The Future Is in Our Hands Quotes

The future is in our hands because we are all part of the future. We can either choose to work towards a better world or continue on a path that leads to destruction. The choice is ours and it’s up to us to make it through our actions and through our words (or lack thereof).

We have been programmed to think that we need someone else to make things happen for us or for the world. We have been taught to believe that if we just had more money, more power or more influence then we could make things happen.

If you want to make the future better, you need to start today. Every single action counts when it comes to shaping a better tomorrow. You are the one who will create it, so you can make it good or bad.

Here below are the best the future is in our hands quotes to motivate and inspire you to do great things and make a difference because the world needs positive leaders who want to make the world better for humanity.

The future is in our hands. We have to act now to preserve it, because the longer we wait, the less likely we are to save it. The future is here and it’s all up to us, let’s make it a great one.

1. The future is in our hands, let’s make it good and beautiful by the decision we make today.

2. I think the future is in our hands, we can make it bright, beautiful and better.

3. It is up to us to make the future better than the past. The future is in your hands.

4. The future is in our hands. It’s up to us to create a place where every child can grow up happy, healthy and well-adjusted. And it starts with better health.

5. Our future is in our hands. We can make it a better place, and we have to because the stakes are higher than ever before.

6. The future is in our hands. We can make it a better one. The world needs us now more than ever.

7. The future is in our hands. Let’s use it to create a better world, together.

8. The future is in our hands—let’s make it a bright one.

9. The future is in our hands. The future of our planet depends on us, it is up to us to make the right choices. We can’t afford to be afraid of what we don’t know, because that’s what scares us the most.

10. The future is in our hands. It’s never too late to change the world – one small decision at a time.

11. Remember to dream big. Work hard. Have fun. And remember that the future is in our hands.

12. The future is in our hands now. If we stand together, we can make the future a brighter place. Let’s get started now.

13. We may not be able to control the future of the world, but we can control our own future and that’s what matters. The future is in our hands, let us do good and beautiful things today.

14. We’re all going to be part of the future. Let’s make it a better one than the last by making good decisions today.

15. We’re only one generation away from climate catastrophe. The future is in our hands. It’s time to act.

16. Working towards a better future is never easy, but this is our time to take it. Let’s get started for the future is in our hands.

17. The future is in our hands. Let’s do it! It’s up to us to take the next step and create a better world.

18. The future is in our hands. Let’s change it together. We have the power to make change happen. We are all part of a bigger picture, and it’s up to us to create it.

19. The future is in our hands, let’s make it a good one. We all have a role to play in transforming the world. We can lead by example, we can start conversations and make a difference.

20. The future is in our hands. We have the power to change and make a better world for everyone. Let’s work together to build something better for tomorrow.

21. The future is in our hands. We have the power to change it. Choose to believe and we will make it happen.

22. The future is in our hands, what we do today determines the direction of tomorrow.

23. The future is in our hands—let’s work together to make it a better place. The future of sustainability is in our hands. Let’s make it great.

24. We’re each in charge of shaping the world around us. The future is in our hands. Be a positive change maker today, tomorrow and always.

25. The future is in our hands. The future of the planet, the people and their cultures, and the future of business are at stake. Now is the time for all of us to stand together and make a difference.

26. We can’t control the future of the world, but we can control our own future-and that’s the most important thing. Today is in your hands, use it to do good and beautiful things.

27. We may not be able to control the future of the world, but we can control our own future and that’s what matters.

28. The future is in our hands. We have the power to change it for the better, one generation at a time. Let’s find solutions together and make a difference.

29. The future is in our hands. Let’s make it a better place, to live in peace and harmony.

30. The future is in our hands. We can make a better world together, just like our leaders did in the past.

31. The future is in our hands. Stay informed and get active.

32. We are the future. We were built for it, and we choose to step up to meet it head-on.

33. Our future is in our hands. Together we can make it a world full of hope, compassion, and love.

34. We are facing a difficult time in history. Many people’s lives have been turned upside down by the economic crisis and others have lost everything. But we believe there is hope for all of us. Together, the future is ours to make. Let’s go, doers of good!

35. We are the future. We are the generation that will shape our world — and we have to start now.

36. It’s time to get ready for the future. The future belongs to us.

37. The future lies in the innovations of today. Together we can create an exciting and dynamic present.

38. The future is in our hands and critical decisions lie ahead. Choose wisely, or the consequences could be dire.

39. The future is in our hands. Let’s make it a beautiful place. It is time for us to step up and take responsibility for the future. Let’s do it.

40. The future is in our hands and we are just getting started. We’re young and we’re here to change the world, one decision at a time.

41. The future is in our hands. Let’s make it worth remembering. We can do this. We’re ready, we just need to keep the faith and remember that everything will be ok.

42. The future is in our hands. Let’s take charge of it. We’re all in this together. Be a part of the future and share your vision, ideas and passion.

43. The future is in our hands. It’s up to us to make it what we want it to be.

44. The future is in our hands and we better not fail. We have the power to make things happen for generations to come.

45. Looking up to the future, let’s make it good and beautiful. The future is in our hands.

46. Everything we do—from the way we eat to the things we buy and the places we go—is part of a bigger system. And because we’re all connected, it’s up to us to make sure the future is in our hands.

47. We have the power over our future. Let’s make it a great one. It is always in your power to make a positive change. Choose a future that you are proud of.

48. We are the change makers. The ones who will save us. The ones who will make the future happen by changing what we do with food and how it affects our health, and the lives of others around us.

49. The future is in our hands. Let’s do it! We are the change we want to see in the world. So when you spot something, say something.

50. The future is in our hands. Time to take action and make it happen! Let’s get ready to change the world.

51. The future is in our hands. No matter what we do today, the universe will always be bigger than us. Let’s make it a great day ahead to achieve the best things in life.

I hope the amazing collection of the future is in our hands quotes helps you see that it is in our hands to create a better future for ourselves, for generations yet unborn. A future without war and hunger, without environmental destruction and degradation.

We can achieve all of these things, with hard work and collective action, and it really is within our power.

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