The Effectiveness of Laboratory and Resources in the Teaching /Learning of Physics

The Effectiveness of Laboratory and Resources in the Teaching /Learning of Physics.


Background to the Study

Science had been of great importance internationally for sustainable and socio-economic development as well as for the technological advancement of nations. Knowledge of science and technology is therefore a requirement in all countries and needed by all people globally due to numerous challenges that are facing them.

These challenges include emergence of new drug-resistant diseases, effects of genetic experimentation and engineering, ecological impact of modern technology, dangers of nuclear war and explosions and global warming among others (Alsop & Hicks, 2001; Omolo & Munyeke, 2014).

This had resulted to rapid changes taking place in the field of science such as in physics education, medicine, industry, communication, and agriculture.

Science as an agent of development plays an important role in bringing about these changes through technological advancement, national wealth enhancement, health improvement and industrialization (Validya, 2013), this is why scientific and technological

breakthrough is usually the goal of any developing nation like Nigeria. according to Weham, Dorlin, Snell & Taylor (2010) physics is and will remain the fundamental science. Hence, Physics as the bedrock of science and technology becomes many of the tools on which the scientific and technological advancement depends on.

Physics is equally a core subject in science and technology,  as it studies the essence of natural phenomena and helps people understand the rapidly technologically changing society (Zhaoyao, 2012).

The principles of Physics has been widely used for various economic, scientific and technological advancement and has led to sustainable development in the area of industrialization for improvement of materials useful to the wellbeing of the human race.

Furthermore, Physics education enables the learners to acquire problem-solving and decision-making skills that pave way for critical thinking and inquiry that could help them to respond to widespread and radical changes in all facets of life.

In Nigeria, the need for the use of laboratory resources in the teaching of physics has not to be taken seriously by the Government and educationist. This warrant the need of studying the effectiveness of laboratory resources in teaching physics in our institutions.

Statement of the Problem

Over the years, the problem of underachievement of science students in physics has been a general problem.  Series of research have actually try to find out what could be responsible for the problem(Ogbonnaya,2011).

Factors such as lack of adequate laboratory equipment and another teaching resource, ineffectiveness and lack of teaching proficiency of teachers, lack of qualified teachers and school factors have been identified as major causes of underachievement of science students in physics.

Effort by the governments and school administrators in the provision of some laboratory equipment has been put in place to cushion this effect and enhance proper teaching and learning of physics in secondary schools. Despite all these efforts, the poor performances of students still exist.

However, little emphasis has been laid on the effectiveness of laboratory and resources in teaching and/ learning of physics in secondary schools.

It is against these backdrops that this study is aimed at investigating the effectiveness of laboratory and resources in the teaching /learning of physics in Awka South Local government area of Anambra state.


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