The Impact of Communication on Organizational Goal Attainment

The Impact of Communication on Organizational Goal Attainment.


This research work was hesitated by the desire to discover the Impact of Communication on Organizational Goal Attainment. (A case study of Simmy industries Nigeria Limited, Anambra State).

This works concerned with the important of communication in various business organizing the benefit and most especially and its effect the research was carried out in Simmy industries Nigeria Limited, Anambra State).

Questionnaires and interview are used to gather data for analysis and statistical analysis method such as table ration and percentage were used in examining the findings, recommendation were made in his research worm for managers and management scholars.


Title page        i

Approval page     ii

Dedication            iii

Acknowledgement    iv

Abstract        v

Table of contents       vi

List of tables   vii


1.0          Introduction       1

1.1          Background of the study        1-3

1.2          Statement of the problem     4

1.3          Purpose / objective of the study    6

1.4          Research question            7

1.5          Significance of the study         8

1.6          Scope of the study         8

1.7          Limitations of the study     9

1.8          Definition of terms     10


2.0          Literature review          11

2.1          Introduction     11

2.2          Definition of communication      12

2.3          Modes of organizational communication       12

2.4          Communication structures     13-16

2.5          Leadership       17-18

2.6          Concept of employee participation    19

2.7          Common causes of problems in organization communication  20-21

2.8          Key principles to effective organization  communication 22

2.9          Communication process      23-25


3.0          Research design and methodology        26

3.1          Introduction       26

3.2          Research design / methods        26

3.3          Sources of data     27-28

3.4          Methods of data collection            29

3.5          Population of study and sample size

determination     30

3.6          Sampling techniques / procedure       31

3.7          Validity and reliability of measuring

instruments    32

Questionnaires     33-37


4.0          Data presentation, analysis & interpretation   38

4.1          Introduction    38

4.2          Presentation of data  38

4.3          Analysis of data    39-53


5.0          Summary of findings, conclusion and recommendation                  54

5.1          Summary of findings           54

5.2          Conclusion       55

5.3          Recommendation   55-56

                Bibliography     57


The history of communication dates back to the earliest signs of care men, when they used symbols, paintings, and writings to communicate with one another communication can range from very subtle process of exchange to full conversations and mass communication.

Human communication was revolutionized with speech perhaps 200,000 years ago symbols were developed about 30, 000 years ago and writing about 7, 000 years,

communication can be defined in the following was: as the process of conveying information from a sender to a receiver with the use of a medium in which the communicated information is understood the same way by both sender and receiver.

It can be defined in the context of an organization as the process of transmitting information ideas, ideas, thoughts, opinions and plans between various parts of an organization.

The impact of communication is an organization cannot be discussed without to trace back to the historical background of organizational communication.

The field traces its lineage through business information business communication and early mass communication studies published in the 1930’s, until then organizational communication as discipline consisted of a few professor within speech department who had particular interest in speaking and writing in business settings.


Bafia M.W (2003)  Organization Identification Communication Process: Mc Graw Hill Company.
Carter M. (2005)   Basis in Internal Organization Communication. Authority Publishers.
Cliff M. (2004)   Organizational Communication London: Pitman Publishing, Ltd.
Dalziel M. & Stephen C. (2006) Organizational Communication London: Pitman Publishing Ltd.
Porter .S. (1980) Competitive Strategy in Organizations  Texas Oreilly Publishers.
Raghn Garud (2003) Communication in Organization Status London: Pitman Publishing Ltd.
Sunita R. (2002) Communication and Identification Texes: Business Publication Inc.

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