Management efficiency is a concept which involves getting the need of customers by public enterprises. For continuous quality improvement as well as increase in efficiency in order to survive the face of criticism among the public. It is the commitment of all staff from top management down to the lowers to improve on their products and services rendered. This study aims at providing an insight into the extent to which management efficiency will ensure sustainable growth and development in Ebonyi State Water Corporation. In carrying out this work, the researcher made use of both primary and secondary data. The data were analyzed using table, frequencies, percentages and mean scores. The specific findings were managers will not change the attitude of employees without changing themselves implementation of management efficiency required certain guideline commitment and leadership impetus for changed rewards. Thus management efficiency has not be totally implemented in Ebonyi State Water Corporation for now among others. Based on the findings, the following recommendations were made thus: managers, staff/workers of the organization should not relent in their effort to ensure management efficiency. EBSWC should continue the use of management efficiency in achieving its overall corporate objective. Due to the newness, regularly and continuously to ensure that productivity or outputs always increasing at minimum cost among others.


Title page                   =          =          =          =          =          =          =

Dedication                 =          =          =          =          =          =          =

Acknowledgment     =          =          =          =          =          =          =

Abstract         =          =          =          =          =          =          =          =

Table of Contents                 =          =          =          =          =          =

CHAPTER ONE: Introduction      =          =          =          =          =

1.1       Background of the Study    =          =          =          =          =         

1.2       Statement of Problem          =          =          =          =          =

1.3       Objectives of the Study                   =          =          =          =

1.4       Significance of the Study    =          =          =          =          =

1.5       Scope of the Study   =          =          =          =          =          =         

1.6       Limitations of the Study     =          =          =          =          =

1.7       Definition of Terms             =          =          =          =          =          =         

CHAPTER TWO: Literature Review       =          =          =          =

2.1       Introduction  =          =          =          =          =          =          =         

2.2       The concept of management efficiency   =          =          =         

2.3       Management efficiency perspective leadership =

2.4       Origin of management efficiency  =          =          =          =         

2.5       management efficiency and culture          =          =          =         

2.6       Organizational Structure of Management            =          =         

2.7       Historical background of Ebonyi State Water Corporation

(EBSWC)   = =          =          =          =          =          =          =         

2.8       Organizational Structure of EBSWC         =          =          =         

2.9       Motivation Satisfaction and culture         =          =          =         

2.10    Characteristics of Management efficiency          =          =         

2.11    The important of Management efficiency            =          =         

2.12    Ways to achieve management objective =          =          =         

2.13    Why Management efficiency fails            =          =          =          =         

2.14    requirements for successful implementation of

management efficiency  =  =          =          =          =          =         

2.15    The role of employee          =          =          =          =          =          =         

2.16    The role of the unions         =          =          =          =          =          =         

2.17    The role of top and senior management   =          =          =         

2.18    Work done on management efficiency     =          =          =         

2.19    Problems of implementing management efficiency       =

CHAPTER THREE: Research Methodology     =          =                     

3.1       Introduction  =          =          =          =          =          =          =         

3.2       Research Design       =          =          =          =          =          =         

3.3       Sources of Data        =          =          =          =          =          =

3.4       Primary Source         =          =          =          =          =          =

3.5       Secondary Source    =          =          =          =          =          =

3.6       Population of Study             =          =          =          =          =          =

3.7       Sample size   =          =          =          =          =          =          =

3.8       Research Instruments          =          =          =          =          =

3.9       Method of Data Analysis    =          =          =          =          =         

            CHAPTER FOUR: Presentation and Data Analysis   =           

4.1       Introduction  =          =          =          =          =          =          =         

4.2       Data Analysis           =          =          =          =          =          ==      

            CHAPTER FIVE: Summary Conclusion and Recommendation

5.1       Introduction  =          =          =          =          =          =          =         

5.2       Summary       =          =          =          =          =          =          =

5.3       Conclusion    =          =          =          =          =          =          =

5.4       Recommendations   =          =          =          =          =          =

5.5       Bibliography =          =          =          =          =          =          =




This chapter focuses on the summary, put forward based on the findings as well as a general conclusion of the study, in addition to a highlighting of recommendation, based on the finding of the study.


Using management efficiency as a technique of management can help organization to operate back to effective operation as well as solving the problem of mismanagement,

According to Luwaji (1996), stated that management efficiency involved as a result of the need by corporations for continuous quality improvement as well as increase in efficiency and survival in the face of competitive challenge in the world market.

According to collard (1999) management efficiency is about attitudinal change from top to bottom management.

According to Onaunsi (1997) management efficiency does not require a profound level of change in the behaviour of management. Managers will not change the attitude of employees without changing themselves.

