The Relevance of Marketing Planning in Achieving the Business Growth of Dealers of Electronics in Imo State (A Study of Selected Dealers of Electronic in Owerri Metropolis)

The Relevance of Marketing Planning in Achieving the Business Growth of Dealers of Electronics in Imo State.


The topic of this research work is the relevance of marketing planning in achieving the business growth of dealers of electronics in Imo state (a study of selected dealers of electronic in Owerri metropolis).

Chapter one focuses on the introductory aspect of this work, e.g. problems of the topic, objectives of the research, and research hypothesis.

The review of different writers’  opinion on this research work constitutes chapter two, which is the literature review, it goes further to examine the relevance of marketing planning for the profitability of dealers of electronics. Under this chapter, different types of planning and the benefits of planning were also looked into.

Chapter three deals with the research methodology, this covers the method used in the collection of both primary and secondary data, presentation, analysis, interpretation of data and testing of hypothesis is dealt in chapter four.

The chapter five attempts to make some suggestion and valuable recommendation essentially to dealers of electronics which, if properly implemented, will go a long way in helping the electronics dealers in the area of marketing planning.


Title page

Approval page




Table of contents


1.0 Introduction

1.1 Overview of the study

1.2 Statement of the problem

1.3 Purpose of the study

1.4 Research questions

1.5 Statement of hypothesis

1.6 Significance of the study

1.7 Scope and Limitations of the study

1.8 Operational Definition of terms


2.0 Literature review

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Nature of Marketing Planning

2.3 Qualities of a good marketing plan

2.4 Essence of marketing plan

2.5 Problem of marketing plan

2.6 Specific planning procedure

2.6.1 Situation analysis

2.6.2 Alternative goals and plans

2.6.3 Goals plan and evaluation

2.6.4 Goals and plan selection

2.6.5 Implementation

2.6.6 Monitor

2.7 Levels of planning

2.7.1 Strategic Planning

2.7.2 Tactical Planning

2.7.3 Operational Planning

2.8 Types of marketing planning

2.8.1 Bottom-Up Planning

2.8.2 Top-Down Planning

2.9 Benefits and Marketing Planning

2.10 Strategic Marketing Planning

2.11 Importance of Strategic Marketing Planning

2.12 Strategic Marketing Planning Process


3.0 Research design and methodology

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Research design

3.3 Data collection method

3.4 Population study

3.5 Sampling Procedure

3.6 Research instruments

3.7 Validation of research instruments

3.8 Description of data analysis method


Presentation analysis and interpretation of data

4.1 Introduction

4.1.1 Questionnaire administration

4.2 Presentation analysis and interpretation of data

4.3 Interpretation of findings


5.0 Summary of finding, conclusion and recommendation

5.1 Summary of findings

5.2 Conclusion

5.3 Recommendation



One of the main reasons for conducting both internal and external analysis of a firm is to gain insight into the organizations fast and present activities, gains and losses, strengths and weaknesses as well as threats and opportunities within and around the business environment.

Thus planning if properly done should stimulate new ways of assessing the business and also generate new strategy option.

Hence, the essence of the exercise is to provide the manager with the information needed for effective marketing planning and   controls as it is indispensable for the realization for the company’s  goals and objectives.

Kootnz and O’ Donnel (1976) opined that planning means deciding in advance what to do, how to do it and who is to do it. In other words, planning bridges the gap between where we are and where we want to be.

Anozie (2003) defined marketing planning as the process of deciding in the present what to do in the future which requires that an organization reconciles its resources with its objectives and the alternative course of action that are open to it.

Marketing planning is always accompanied by rigorous system of marketing control.

Effective control requires integrated standards, comparing results against standards, utilizing measurement devices and procediures as well as adjusting programes on result basis control (which has its origin from plans as plans serve as the bedrock for the development of control) has been defined by various scholars thus:

Njemanze (2007) defined control as the process of taking the necessary  preventive or corrective actions to ensure that the organization’s mission and objectives are accomplished a efficiently and effectively as possible.


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