In a bit to educate the girl child the government of Ebonyi state  built  27  pilot schools in the year  2009  14 for girls and   13 for boy plus an additional  GTC  to help achieve these aims, they even went further to make education from primary school level to junior secondary school level free of charge

There is an adage that goes, “No woman, No  nations”  these goes along way  in explaining the importance of the girl child in national development. It is also said that a nation without women is in  a shamble that is why the importance of girl child towards national development can   never be

over emphasized

In  some parts of this country, especially northern part, age long religious and  cultural beliefs have affected girl child education and made the education of the girl child in that part of the country to be abysmally low, despite the federal governments universal  basic education programme launched with fun fare upon this problem, international organizations have stepped up efforts to stimulate the interest of both parents and young girls into acquiring the western education as well as developing the committees

Every girl  child should say  “No”  to this age long religion and belief and embrace the innovation western education as the most important factor used by man to conquer his environment, but in some committees  it has charted his destiny miles apart from indices of modern development in our immediate  environment  the level of ignorance has reduced them to perpetual  hewers of wood and drawers of  water, a situation that has made their lives and existence miserable. the world which is a global  village is characterized by many things of which education is one of them, hence education should not be relegated

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