The Extent of Information And Communication Technologies (Ict) Integration In The Public Libraries

The Extent of Information And Communication Technologies (Ict) Integration In The Public Libraries.


Background to the Study                                

The importance of information for the development of any nation can never be over emphasized. This is because the amount of information possessed by any society or nation determines the level of development in that nation and libraries are social institutions that ensures that the members of a society are well informed.

According to Afolabi and Abidoye (2012) libraries are institutions that propagates the culture, objectives and intellectual leanings of their parent institutions.

Libraries generally are non-profit organization that serves the interest of the community that owns it, as a result libraries are of different types depending on the kind of group it serves.

However, libraries such as public and national libraries serve the interest of the general public and other libraries respectively.

A Public library is a library that is accessible by the general public and is generally funded from public sources such as taxes.

Also, according to Encyclopedia Britannica (2010) public libraries are now acknowledged to be an indispensable part of community life as promoters of literacy, providers of all ranges of reading for all ages, and center for community information services.

There are five fundamental characteristics shared by public libraries, the first is that they are generally supported by taxes; they are governed by a board to serve the public interest;

they are open to all, and every community member can access the collection; they are entirely voluntary in that no one is ever forced to use the services provided; and they provide basic services without charge.

It is also an institution that exists to serve the interest of all members of the public and receive its financial support in whole or part from public fund.


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