The Impact of Job Satisfaction on Employee Performance In Government Owned Enterprises


The topic of this project on the Impact of Job on employee performance in Owned Enterprises (GOE’s).

There was a time when it was considered sound economic policy for government to establish and invest in corporation and . It was then agreed  that  government  owned enterprises were better for stimulating and accelerating natural economic development rather than private initiative.

This research therefore aimed at investigating, identifying, and presenting research findings on the Impact of Job Satisfaction on employee performance.

To achieve the  above aims, research hypothesis were formulated to that whether promotion has no impact on job satisfaction, there is no relationship between salary and job satisfaction and conducive environment does not contribute to job satisfaction in government owned enterprises.

The researcher made use of research questionnaire, which were designed and distributed to staff of these government owned enterprises.  The method of analysis is the use of tables, percentage and chi-square.

The major finding of the research is that promotion has a significant relationship with job satisfaction, there is relationship between salary and job satisfaction and conductive environment contribute to job satisfaction among employee in government owned enterprises.

In view of the above findings the study recommended that: 1.Government owned enterprises should see increase/prompt payment as a motivation factor, that can  increase productivity  in the organization. 2.

Government should use employee inputs as a criteria for promotion of workers, because most of these workers in government are idle. Government should make the working environment conducive, so that the workers, can see their working environment as their second home. 4.

Government owned enterprises should adopt management by objective in which employee should be part in decision making of the organization so that all hands will be on deck. 5. The structure of the organization should be restructure so that there will be cordial relationship between the employees and employer. 6.

Working conditions should be improved and sustainable to enhance performance. 7. Management should be sensitive to the difference in needs and values among the employee.

Every individual is unique and will respond differently to attempts to motive him or her. 8. Management should be sensitive to employees, complaints about low pay and unchallenging work.

Too often management delude them into thinking that employees dissatisfaction can be lessened by painting work area piping in music, giving out a few more words of praise, or giving people longer work breaks.


Title Page i
Certification ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgement iv
Abstract v
Table of Content vi


1.1 Background of the Study 1
1.2 Statement of Problem 4
1.3 Objectives of the Study 6
1.4 Research Questions 7
1.5 Research Hypothesis 7
1.6 Significance of the Study 7
1.7 Scope and Limitation 8
1.8 Delimitations of the Study 9
1.9 Definition of Terms 9


2.1 Motivation – Definition and Meaning 12
2.2 The Nature of Motivation 13
2.3 Types of Motivation 14
2.4 Motivational Tools 14
2.5 Theories of Motivation 15
2.6 Importance of Motivation 26
2.7 Management by Objective 27
2.8 Employee Satisfaction 32
2.9 Employee Performance and Satisfaction 37


3.1 Introduction 44
3.2 Research Design 44
3.3 Sources of Date 44
3.4 Instruments for Data Collection 45
3.5 Population of the Study 45
3.6 Pilot Survey 45
3.7 Reliability and Validity of Data and Test Instruments 46
3.8 Data Treatment Techniques 46
References 48


4.1 Data Presentation 49
4.2 Data Analysis 50
4.3 Test of Hypothesis 59


5.1 Summary of Findings 68
5.2 Conclusion 69
5.3 Recommendations 70
References 73
Bibliography 74
Appendixes 76


 1.1 Background of the Study

The importance of qualified manpower in the social, political and economic development of any nation can hardly be over emphasized. No nation is known to have attained and sustained high level of economic growth and development without ample supply of manpower.

Of all the factors that unlock the forces of economic and development, a country’s human resources is the most vital because without, it all the other factors have to wait. (Nwachukwu 1988, p-128).

Positive changes in the quality of work force according to Nwachukwu, account for rapid economic development that has taken place in advanced countries.

Kuznet in Nwachukwu once observed that “the major capital stock of an industrially advance country is not its physical equipment; it is the body of knowledge amassed from tested findings and discoveries of empirical science, and the capacity and training of its population to use this knowledge”.

At the organization level, the essence of any manpower programme is to enhance the welfare of workers by maximizing their skills as well as the quality and quality of their employment opportunity and by so doing add to their economic strength (Nwachukwu ibid).

Thus all  employee  programme  are aimed at human resource development and utilization bearing in mind that a well-motivated and satisfied manpower is an asset to an organization, which enhances productivity.


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