The Effect of Macroeconomic Variables on Manufacturing Sector Output In Nigeria

The Effect of Macroeconomic Variables on Manufacturing Sector Output In Nigeria

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The study is an attempt to investigate the impact of macroeconomic variables on manufacturing sector output in Nigeria.

In particular, the study examined the impact of exchange rate and inflation rate on the manufacturing sector performance in Nigeria.

In order to achieve this, the study estimated a multiple linear regression econometric model using annual time series data of manufacturing output, average capacity utilization, credit to the manufacturing sector, inflation rate, exchange rate and interest rate ranging from 1981 to 2015.

The result of the study established that in the period under review, inflation rate and the exchange rate has a statistically significant negative impact on manufacturing output in Nigeria.

The study, therefore, recommends inflation targeting policies that seek to keep inflation at its barest minimum while encouraging output growth and the adoption of floating exchange rate regimes that allow for the accommodation of external shocks while maintaining a tight monetary policy to minimize the risk of imported inflation.


The manufacturing sector operates within the internal and external environments of business.  The internal environments are within a firm such that the prevailing factors are most times very subject to the control of the managers.

The external environment has to do with the larger business environments in which the manufacturing sector operates; and the factors therein are not subject to the control of the managers.

The factors in the external environment not subject to the control of a manager generally can be regarded as macro-economic factors or variables.

Since corporate managers cannot control the macro economic variables the government can control them through several policies.


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