The Instrumental Scholarship 2022 Application Update

– The Instrumental Scholarship –

Northumbria University is now accepting applications from suitably qualified students for the Instrumental Scholarship. It is a fully-funded scholarship for all students.

About the Scholarship

At Northumbria University, we believe in supporting you to achieve your future goals. By bringing together our inspiring courses, innovative staff and academically gifted students, like yourself, we can tackle the challenges of the world to create a better future.

The Instrument Scholarship will provide you with the opportunity to develop your performance skills and work closely with the music teaching staff here at Northumbria.

Students in receipt of an Instrumental Scholarship will receive a £700 cash payment. All eligible Full-Time self-funded students will be considered.

If you are passionate about music and skilled in playing an instrument at grade 7 or above, then apply now for an Instrumental Scholarship.

Eligibility for Scholarship

To be eligible for the Instrument Scholarship you must:

1. Be a UK/Home student.

2. Have applied for a Full-Time Undergraduate course at the Newcastle Upon Tyne campus, starting in September 2022.

3. Choose Northumbria as your firm choice by 09 June 2022.

4. Register with Student Finance England (SFE), Student Finance Wales (SFW) or Student Finance Northern Ireland (SFNI) as they administer the payment of the Instrument scholarship on behalf of the University.

Scottish students must make an application to the Students Award Agency for Scotland (SAAS) for maintenance funding, which will enable SAAS to pay the student’s academic scholarship on behalf of the University.

5. Alternatively, a Scottish student who does not wish to apply to SAAS for maintenance funding will need to provide bank details to the University in order for an individual payment for the academic scholarship can be made.

Scottish students who have not applied to SAAS for maintenance funding, but who are identified for a scholarship will be contacted by the University in the first semester about the payment of their scholarship. Payment will be made direct to your bank account.

Eligible Courses

Most Full-Time Undergraduate courses, studied at the Newcastle Upon Tyne campus and Coach Lane campus.


Selection Process

There is a competitive selection process for this scholarship scheme. Applicants need to apply via online written application; shortlisted applicants will then need to attend an audition or submit a short instrumental audition via video.

Applicants are required, in no more than 1500 characters, to describe their musical experience to date and how they would contribute to instrumental music-making on campus.

Successful applicants will be informed following enrolment in October 2022.

Important Information to Note

Applicants should also note:

1. Successful students are required to play a musical instrument, typically to grade 7 standard or above.

2. Successful students are required to commit up to four hours a week in rehearsal time, as well as committing to participating in performances which will normally be during University term time.

3. Rehearsal commitment and performances are mandatory and progress will be monitored; should attendance and/or progress be unsatisfactory, the scholarship will be rescinded.

4. Successful students can withdraw from the Instrument Scholarship at any time, however any unpaid monies would not be paid.

5. Successful students must enrol by 30 September 2022 to receive the scholarship.

6. The Instrument Scholarship is a cash payment.

7. Payments will be made as 25% in November 2022, 25% in February 2022, and 50% in May 2022.

8. Payment is made in each year of Undergraduate study, dependent on progression to the next year and adhering to scholarship terms and conditions.

9. If you defer your place and/or leave your course before the full scholarship amount is paid, the remaining monies will not be paid; however, the University will not usually seek to claim back any of the cash prize already paid.

10. If you have outstanding debt with the University (for example, unpaid tuition fees or accommodation) the scholarship payment will be withheld until the debt is cleared.

11. Northumbria University reserves the right to withdraw this scheme at any point.

12. The University’s decision is final and cannot be challenged; there is no right of appeal.


Application Deadline

29 July 2022

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