The Impact of Consumer Perception on The Advertising of Cosmetics Products in Selected Cosmetics Firms

The Impact of Consumer Perception on the Advertising of Cosmetics Products in Selected Cosmetics Firms.


This research work is on the impact of consumer perception on the advertising of cosmetics products in selected cosmetic firms.

Firms were drawn from Eket L.G.A, due to the number of firms into the cosmetic business in the number of firms into the cosmetics business in the town.

The Chi-square formula was used in the test of hypothesis as seventy-two questionnaires were distributed with fifty returned.

The simple random sampling technique was employed in choosing the firm’s research.

Test of hypothesis reveals that there is consumer perception on the series volume of cosmetic volume of cosmetics firms, Advertising play a role on the sales volume of cosmetic products and that effective product advert can lead to increase in profitability.

The findings are concerned that the perception process is concerned with stimulus. Sensory nerves, attention process may start, color, and image of an advert for a cosmetic product.

This may be attributed to the fact that perception is one of the psychological determinants of consumer behavior.

There are however various factors that could affect a consumer’s perception of an advert for cosmetics firms as they have an overwhelming influence on the consumer’s ability to have and good and perception of the product.

Advertising entails communication, information, persuading. Etc. cosmetics products have been known for their beatifying attributes, therefore, have always been patronized by men, women, children, and adults.

Hence cosmetic firms employ this medium of communication greatly in marketing their products locally and internationally.

Cosmetics firms employ targeted advertising technique link selling technique sell aspiration technique and use of the word technique in their adverts.


Title page

Approval page




Table of content

List of table


  • Background of the study
  • Statement of the problem
  • Purpose of the study
  • Significance of the study
  • Research questions
  • Statement of hypothesis
  • Scope of the study
  • Definition of terms


2.1  Introduction

2.2  Background

2.3  Advertising

2.4  Consumer perception and cosmetic product

2.5  Consumer perception and advertising

2.6  Summary


3.1  Introduction

3.2  Research Design

3.3  Area of study

3.4  Population  of the study

3.5  Sampling method

3.6  Data collection  methods

3.7  Data Analysis technique


4.1  Introduction

4.2  Analysis of Research questions

4.3  Testing Hypothesis

4.4  Discussion of Findings


5.1  Summary  of Findings

5.2  Discussion and implication of Results

5.3  Conclusion

5.4  Recommendation




1.1  Background of the Study

Cosmetics firms usually employ advertising as the vehicle of communicating to their actual and potential consumers. This enables them to explain and demonstrate the use and effects or results of using their products.

These various adverts act as a powerful medium of attracting and arousing consumer interest in the product.

However, consumers perceive advertising in various ways, depending on a lot of factors including the consumer’s state of mind, environment, stimulus objects, pictures, language, etc.

Hence, consumers’ perceptions often times have noticeable impacts on the advertising of the cosmetics firms.

This could also be due to the nature and usage in which these cosmetics products are been put into accordingly, this calls for and professionalism on the part of advertising agencies and cosmetics firms in communicating the use of its products to the consumers.

This arouses consumer interest hence influencing positively their buying decisions and further increasing sales volume and profitability.


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