The Press and Sensitization of the Public on Fake Drugs in Nigeria

The Press and Sensitization of the Public on Fake Drugs in Nigeria.


The study Examined the Press and sensitization of the public on fake drugs in Nigeria: an evaluation of the coverage of NAFDAC by the Nigerian press.

The study adopted a survey research design and a sample of 79 which was derived from a total population of 98 using Taro Yamane sample size derivation formula.

Question was used as the main data collection instrument for the collection of data from the respondent. All the data collected were presented in the table and analysed qualitatively using a simple percentage.

Findings made from the study indicated that the masses are aware of the role played by the press (NTA) in sensitizing the public on fake drug issues and the activities of NAFDAC in curbing fake drugs in Nigeria.

The study further showed that men and women of the press endeavour to cover all the activities of NAFDAC toward curbing fake drugs in Nigeria and this they achieve through proper coverage of NAFDAC actions toward fake drugs.

It was noted in the findings too, that most of the members of the public are fully satisfied with the sensitization programme carried on fake drugs carried out by the press(NTA).


Fake drugs had been a major problem of every society that threatens the lives of people all over the world. According to experts, the negative impact of fake drugs on the society is more than that of either narcotic agents or the combined effects of malaria, HIV/AIDS and armed robbery (Akunyili, 2005).

This is why the press and  World Health Organization recently, alerted the international community on the need of sensitizing the mass on the effect of fake drugs (WHO, 2005).

Cooperation as well as the exchange of information by the press between governments and drug companies in combating this menace is expected to provide better results.

It’s on this note that the researcher is moved to investigate press sensitization of the public on fake drugs in Nigeria.

1.1 Background Of The Study

The 19th century marked the beginning of the evolution of press in Nigeria. Precisely in 1846, two missionaries Hope Waddel, with the help of his assistant Samuel Edgerly, established the first printing press at Calabar, South Eastern Nigeria.

The Hope Waddel Press, as the press was later named, was used for the mass production of religious tracts and booklets.


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