Diem (2001:2) enumerated the following as the merits of experiential learning.

1.         Multiple teaching (learning method) can be integrated. That is, the method is integrative.

2.         It is very learner centred.

3.         The teaching process involves discovery which build self-esteem in learners.

4.         Learning is more fun for learners and teaching more fun for teachers

5.         Other life skills can be learned instead of only science content.

Luckner and Nadler (1997:2) and Diem (2001:1) independently identified five experiential teaching processes as follows:

1.         Experience the activity: “Perform-do-it’’. Classes are made up of several experiences. Children perform activities before they learn the theory. The activities act as prelude to class discussion of the theory. 

2.         Share the result, reactions and observations publicly. Here children discuss what they have done, what they observed and what they think led to what had happened.

3.         Reflection: Reflection by itself is an awareness that leads to consideration of all available information in order to come to a conclusion. Process by discussing, looking at the experience, analyzing, review, reflecting. The reflective process is what transforms an experience into experiential learning. As a learner, they need to constantly reflect, analyze, and evaluate the activities carried out in the classroom, individually or in a group. This helps the learner to carry out self evaluation and makes abstractions. This is the first state of reflective learning. It basically constitute the act of engaging in self criticism, self-evaluation and using the feed back to adjust our way of thinking. During the reflecting stage, pupils take time to look back and examine what they saw, felt and thought about during the activity. Reflection stage is very crucial. The learner reflects on his/her experiences, then interprets and generalizes these experiences to form mental structure. These structures are knowledge stored in memory as concepts that can be represented, expressed and transferred to new situations. Fenwick (2000:4) noted that “a learner is believed to construct through reflection, a personal understanding of relevant structures of meaning derived from his or her action in the world”. To Piaget (1966:153) “this construction process oscillates between assimilation of new objects of knowledge into one’s network of internal constructs in response to new experiences which may contradict them”. For learners to effectively engage in reflection, they have to engage in:

           direct observation of the experience

           indirect observation

           personal recall of things that occurred during the period.

           documented recall of activities

use of audio/video(if possible and applicable)

The information emanating from these activities should help the learner to consider critically what was done before, during and after the activity. The learner should also think on what to do next in line with the information emanating from the activities carried out. They should also consider how to do it and they should also ask themselves self why it should be done (Ali:2011).

4.         Generalizes to connect the Experience to Real-World Examples: Learners relate the experience to their own lives.

5.         Apply: Learners apply what was learned to a similar or different situations practice what was learned in a bid to internalize the knowledge. This stage helps to transfer the knowledge acquired to other situations. Lackner and Nadler, (1997) had suggested some tips for maximizing learners learning using the experiential teaching approach.

For experience:

·        Plan time in all lessons for the processing of the experience

·        Review and evaluate the orientation days curriculum

·        Is it laying good foundation of understanding of the experience?

·        Does it overwhelm or confuse the process.

·        Provide reflection time in each lesson; Through:

·        personal think time

·        Introspection through writing

·        Group discussion

·        utilize some tools

·        chart your future poster

·        Questions built into the lessons

·        simple thought questions

·        Did you like today’s activity?  why? Or why not?

·        How did you feel as you complete your project for generalizations:

·        Look for and point out to students patterns as

·        their general likes and dislikes of activities, projects, assignment

·        what activities were easier for them to complete and why?

·        what general information from career futures seems to consistently describe the student?

·        Does your learning style fit certain career areas better than others?

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