1.         World Health Organization (WHO):-

This organization was established by the United Nations in 1948. its main aim is to free humanity from diseases but it also seeks to promote health of the individual in body, mind and social adjustment. The main functions of WHO are as follows:

a.                  To assist the member nation will medical personnel during emergencies such as civil or international wars, earth-quakes, foods, epidemics or other natural catastrophier.

b.                  To assist in the training of medical and paramedical staff.

c.                  To encourage and promote good health by giving health education by means of all sorts of communication media.

d.                  To give immunization against various diseases e.g. tuberculosis, polio, smallpox etc. 

e.                  To give member countries information about epidemics.

2.         United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF):-

This is another international agency of the United Nations created to deal with children’s problems. The body provides various equipment. For school children, particularly those essential for their recreational facilities. It also provides them with free milk. The funds are also spent to provide hospitals with milk for infants and their mothers and for the training of midwives. This project mortality rate of children.

3.         Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO):-

The FAO is a United Nation’s (UN) agency established in 1943. It provides technical aids necessary for better production of food both plant and animal.

4.         The Red Cross – this is a voluntary organization.

Each country has its own national body of the Red Cross whose functions include:-

a.                  Training         of people during peace: in the methods of aiding the sick, particularly victims of various accidents at sports and games.

b.                  Performing first aid activities and training personnel in first aid.

c.                  The rehabilitation of victims of wars, floods, draught, earthquakes etc.


1.                  Ministry of Health – responsible for the general health policy. It provides the funds to carry out the various projects including building programmes provision of medical personnel, equipment, and drugs.

2.                  Public Health Authority – It is the duty of this body to execute health schemes. It ensures that adequate and good water is supplied to all citizens. It also gives mass vaccination or inoculations against smallpox, measles etc.

3.                  Ministry of Information – It educates the public about government plans through the media of posters, loudspeakers, mobile cinemas.

4.                  Port Health Authority – Their functions include:-

a.      To see that passengers into or out of the country possess valid health certificates e.g. that they have been vaccinated against diseases such as yellow fever, smallpox, cholera and sometimes, typhoid fever.

b.      They prevent passengers from and epidemic zone from entering the country, imposing a quarantine regulation on such persons. 


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