Successful implementation management efficiency require certain guideline, top management commitment and leadership impetus for Change rewards, recognition, implementation and executing the programme of management efficiency. Leadership has a-role to play in the successful implementation of management efficiency, leader must change or transform the work of the organizations to need Okolie (1996).

According to Ockland (2000), said that management efficiency, involving individuals at all levels in planning, organizing, controlling and understanding organizational activities.

The study also revealed that the concept of management efficiency has not be totally implemented in Lagos State water corporations as the time the these was carried out.

Management efficiency can increase profitability level, if held to improve on operation efficiency, it can lead to fewer mistakes, fewer delays in the use of resources and finally reduce the cost of production/services and equally improve performances.


The researcher based his conclusion on the findings of the study. The concessions are as follows:

(1)       From our analysis, it observed that both staff and workers have an important role to play in order to brings efficiency in any given organization.

(2)       Since management efficiency is relatively new, it shows that the workers should be trained for the purpose to achieve the target/goals of the organization.

(3)       Management efficiency is relatively new techniques using for a particular purpose by organizations, so that management performance could be improved as well as achieving higher productivity and customer satisfaction continuously.

(4)       Government and concerned agencies should be transparent in their dealings, so that the rationales for the establishment of these corporations can be achieved. I hope that the conclusion of this study will provide an insight into an important aspect of management efficiency.



Recommendations are based on the conclusion. The recommendations are as follows:

1.         Staff/workers of the organization should not relent in their effort to ensuring the success of management efficiency.

2.         Since management efficiency is aimed at increasing productivity and profitability, managers should always adopt and adapt to the tools in the operations of the corporation efficiently and effectively.

3.         Due to the relative newness regularly and continuously to ensure that productivity or output is always increasing at minimum cost.

4.         EBSWC should continue the use of management efficiency in achieving its overall corporate objective.


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Benard E. U. (2011): Effective Management A tool for Organizational Excellence Paper Presented by Nigeria Institution of Management in Cross River Orientation Camp  Obubra. 

Emmanuel O. E. (2006): Fundamentals of Public Administration Published by Snap Press Ltd Enugu.

Iyiogwe S. O. (2002), Research Methodology, Badagry, Willy Rose and Applied Publishing Company Enugu.

Ogiji F. O. (2004) Modern Business Statstics, Umuahia Versatile Publishers.   

Okpata F. O. (2004) Public Administration Theory and Practice, An Integrated Approach Enugu Cheston Agency Limited.

Ona, F. O. (2003), Human Resource  Management, Enugu Fulladu Publishing Company.

Onuoha B. C. (1993); A Handbook of Successful Management of Organizations, Port Harcourt Benrose and Advance Publication.

Oko E. E. (2009) Hand Book on in house Training on Effective and Efficient Management Willy Rose Publishers Badagry.

Tokumbo M. A. (1998), Public Enterprise: The Nigeria Experience Enugu Literamed Publication Ltd.   


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Department of Public Administration

Faculty of Management Science

Lagos State Lagos


Dear Respondent,

            I am a student of Lagos State University in Department of Public Administration. I am carrying out a research on the role of the impact of management efficiency on works Performance. A case of Lagos Water Corporation Badagry.

            Kindly help me full attached questionnaire. Be assured that any information provided by you shall be treated with utmost confidentiality.



Please tick (√) in any of the corresponding boxes to indicate your view.

1.         Sex:    Male                     Female

2.         What is your age? Below 30            30-39            40-49           above 50

3.         What is your marital status? Single          married        divorced

4.         Your educational qualification? WASC,              GCE           OND   AL                       HND,    B.Sc          PGD,                     M.Sc        PHD

Others please specify 

5.         What is your work title? Manager                         supervisor                 engineer 

6.         How long have you worked in the corporation? 4-9 years            10-14 years            15-19 years            over 20 years      

7.         Your rank in the organization junior           senior              management other specify

8.         Are you aware of the concept of management efficiency

9.         Has this concept of management efficient been introduced in the corporation?

10.       If yes has it been implemented in the corporation

 11.      If yes, are you involve in explaining efficiency measures to you subordinates?

12.       Do you think that implementing this concept of ME can change your work function?

13.       Do you thing implementing ME will enable EBSWC improve in its operations?

14.    Do you think that implementing ME will increase the level of profitability productivity in EBSWC?

15.    Do you believe that ME education can promote effective quality management of EBSWC

16.    Are you of the opinion that implementing ME will reduce EBSWC costs of production and services?

17.       Do you believe that implementing ME will require all staff?

18.       Did the workers need to be trained?

19.   Is it obvious that ME will result t fewer mistake in fewer delay in the use of resources?

20.       Would management efficiency made EBSWC to meet their customers satisfaction?

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