The Manifestation of Non Standard Usage of English among University Students: the Syntactic Perspective

The Manifestation of Non Standard Usage of English among University Students: the Syntactic Perspective.

Table of Contents


Title Page ………………… i
Approval Page …………… ii
Dedication ……………….. iii
Acknowledgments ………. iv
Table of Contents …….. v


1.0 Introduction ………….. 1
1.1 Statement of the Problem ………….. 5
1.2 Objectives of the Study ……….. 5
1.3 Significance of the Study ……………… 6
1.4 Scope of Limitations ………….. 6
1.5 Research Methodologies ………… 7


2.0 Literature Review …………… 8
2.1 Standard English ……….. 8
2.2 The Status of English in Nigeria ………… 10
2.3 Situation of English in Nigeria ……. 13
2.4 Nativisation of English in Nigeria ………….. 16
2.5 Grammatical Constraints of Nigerian English Speakers … 19


3.0 Introduction ……………………………………… 24
3.1 Data Presentation and Analysis ……….. 24


4.0 Introduction ………………… 40
4.1 Summary of Findings ……………….. 40
4.2 Conclusion ……………….. 42
4.3 Recommendation …………………. 44
Reference ……………… 46


Language is characterized by set of vocal sounds which can be decoded. These are produced by human organs of speech- lips, tongue, and larynx etc. The vocal sounds produced by the vocal organs are used in various systematic and rule governed combinations.

Language is thus a human phenomenon that has form which can be described in terms of the units of sound (phonemes), words, morphemes, phrases, and paragraph or discourse.

Human language is unique in the sense that it has its own structure, its own system of organizing its component units into meaningful patterns.

English, Nigeria’s official language, occupies a unique place in Nigerian education today; not only has English been adopted as the principal medium of instruction in Nigeria’s educational institutions but it has also been institutionalized as the language of educational evaluation in Nigeria school system.

However, Kujore notes that it is alarming how in spite of the tremendous functions that English performs as the language of instruction and evaluation in Nigeria and the bold effort made over the years to encourage its effective usage, the vast majority of speakers record in recent years is an appalling low level performance in the language (Kujore, 1995).


Adegbija E. (2004). “The Domestication of English Language in Nigeria”. In a feschrift in honour of Abiodun Adetugbo, Awonusi and Babalola, E.A. (eds), Lagos: University of Lagos Press.

Adetugbo A. (1984). The English language in the Nigerian experience.Lagos University press.

Bamgbose A. (1971). “The English Language in Nigeria”. In Spencer (ed), The English Language in West Africa. London: Longman Publishers.

Hornby A.S. (1975). Guide of Patterns and Usage in English, Bath, ELBS – Oxford.

Iwara A.U. (2008). “The Linguistic Situation in Nigeria and its Implications for sustainable Development” An Inaugural Lecture. Ibadan: University of Ibadan Printing press.

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