The Incidence of Brand Loyalty among Consumers’ of Cereal Foods

The Incidence of Brand Loyalty among Consumers’ of Cereal Foods.


This research was concerned with the incident of Brand loyalty among the consumer of cereal foods in Enugu metropolis, using Phinomar Foods in Enugu as case study.

Given the background of the problems the study sought to know the existence and extent of brand loyalty among consumers of cereal foods, to determine the influence of prices of the products on brand loyalty.

Whether consumers perception of the attributes of the cereal foods influence brand loyalty for particular brands and such attributes includes thing as taste, Milk content sugar content dissolvability and nutritional value and finally to ascertain the extent company image and brand name influence brand loyalty.

All the same, this study was restricted to six popular brands namely; Cornflakes, Golden morn Soy pops, Cocopops, White oat and Fruit Fiber.

Further, among the objectives and significance of study was to investigate the existence of brands loyalty among consumers of cereal foods and to find possible solutions to the problems identified.

This work was accomplished through the use of questionnaire oral interview, revision of previous work by different authors and the use of Top man’s formula to determine the sample size (288) and analyzed the findings by the use of Z-test method.

At the end of the work it was discovered that consumers are to a reasonal extent loyal to particular brand, price, quality, products attributes, company’s brand name and image exert a significant influence on the loyalty of consumers.

Also consumers have basic expectations in their favorite brands and are not naïve as advertisers would want us to believe. The orders of importance of the attributes to consumers are as follows: Nutritional value, Milk content, Taste Dissolvability and Sugar content.

Based on the findings it was recommended that companies should focus on product quality and integrated marketing communication (IMC) on popular already existing brand names in the market. This will help sustainability of consumers’ loyalty.


Title Page: – – – – – – – – i
Certification: – – – – – – – ii
Dedication: – – – – – – – – iii
Acknowledgements: – – – – – – iv
Abstract: – – – – – – – – vii


1.0 Introduction: – – – – – – – 1
1.1 Background of study: – – – – – 1
1.2 Statement of problem: – – – – – 4
1.3 Objectives of the study: – – – – – 6
1.4 Research questions: – – – – – – 7
1.5 Hypothesis: – – – – – – – 8
1.6 Scope of the study: – – – – – – 9
1.7 Significance of the study: – – – – – 10
1.8 Limitations: – – – – – – – 11
1.9 Operational definition of Terms: – – – – 11

CHAPTER TWO Literature Review

2.0 Review of Related Literature: – – – – 14
2.1 Purchase decision making: A choice not change- – 14
2.2 Habit purchase and Brand loyalty: – – – 19
2.3 Models of Consumer Behavior and consumer learning : – – – 23
2.3.1 The Marshallian (Economic) Model: – – – 24
2.3.2 The Pavlovian (Learning) Model: – – – – 25
2.3.3 The ferudian (Psychoanalytic) Model: – – – 28
2.3.4 Contingency Approach: – – – – – 29
2.4.5 Theoretical Framework: – – – – – 30


3.1 Research design: – – – – – – 34
3.2 Source of data collection: – – – – – 34
3.2.1 The primary source: – – – – – 34
3.2.2 The secondary source: – – – – – 35
3.3 Research Instruments: – – – – – 35
3.4 Population and simple size determination: – – 35
3.4.1 Population: – – – – – – – 35
3.4.2 Determination of simple size: – – – – 36


4.1 Method of Distribution: – – – – – 39
4.2 Presentation Analysis: – – – – – 57
4.3 Test of Hypothesis: – – – – – – 50

CHAPTER FIVE Summary of Findings, Conclusion and Recommendation

5.1 Summary of Findings: – – – – – 59
5.2 Conclusion: – – – – – – – 60
5.3 Recommendation: – – – – – – 61


1.1 Background of Study

Human behaviour is enormously varied and very complex and is predicted on attitude, learning and habit. Consumers learn from past experience and future behaviour is conditioned by such learning.

Marketers, the world over differ considerably in their prediction of human behaviour. The whole marketing effort is generally centered on the consumers.

This is implied in the marketing concept echoed by most markets which is consumer satisfaction at a profit as the basis for successful marketing.

In their varied description of consumers as Theodore Levit (1960) puts it, some people described consumers as unpredictable, varied, fickle, stupid, shortsighted, stubborn and generally bothersome.

This does not however, in any way make the consumers less important. Therefore the consumer is still of utmost consideration in the planning of the marketing mix or any other marketing effort.

Product branding is one of such marketing effort. Products are branded for many reasons, one of which is identification of the products.


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