The Impact of Effective Human Capital Management Practice on Organizational Growth

 – The Impact of Effective Human Capital Management Practice on Organizational Growth – 

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The main purpose of this study is to know the impact of effective human capital management on organizational Growth. Every organization, no matter the nature and activities being undertaken by it, will not exist. This time, the other factors of production like materials, capital and machines will be meaningless if there are no human beings to harness them.

The availability of manpower is not just the issue but its effective and efficient manpower on the organization enhance the need for human capital management. Therefore, this study has tried to unfold the basic functions of human capital management and its impact and effectiveness of organization growth.

With references to impact effective human capital management of organizational growth, the impact of effectiveness, extent had quality of human capital management has been carried out at Star Paper Mill Limited Aba, Abia State as a case study.

In view of this, the researcher conducted a detailed survey on this subject such as questionnaire, oral interviews and closely looked at the views of other Authors was also an immense help in this project. The result of this study was presented and analyzed using table of the study, recommendations and conclusion were made, and the APA style was used in the bibliography.


Title page          i

Approval          ii

Dedication       iii

Acknowledgements     iv

Table of Contents    v

Abstract   viii

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION                                                                                                                               

  • Background of the study 1
  • Statement of the problem 18
  • Purpose of the study 18
  • Significance of the study 19
  • Research question 20
  • Scope/delimitation of the study 20
  • Definition of terms 21


2.1          Conceptual Framework      24

2.2.         Theoretical Framework     35

2.3          Empirical Review           44


3.1          Design of the study      47

3.2          Area of the study     48

3.3          Population of the study       49

3.4          Sample of the study      49

3.5          Instrument for data collection      51

3.6          Validation of the instrument        51

3.7          Distribution/Retrieval of instrument 52

3.8          Method of data Analysis     53


4.1 Analysis of the data            54


5.1          Summary of the finding     65

5.2          Conclusion          66

5.3          Recommendations   67

5.4          Limitations of the study          69

References               70                                                                                                         


Human capital management is that aspect of management that is concerned with all aspect of managing the human resources of an organization.

Human Capital management involves the management of human capital at work irrespective of the type of organization in question, its products, size or structure, philosophy of its management must procure human resources of it to achieve its stated objectives.

Human capital management practices spreads all the aspect of co-operate and organization activities. It therefore becomes the responsibility of all those who manage people in the organization as well as being a description of work of those who are employed as a human capital specialist.

More especially, human capital management involves determining the organization and the use of human resources, recruiting and selecting the best available employees acting as liaison between the union and the government organization and handling other matters relating to employees will being.

However, many organizations have paid little or no interest in the effective human capital management which has resulted to how productivity high rate of employee interest and other ugly social menace, thereby hindering the organization growth.


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