The Effects of Government Regulations on Business Performance

 – The Effects of Government Regulations on Business Performance – 

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One of the growing areas of major concern to management in recent times is the relationship between business and government. Business and government by far remain the most influential institutions that shape the economy of any nation, affecting both individuals and groups in diverse ways.

According to Agulana (2012), government intervenes between business and its customers, between business and its employees, between business and the general public, between business and its shareholders, and between business and business.

Akanwa and Agu (2011) define business as the creation, procurement or provision of desired goods and services at the right time, right quantity and in the right forms to satisfy the needs and wants of customers. The relationship between government and business can be viewed as complimentary in building a nation that is politically and economically independent.

The supreme authority of government with its legislative and control functions over all activities and institutions in the state provide another pattern of relationship (adversary relationship) between government businesses. Thus, government sometimes sees the actions of business as adversary and unethical.

Table of Contents


Agulanna E. C. (2012) “Government Business and the Public. Aa dynamic Interaction.” Owerri, Joe-Mankpa Publishers.

Akanwa and Agu (2011) “Enterprexneurship Theory and Practice in Nigeria.” Owerri, Ben Enterprise

Awujo A. C. (2010) Business and Government: A Contemporaty approach. Owerri: Avan Global Publication

Armstrong, J Scott; Green, KEsten C. (2013). “Effects of corporate social responsibility and irresponsibility policies.” Journal of business Research.

Barney, J. B. (2002). Gaining and Sustaining Competetive Advantage (2nd Ed.) Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.

Brown E. C. (2005) Government and Business. Umuahia Rossy Publishing company

Agulana E.C (2012), Government Business and the Public. A Dynamic Interaction.

Owerri: Joe-Mamkpa Publishers.

Awujo A.C (2010) Business and Government: A Contemporary Approach. Owerri: Avan Global Publication.

Armstrong, J. Scott; Green, Kesten C. (2013). “Effects of corporate social responsibility and irresponsibility policies”. Journal of Business Research.

Barney, J.B. (2002). Gaining and Sustaining Competitive Advantage (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.

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