The Issue of Media Preference as Regard Nigeria News Media and Foreign News Media by Nigerians

The Issue of Media Preference as Regard Nigeria News Media and Foreign News Media by Nigerians.

Table of Contents


In the 21st century societies, the availability of information is imperative to better decision making by every reasoning citizen. The news media platforms such as television and radio make information available to the public.

Although it would be believed that any mass communication medium or channel exist for its immediate audience first and the distant audience at large, it could,

however, be doubtfully believed the possibility of the media audience to ignore the immediate (local) news media and go for the distant (foreign) ones as a result of preference which perhaps could be heightened by contents and news reportage of these media, (Obot, 2013).

Most Nigerian media scholars have argued that the Nigeria news media wield such enormous powers and call for the highest standard in news reportage and programmes presentation, nevertheless, the growth of the media in Nigeria, as suggested by Omenugha and Orji, (2013, p29) has not been without challenges.

A close observation creates an illusion that average Nigerians enjoy and tune to foreign channels and stations on their television and radio sets.

1.1 Background of the Study

It is often been argued that the expansion of Western media production into developing countries is the result seen in the domination of their national media environments and the consequent destruction of their indigenous media production (Chadha and  Kavoori 2000).

The world has so developed and technology advanced that one can sit anywhere and watch or listen to any channel or station of his/her choice from any part of the world.

With just a touch on the screen or a click of a button, one is taken around the whole world while other happenings and events in the world are delivered at the door step of any interested audience.

Considering this fast development in the media circle, it seems to be pertinent that any media organization or a country’s media industry that would be eager to win audience preference and acceptance, dance to the tune of the audience’s news, contents and programmes desire, (Idoko 2010: pg46).

The important question that would be streaming the minds of people at this juncture is; do Nigeria news media produce programmes and contents that satisfy the quest that Nigeria public has for media programmes and news?

If the deviation is seen in the contents that Nigeria news media produce for its audience, then it could be certain that the audience would prefer other news media that could satisfy their thirst for contents and programmes.


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