Information communication technologies are information handling tools that are used to produce, store and process, distribute and exchange information. These different tools are now able to work together and combine to from networked world which reaches into every corner of the globe (UNDP evaluation office 2001) it is an increasingly powerful too for participating in global markets, promoting in global markets, prompting political accountability, improving the delivery of basic services and enhancing local development opportunities (UNDP 2006)

            According to Ogunsola (2005) ICT is an electronic based system of information transmission, reception, reception, processing and restively which has drastically changed the way we think, the way we live and the environment in which we live. On the other hand social studies is a key subject indispensable for the attainment of national unity through the education of the various ethnic groups with another.

            It can be used to access global knowledge and communication with other people (Ogunsola 2005) students who use ICTS gain deeper understanding of complex topics and concepts and are more likely to recall information and use it to solve problems outside the classroom (Apple Computer 2002).


            ICT has globally changed the face of teaching and learning.

            Many nations are taking the advantages inherent in ICT to impact on the educational sector. So ICT integration in schools is needed in order to accomplish many objectives and improve the quality of lessons in all subject areas as well as social studies. It also deepen the student knowledge, investigation and inquiry it increasingly pervades various aspects of our daily live work, business, teaching, learning, leisure and health. Hence ICT leads to the processes based on information gotten from technology it is necessary that every individual in our society should be technology competent (computer literature).

            For these reasons every schools should be equipped with the necessary ICT in order to provide our children with the needed tools and resources for being technology competent to be able to attain the expected skills.

            Norris, Sullivan and Parrot (2003) point out the important of accessibility as teachers use of technology for curricular function of their access to that technology (p.25) merely (38).

            Providing the schools with all the necessary equipment and training is not the most important thing but also given them the continuous training and practice of computer. So ICT should be integrated into all levels of an educational system from classroom to ministries for use in management, teaching and learning activities this shows that teacher must receive adequate ongoing training, technology that must much to the curriculum of learning and adequate numbers of computer located within the classroom (AL-Bataineh & Brooks (2003, p.479). as also concluded by Kagton, Harris and Leask (2002) it is not necessary the technology that has to be innovative but the approach to teaching and learning social studies must be understand.


            The integration of information and communication technologies can help revitalize teachers and students of social studies. This can help them to improve and develop the quality of education by making some difficult subject easy using ICT materials like:-

1.                  Internet youtube: It is easy for a student to view environment of other peoples country and compare it to learn more on environment hence social studies is the study of man and his environment. It also shows the student how other people dress and the type of houses they built thereby bring changes in their ways of live.

2.                  E-library: This is where all the library in the world meet with the use of ICT E-library the teachers get current and the must useful things in their area of study and thereby apply it in their own schools.

3.                  E-mail: This is where you can send letters to other teachers or students in another school, state or countries in order to interact or inform them of an important issues and it is the fastest means of sending message provided the person is connected.

Demetriadis et al (2003) reached conclusion in their research study “training efforts are generally welcomed by teachers but consistence support and extensive training is necessary in order for them to consider themselves able o integrate ICT in their teaching methodologies P.35.


According to Rogers (1995) one of the major factors affecting people’s attitudes towards a new technology is related to the feature of the technology ill self.

There are five basic features of technology that affect its acceptance and subsequent adoption, relative advantage compatibility, complexity observability and trainlibility. A new technology will be increasing diffused if potential adapters perceived that innovation.

(1)              has an advantage over previous innovations

(2)              is compatible with existing practices

(3)              is not complex to understand and sue

(4)              shows observable results

(5)              can be experimented with a limited basis before adaptation.

For all these factors affecting ICT in secondary schools.

There are some guidelines needed to follow by teachers in using ICT in secondary schools.

Guideline required by teachers in teaching social studies using ICT instructional material.

For the use of ICT use and utilization judges the value of ICT process or personnel by the degree they single or collectively satisfy the needs. The foresight instructional behaviour controls, to a large extents, the means for achieving them, instructional materials are not ends in themselves but means of attaining specific instructional functions teachers ability to effectively utilizes the availability media and this optimize the attainments of instructional situation varies with their level of utilization.

These guidelines are:-

1.                  Specification of objectives

2.                  maximal fit with instructional task

3.                  preparation and preview

4.                  multi-dimensional presentation

5.                  environmental situation

With all these guide in using ICT instructional materials on teaching social studies. It will be perfect if there is no obstruction, which is the problem.


(1)       Teachers professional knowledge technical know how:

Since ICT is a fairly new area of importance in education especially in developing communities like Nigeria it is a lightly technical field and to understand how it can affect the teaching and learning situation one first has to understand the operational functionality of the material.

2.         Lack of computers: Computer are still very expensive and despite spirited efforts by the government agencies NGO, corporate organization and individuals to donate computers to as many schools as possible. There still remain a big percentage of the schools unable to purchase computers for use by their pupils.

3.         Lack of electricity: Many schools are still not yet connected to electricity; Nigeria being a developing country, the government has parts of the country to the national electricity grids and those schools that fall under such areas are left handicapped and may not be able to offer computer studies or use it in aids of teaching. It is also notices that has electricity can not efficiently make use of the computer because of the epileptic nature of power in our country.

4.         Broken down computers: Many schools have benefited from donated used computers, they have not been adequately equipped with the same on maintenance and repair, hence its very common to see a schools computer lab full of broken down computers some repairable and some not burglary: For the reason that computer is still very expensive in Nigeria. Thieves still have computer lab as their target in schools this has made many schools to incur extra expenses tiring to burger proof computer lab and this makes some school ran away from buying computers for their students.

5.         Lack of internet or slow connectively: Many schools in Nigeria can not connect to the world wide web, due to the highly costs involved in the connectively.

6.         Increased moral degradation: internet pornography, cyber-bulking and other anti-social behaviours is worrying emerging problem.

7.         Environment factors: Part of the application of ICT processes is the target population for whom the materials are to be used and the setting or vicinity where the learning should take place, the degree of satisfaction derived by children in respect to conformability of environment of that schools.


            The use of ICT instructional material in teaching social studies has every sign of long survival as long as such digital computer become more available that means that when computer become more affordable, the connectively bandwidths become widely use and less constraint.

            The multimedia application will prosper. The progress of Nigeria secondary schools in this 21st century will increasly rely on various forms of computer system and communication facilities available in market that required to make education to be more flexible.

            The adopting and the use of computer have a great impact on teaching and learning social studies despite all the factors and problem associated to the use of ICT in Nigeria.


            For ICT instructional material to be used in Nigeria school system. The following recommendation are made:- 

1.                  Government should provide institutions at all levels in the country with adequate information technology facility.

2.                  Government should ensure adequate electricity supply in schools.

3.                  Teachers should be more committed to teaching with the use of ICT given the important of practical knowledge in it.

4.                  the institutions and teachers education should mount periodic training sessions for teachers on the use of ICT.

5.                  Schools should seek help from non governmental organizations, private sectors, individuals and industries to assists in supplementing and substituting obsolete ICT like projected and other software package.

6.                  Efforts should be made by government to post and provide teachers skilled in ICTs to each schools to impact ICT skill to the students.


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