The Role of Accounting in The Control of Public Expenditure in Central Bank of Nigeria

 – The Role of Accounting in the Control of Public Expenditure in Central Bank of Nigeria –


This research examines the role of accounting in the control of public expenditure in Nigeria, a case study of control bank in Nigeria, Akwa Ibom State.

The research used both primary and secondary source of data. In view of this, three research questions were formulated to generate expected answers.

Literal works were interviewed for proper understanding and guidance.

Personal interview and observation were used to collect primary data. Secondary source data were collected from textbooks, periodical, articles, and journals.

Tables and simple percentage were used for data analysis, research question were tested using chi-square statistics.

Based on the findings, the research found out that few of the staff were not following due accounting principles thereby causing inadequate and improper pursuit of the accounting records omission of certain book-keeping records, improper audit.

The staff and management of Central Bank of Nigeria has now adopted accounting standard, and the balance of power on NASC, financial analyst government agencies and other. Family the researcher preferred among other users of accounting principle and standard in the company.


Title Page   –         i

Table of Contents            ii

Abstract –   –       iv

CHAPTER ONE Problem and Background

  • Introduction and Background of the Study    1
  • Statement of the Problem –        3
  • Purpose of the Study –         3
  • Significance of the Study –     4
  • Research Questions – –            5
  • Scope of the Study –          5
  • Definition of Terms –     6

CHAPTER TWO Review of Related Literature

CHAPTER THREE Research Method

3.1     Research Methodology –          9

3.2     Research Design –         9

3.3     Determination of Sample Size         9

3.4     Area of Study          10

3.5     Population of Study       11

3.6     Sample of Study –              11

3.7     Method of Investigation11

3.8.1  Method of Data Analysis –    12

3.8.2  Source of Primary         –          12

3.9     Source of Secondary Data          13

3.10   Development of Research Instrument      –       13

CHAPTER FOUR Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data



1.1 Background of the Study

In most developing countries including Nigerian government participation in economic activity is usually significant.

One of the ways through which government has intervened in Nigeria economy is through the establishment of public enterprise and statutory bodies operating service of an economic or social character on behalf of the government.

Since the colonial era, especially after independence in 1960, Nigerian Public enterprises have witnessed a steady growth unit recently. Its Olisa (1988-133) pet it.

Beginning as a tickle in the period between this era of the second world war and Nigeria risen to flood level since independence the establishment of public enterprise in Nigeria are many add to available rational capital for the support of development and welfare programme.

Making to be controlled by a few individual, it possible for important profitable enterprise to be controlled by a few individual or group organization certain critical activities national survival and economic stability and providing opportunity (Ademolukun 1983).

However, after a long period of growing starts intervention economy in the Nigeria economy through public enterprises, the 1980’s onwards had witnessed a reversed which has sometimes been dramatic in public opinion therefore public policy.

This has been brought by the persistent losses which state enterprises that trivet been running over fears, consequently, there has been a willingness to look at alternative policy strategies for the achievement of economic development. At the forefront of these strategies is the minimization of public enterprises.

In Nigeria, public enterprises are engaged in a while spectrum of economic activities including agriculture, mining, construction, manufacturing, commerce and services. The classification of public enterprises in Nigeria has been made according to varieties of criteria by different authorities.

The public service review commission (195:10) classified public sector in public utilities. Regulatory of the service body, financial institutions, commercial and industrial enterprise.

Being a mixed economy, individuals also own and operate private enterprises. A firm classifies as private enterprises when it is founded and managed by an individual and or a group of individual.


Ademolekun K. O. (1980), The Nigeria Financial System , London: Macmillan Publishers.

Image E. U. (1985), Principals of Accounting, Enugu: Fourth Dimension Publisher.

Olisa, E. C. (1988), Public Enterprises and Privatization in Nigeria, Nigeria: Longman Publisher.

Ostisumi K. O. (1984), Financial Management in Nigeria Public Sector, London: Pitman Publishers.

Osumbor, O. A. (1991), An overview of Private Enterprises in Nigeria, Business Time.

Willy N. Ugwuyi, (1977), The Nigeria Financial System (A Systematic Approach).

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