The Impact Of Population Growth On The Nigerian Economy

The Impact Of Population Growth On The Nigerian Economy.

Table of Contents


The consequences of population growth on the economic development of less developed countries are not the same because the condition prevailing in these countries are quite different from those of a developed  economy.

Therefore the body of literature on population growth in Nigeria has always emphasized either the negative or the positive effect. Therefore in every discussion, it is conventional to start with a definition of terms used in such discussion.

However,  population growth can be seen by a demographer as a change in the size of the population. But when this change occurs in such a way that it reduces the size of the population, the demographer refers to it as a negative growth but when it adds to the size of the population he regards it as a positive one.


To find out the relationship between population growth and economic growth.

To examine the impact of population growth on economic growth.

To proffer appropriate solution/recommendation to authority in Charge of managing the economy on how to remedy the situation population growth.


It provides information on population trends and their implication

To the policymakers, educators, the media and the concerned public Servant.

To ascertain the truthfulness whether population growth impacts Negatively or positively to economic development.

This study will also serve as a reference research work for the society further studies


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