The Influence of Entrepreneurship Education on Students Entrepreneurial Psychosocial Adjustments

The Influence Of Entrepreneurship Education On  Students Entrepreneurial Psychosocial Adjustments.

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Since the inception of human being, no human being come into existence fully developed with all the necessary faculties and systems that enhance adaptation.

Rather, people come into existence and experience several phases of development. One of the phases of such development is the adolescent phase. According to  Weiten (2012) adolescent is a transition phase between childhood and adulthood.

It is one of the major critical and most delicate phases of the human development because it is at this phase that the socialization of the individual person takes place.

According to Ebenebe (2007), it is the phase a girl child learns how to be daughters, sisters, friends, wives and mothers. In addition, she learns the occupational roles that the society has in stock for her. The same is applicable to the male child.

Apart from the role play, it is also the phase when an adolescents imbibe the norms of the society where they find themselves. It is also the phase when attitudes, skills, values, norms and culture of the given society are learnt.

According to Okudo (2013), it is a phase when business teacher can acculturate all  socialization processes into a child which are basically achieved through education.  According to Moorhead, Johnson & Swanson, (2008).

Psychosocial adjustment is the adaptive response to a substantial life change by an individual  either an adolescent or  an adult stage.

Wikipedia encyclopaedia (2015) defines education in its general sense as a form of learning through which the knowledge, skills, values, beliefs and habits of a group of people are transferred from one generation to the next through storytelling, discussion, teaching, training and or research.

Scholars are in consensus that education through formal learning constitutes one of the foremost agents of socialization.

This kind of socialization is practically achieved in schools which  have educational systems that are known to be the scaffold or buffer on which the psychosocial developments of these adolescents are based.

The term educational system generally according to Sabbout(2013) refers to public schooling not private schooling and more commonly from kindergarten through high school programmes.


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