become  obsolete and was eliminated. The connection   between many different networks, communicating by   means of TCP /IP was called internet;


The importance of internet  to our daily  life cannot be overemphasized. From  Charley Kline  on  October  29,  1967  (first to use the internet),  the internet is  now being used by virtually everybody and now the  world is no more referred to as a global village, rather we now have the world  in our palms,  courtesy of the internet. Now more than 4 million hosts  and over   30 million academic, commercial national and  private users take advantage of the internet information,  and the number is still growing.


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