Theoretical Framework

            Theory on the practice of politics is discord caused by the actual or perceived opposition of needs, values and interest between people working together, Joseph et al (1974). Herrey et al (1973) agreed that conflict is a state of oppositions between persons, ideas, interest etc. Terry. (1996) refers to the term as a perceived incompatibilities resulting typically from some form of interference or opposition.

            Conflict theory states that the society or organization functions so that each individual participant and its group struggle to maximize their benefits which inevitably contribute to social change such as changes in politics and revelations. (Bonsoff and Victor, 1998)


The assumptions of conflict theory are: Competition, structural inequality and Revolution.

(i)        Competition over scarce resources such as money power position etc is at the heart of all social relationships such as organizations. Competition rather than consensus is characteristics of human relationships. Politics not always hard work is the major way to win such competition and have your ways in organizations.

(ii)       Structural inequality: inequality in power and reward are built in all social structures. Individuals and groups that benefit form any particular structure strive to see it maintained through politics.

(iii)     Revolution: Changes in organizations occur as a result of conflict between competing social classes rather than through adoption. Change is often abrupt and revolutionary rather than evolutionary. Any organization that does welcome change hardly makes meaningful progress

            One of the ways to promote new ideas that will being changes in organizations is through politics. According to Bonsoff and Victor, (1998).

            For many decades, managers had been taught to view conflict as a negative force. However, conflict may actually be either functional or dysfunctional. As a result of the early perception, the early approach to conflict management theory was based on the assumption that all conflict was bad and would always be counter productive to organizational goals. Conflict management was therefore synonymous with conflict avoidance. Therefore most managers view conflict as something they must eliminate from their organizations. This avoidance approach to conflict management was prevalent during the latter part of the nineteenth century and continued until the mid (1940s Nurm et al, 1997). The human relation theory of conflict started from the late 1940s through the mid 1970s. This theory argued that conflict was a natural and inevitable occurrence in any organizational setting. Because conflict was unavoidable, human relation approach theory recommended acceptance of conflict. In other words, conflict cannot be eliminated and may even benefit the organization, Shelton, et al (2004).

            A new theory on conflict emerged around mid-1970s. This theoretical perspective is the interactions approach. The view point espouses not only accepting conflict, but also encouraging it. The theories are of the optimism that a conflict-free, humorous, and cooperative organization tends to become stagnant and no responsive to market change and advancement. This interactions theory advocates that it is necessary for managers to inject a minimum level of conflict to maintain an optional level of organizational performance Shelton and darling (2004) managers therefore most control conflict.

           that is they must keep dysfunctional conflict at on acceptable level but also they must learn to stimulate functionally.


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