The Rise of Militancy in the Niger Delta Region

 – The Rise of Militancy in the Niger Delta Region –

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Natural resources are triggering violent conflicts all over the world, the desire to control valuable oil and gas assets, the manner which the resources are being explored and the marginalization of the host communities.

By both the government and multinational oil companies are the main causes of hostilities in the Niger Delta region and the high- handiness in responding to protest from the Niger Delta people.

By both the Nigerian Government and Multinational Oil Companies, Sent a message to the region that the Federal Government is only interested in profit making at the expense of their welfare.

This gave the Niger Delta people the impression that the region is more of an oversea territory of the Nigerian government.

In other to voice out their plight to the world, the people resorted to using armed groups to bleed Nigeria economically.


The Niger Delta is found in the delta of the Niger River directly facing the Gulf of Guinea on the Atlantic Ocean, the region is located within nine coastal southern Nigerian sates, which includes all the six states from the south south zone and two states from south east zone precisely Abia and Imo, One state (Ondo) from south West zone.

With an estimated population of over 30 million people of morethan 40 ethnic groups, prominent among them are the Ijaw, the Itsekiri, the Urobo, the Ibibio, the Ogoni, Efik, Isoko, Kalabari and Okrika1.

The region is divided into three sub regions, the Western Niger Delta, Central Niger Delta and Eastern Niger Delta. The Niger Delta is the hub of oil and gas production in Nigeria, paradoxically remains one of the least developed parts of the country.

The region suffers from unimaginable environmental degradation, underdevelopment and endemic poverty. In spite of the massive wealth in the Niger Delta region, the people live in a state of chronic squalor and abject poverty.

The exploration and exploitation of oil since 1958 has set in political, ecological and socio-economic conditions that generate abject poverty, misery and backwardness in the region2.


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Barr. S, A. Udoh, Interviewed at Liberal Chambers Uyo, on Nov. 10, 2017.

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L. Owugah, Revolution Groups in the Niger Delta: Challenges the Social Contract Between the State and the People. A Paper Presented at the First Regional Conference Organised by the Department of History and International Studies, University of Uyo, Nigeria, July 27- 29. Pp1-19.

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