The Influence of Socio-economic Status on Career Aspiration among Senior Secondary School Students in Sokoto Metropolis

– The Influence of Socioeconomic Status on Career Aspiration among Senior Secondary School Students in Sokoto Metropolis –


This research is on the assessment of the influence of socioeconomic status on career aspiration among Senior Secondary School Students in the Sokoto metropolis.

This study was on some selected secondary schools in Sokoto metropolis. The study is descriptive in nature and uses Child’s Vocational Awareness Questionnaire (CVAQ) on students for career aspiration findings.

A total number of one hundred (100) students responded to the instrument. Contrary to the research, it was revealed that the development in the educational achievement of the students with a better possibility for better career choices is high and the level of education of the parent could be in form of motivation for a child to aspire for better jobs in future.

And that majority of the students nowadays decide on their own career choices. 


This study examines the effects of socioeconomic status on the career aspirations for occupational preference of secondary school students in Sokoto metropolis.

Several researchers have long recognized that occupational aspiration is influenced by the socio-economic status (SES) of secondary school students, in particular, the background of their families is especially important.

McLaughlin, Hunt, and Montgomery (1976) found that SES affects the occupational and educational aspirations of female high school seniors, a finding in agreement with Empey’s (1956) study on males.

Krippner (1963) studied students’ occupational preferences and their parents’ occupational levels using Roe’s (1956) occupational scale and found that the occupations students liked to enter were related to the status of their parents’ occupational level.

According to Uche (1994) children from parents with high socioeconomic status are likely provided with high-quality private education from nursery up to university level.

Given this opportunity, it is likely that such children will be less delinquent than their counterparts from lower socio-economic backgrounds.

However, from an empirical study by Coughin and Vuchimah (1996), there is a relationship between family socioeconomic status and juvenile delinquency.

Female secondary school students tend to act out as a result of a low level of support from their mothers while boys tend to act out as a result of low-level parental mentoring; however, the study concludes that family structure is not a predictor of juvenile delinquency, low parental monitoring did seem to predict higher drug use, Dishon and Loeber (1985).

In another study on child-rearing style and students’ dishonest behaviour by Ajake and Bisong (2008), child-rearing style is a function of family socioeconomic status. 


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