The Influence of Broken Homes on Academic Achievement of Secondary School Students in Nsukka Education Zone in Enugu State


This study investigated the influence of broken homes on academic achievement of secondary school students in Nsukka Education Zone of Enugu State.

The study was guided by five research questions and two null hypotheses. Ex-post facto research design  was adopted  for  the study.

The sample size for the study comprised of 450 secondary school students from broken homes in the study area. Two different instruments were used for this study.

The first instrument was in broken Home Questionnaire (BHQ) designed to collect data on students’ family structure (broken or intact) and their academic challenges while the second was students academic performance checklist.

The instrument was face validated by experts in the faculty of Education, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. Cronbach Alpha method was used to determine the internal consistency of the instrument.

The data were analysed using mean and standard deviation to answer  the research questions while the hypotheses were tested using t-test.

The major findings of the  study revealed that secondary school students from broken homes within Nsukka Education Zone  face  education challenges like lack of sufficient text books, inability  to meet education related financial obligations, poor academic performance and lack  of concentration while in school.

Also, result showed that secondary school students from broken homes within Nsukka Education Zone face emotional challenges like emotional stress, despair, inferiority complex, feeling insecure and unhappiness.


Background of Study

The family is the child’s first place of contact with the world. The child as a result, acquires initial education and socialization from parents and other significant persons in the family.

Agulana (1999) defined a family as the smallest  unit  of  the society made  up  of people leaving in the same house. Agulana pointed  out  that  the  family  lays  the psychological, moral, and spiritual foundation in the overall  development  of  the  child.

Alesina and Giuliano (2007) added that the family is one of the most important  socio  economic institution in the society, but the nature of the links between family members varies dramatically across nationalities.

Family is broadly defined as any two people who are related to each other through a genetic connection, adoption, marriage, or by mutual agreement (Yara & Tunde-Yara, 2010).

According to Bonnie (2001), family members share emotional and economic bonds. Operationally, a family is the smallest unit of the society that is made up of people who are related by blood.

Structurally, a family is either broken or intact. The child is morally upright and emotionally stable when the caring responsibilities are carried out by  both  parents.

The  family is the first socializing agent the child comes in contact with. It has  great influence on the child’s physical, mental, and moral development.

The family lays the foundation of education before the child goes to school and the personality that the child takes to school is determined by the home. Salami (1998) pointed out that both parents have roles to  play in  child education.


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